オーストラリア - Australia

CautionCOVID-19(新型コロナウイルス感染症 情報: オーストラリアは、 COVID-19パンデミック。オーストラリア市民、永住者、その近親者、72時間以内に通過する乗客、ニュージーランドから帰国する人々、およびその他の特定のカテゴリーには例外があります。オーストラリア市民およびオーストラリアに再入国する永住者はスクリーニングされ、出発前に登録し、オーストラリアに到着してから14日間、警察の監視下にある指定のホテルに隔離する必要があります。隔離措置に従わないと、検疫での拘留、多額の罰金、および/または刑事訴追につながる可能性があります。





他にこんなものはありません オーストラリア、それ自体に大陸全体を持っている唯一の国。 60、000年以上続く先住民の文化と、ヨーロッパ、中東、アジア、アフリカからの真にグローバルな移民を誇るこの大陸は、自然の驚異、広いオープンスペース、ビーチ、砂漠、「茂み」、「 アウトバック"。しかし、それは高度に都市化されており、国際的な都市が数多くあります。最大かつ最も有名なのは シドニー、世界で最も有名な港の1つに位置しています。


 ニューサウスウェールズ州 そして オーストラリア首都特別地域(NSW)&(ACT)
オーストラリアで最も人口の多い州にも シドニー、最古で最大の都市であり、専用の首都を取り囲んでいます。 キャンベラ。ニューサウスウェールズ州の海岸には、ビーチサイドのコミュニティが並んでいます。少し内陸はの山脈です そして 雪に覆われた 山;さらに内陸部はまだ奥地に道を譲る農業平野を一掃しています。
周囲の赤い砂漠から ウルル そして アリススプリングズ の熱帯まで ダーウィン そして カカドゥ国立公園、ノーザンテリトリーは驚くほど美しく、想像以上に簡単にアクセスできます。
晴れた暖かい天候で有名なクイーンズランド州は、 ゴールドコースト の熱帯地方へ グレートバリアリーフ にぎやかな街へ ブリスベン。また、熱帯雨林の本拠地でもあります。 デインツリー国立公園、ウィットサンデー諸島のアイランドリゾート。内陸部は後背地の範囲にあり、さらにオーストラリアの奥地の広大さと美しさにあります。
の高級ワインで有名 バロッサバレー、の美しさ フリンダース山脈 とのアウトバックとイベントと文化 教会の街, アデレード.
バス海峡によって本土から隔てられたタスマニアの山岳地帯は、西のクレイドル山、東のビーチ、そして南の荒野の険しい美しさを持っています。 ホバート オーストラリアで2番目のヨーロッパ人の入植地であり、多くの史跡がよく保存されています。
小さくて活気があり、誰もが楽しめるビクトリアには、南西海岸と中央海岸に沿って劇的なサーフビーチ、緑豊かななだらかな農地、フォトジェニックな国立公園があります。オーストラリアとビクトリアのスポーツ、ショッピング、ファッション、食品の首都は メルボルン.
広大な州。南西部には州都と主要都市があります パース。のワイン生産と風光明媚な目的地 マーガレットリバー そして アルバニー 南部地域に向かっています。極北には熱帯とビーチサイドの目的地があります ブルーム。小さな町、ロードハウス、鉱業コミュニティ、国立公園が長距離に点在しています。


タスマニア オーストラリアで最も重要な島であり、それ自体が州です。オーストラリアには800以上の島があり、他の主要な島は次のとおりです。

  • 1 ロードハウ島 -ニューサウスウェールズ州の一部として運営されている、シドニーから2時間の飛行時間の自然のショーケース。
  • 2 ノーフォーク島 -ニューサウスウェールズ州の一部として管理されている、自然とビーチのあるニュージーランドへの途中。
  • 3 クリスマス島 -アカガニの移動で有名です。パースからのフライトと クアラルンプール.
  • 4 ココス諸島 -パースからのフライトでアクセスできる、人口の多い珊瑚環礁。
  • 5 トレス海峡諸島 -ヨーク岬とパプアニューギニアの間の先住民文化。訪問するには、伝統的な所有者の許可が必要です。からのフライト ケアンズ.
  • 6 カンガルー島 南オーストラリア州、オーストラリアで3番目に大きな島で、野生生物、自然の風景、ワイナリー、ビーチがあります。
  • 7 ロットネスト島 -パースの近くにあり、悪名高いクオッカの本拠地である、63のビーチと20の湾がある自然保護区
  • 8 キング島 -タスマニアの真上にあるバス海峡。
  • 9 ウィットサンデー諸島 有名な観光地です

を含むかなりの数の無人島があります コーラルシー諸島, フートマン・アブロロスアシュモア・カルティエ諸島 との遠隔南極領土 ハード島とマクドナルド諸島 そして マッコーリー島.


  • 1 キャンベラ —オーストラリアの比較的小さな専用の首都には、たくさんの美術館があります
  • 2 アデレード —「Cityof Churchs」、東部の大都市に代わるリラックスした南オーストラリア州
  • 3 ブリスベン —太陽が降り注ぐクイーンズランド州の州都であり、美しい砂浜への玄関口です。
  • 4 ケアンズ —グレートバリアリーフ、ポートダグラス、デインツリー国立公園、そして多くの美しいビーチやリゾートへの玄関口。人々が逃げてリラックスするのに最適な場所
  • 5 ダーウィン —ノーザンテリトリーの上端にある、オーストラリアの熱帯北部の首都
  • 6 ホバート —オーストラリアで2番目の流刑地であるタスマニアの絵のように静かな首都
  • 7 メルボルン —オーストラリアで2番目に大きな都市であるメルボルンは、オーストラリアで最もヨーロッパの都市と見なされている一方で、オーストラリアのスポーツ、ショッピング、食品、文化の中心地です。
  • 8 パース —西オーストラリアの南西端にある、地球上で最も遠い大陸都市
  • 9 シドニー —絵のように美しい港と自然の美しさで有名な、オーストラリアで最も古くて最大の都市


  • 10 ブルーマウンテンズ —「スリーシスターズ」の自然の特徴を含むニューサウスウェールズ州の山岳地帯
  • 11 ダンデノンレンジズ —これらの美しい範囲は、世界クラスの庭園と絵のように美しい村を提供します
  • 12 グレートバリアリーフ —クイーンズランド州の沖合にあり、ケアンズから簡単にアクセスできるこの自然の驚異を直接ご覧ください
  • 13 グレートオーシャンロード —海に立っている「十二使徒」の岩を含む多くの風光明媚なアイコンを過ぎたビクトリアの壮大な沿岸ドライブ
  • 14 カカドゥ国立公園 —ノーザンテリトリーでのアウトバックの冒険旅行、先住民の文化、自然活動
  • 15 ニトミルク国立公園 —キャサリンの町の近くにある素晴らしいキャサリン渓谷が含まれています
  • 16 スノーウィーマウンテンズ —国立公園内でほぼ完全に保護されており、多くのスキーリゾートがあります
  • 17 ウルルカタジュタ国立公園 —ウルル(別名 エアーズロック)とカタジュタ(オルガス)オーストラリアの砂漠の真ん中にある「レッドセンター」の象徴的な岩層です
  • 18 ワタルカ国立公園 —キングスキャニオンで最も有名な、270メートルの深さに達する強力な割れ目


「私たちは1人ですが、私たちは多く、地球のすべての土地からやって来ます。私たちは夢を共有し、1つの声で歌います。私はオーストラリア人です。」 —シーカーズ-私はオーストラリア人です

面積で世界で6番目に大きい国であるオーストラリアは、人口が2500万人と比較的少ない(しかし増加している)。 G20加盟国であり、高い生活水準と生活の質を備えています。それは太平洋地域の経済的および政治的領域で重要なプレーヤーです。



オーストラリアの陸地は、世界最小の大陸であり、世界最大の島でもあります。のほとんどを構成する オセアニアの土地面積。

オーストラリアの国には、オーストラリア本土といくつかの小さな島々( タスマニア)。世界で6番目に大きな国であり、面積は7,682,300km²(2,966,152平方マイル)です。サイズは48本土に匹敵します アメリカ 人口は10分の1未満ですが、都市と町の間の距離は過小評価されがちです。オーストラリアは、西はインド洋、南は南極海、東は太平洋と国境を接しています。タスマン海は南東にあり、 ニュージーランド、珊瑚海が北東にある間。 パプアニューギニア, 東ティモール そして インドネシア はオーストラリアの北の隣人であり、すべてニュージーランドよりもはるかに近く、アラフラ海とティモール海によってオーストラリアから隔てられています。

オーストラリアは高度に都市化されており、人口のほとんどが東海岸と南東海岸に集中しています。国の内陸地域のほとんどは半乾燥です。最も人口の多い州は ニューサウスウェールズ州, ビクトリア そして クイーンズランド、しかし面積の面で最大は 西オーストラリア.



大きな大陸であるオーストラリアには、さまざまな気候があります。国のほとんどは、年間3,000時間以上の日光を浴びています。一般的に、北は暑くて熱帯ですが、南は亜熱帯で温暖な傾向があります。ほとんどの降雨量は海岸周辺であり、中心部の多くは 乾燥 そして 半乾燥。熱帯都市の日中の最高気温 ダーウィン 冬でも30°C(86°F)を下回ることはめったにありませんが、冬の夜間の気温は通常15〜20°C(59〜68°F)前後です。オーストラリアの冬は北半球の同様の緯度の冬よりも穏やかな傾向があり、国のほとんどの地域で雪が降ることはありません。一部の南部地域の高地の気温は、冬(場合によっては夏)に氷点下に下がる可能性があり、南東部のスノーウィーマウンテンでは数メートルの冬の雪が降ります。の部品 タスマニア 北部に似た温度範囲を持っている カリフォルニア 州の一部の山岳地帯で雪が降るのは前代未聞ではありません。

オーストラリアは南半球にあるため、冬は6月〜8月、12月〜2月は夏です。冬は熱帯の乾季で、夏は雨季です。国の南部では、季節的な気温の変動が大きくなっています。降雨量は、東海岸の南部では年間を通じてより均等に分布し、南部の残りの部分では グレートディバイディング山脈、夏は乾燥しており、降雨の大部分は冬に発生します。


参照: オーストラリアの先住民の遺産, 大英帝国, オーストラリアの囚人遺跡群

アボリジニの人々はオーストラリアに少なくとも65、000年住んでいます。彼らは南と南東から連続した波で到着しました アジア。最終氷河期以降の海面上昇に伴い、オーストラリアは世界の他の地域から大部分が孤立し、アボリジニの部族は、土地や自然との密接な精神的関係、および親族関係の拡大に基づいて、さまざまな文化を発展させました。何千年もの間、オーストラリアのアボリジニの人々は、物語や歌の非常に豊かな伝統を含む複雑な芸術的および文化的生活に関連して、狩猟採集社会、または(一部の地域では)半座りがちな文化を維持していました。


儲かるが 中国語 貝殻の市場と bêchedemer (ナマコ)は、インドネシアの漁師が何世紀にもわたってオーストラリア北部を訪れることを奨励してきましたが、1600年代までヨーロッパ人には知られていませんでした。 オランダの アジアへの貿易業者は北西海岸に「ぶつかり」始めました。この非常に過酷で乾燥した国に対する初期のオランダの印象は不利であり、オーストラリアは彼らにとって、はるかに豊かな(そしてより儲かる)東インド諸島(現代のインドネシア)を北に向けるマーカーサインのように残っていました。その後、オーストラリアの海岸の意図的な探検は、主にフランス人とイギリス人に引き継がれました。その結果、海岸線周辺の湾、岬、川の地名は、オランダ語、フランス語、イギリス語、アボリジニ語の範囲を反映しています。

1770年、エンデバーの遠征は キャプテンジェームズクック オーストラリアの東海岸をナビゲートしてチャートを作成し、 ボタニーベイ 1770年4月29日、クックは北上し続け、1770年8月22日にヨーク岬沖のトレス海峡のポセッション島に上陸する前に、イギリス国王のために発見した東海岸線を正式に主張し、ニューサウスウェールズと名付けた。クックの発見がオーストラリアの最初のヨーロッパ人の入植につながることを考えると、彼は160年以上前に存在していましたが、ヨーロッパ人の発見者として一般に考えられています。

前者の一部 ポートアーサー タスマニアの流刑地。和解の残骸は 'の一部を形成しますオーストラリアの囚人遺跡群'のエントリ ユネスコ世界遺産リスト.

探検期間の後、オーストラリアで最初のイギリス人の入植地が1788年に設立されました。 シドニー、ニューサウスウェールズの植民地の最初の知事になったアーサーフィリップ大尉が率いる。植民地化の過程は、先住民族のオーストラリア人との対立や、彼らが免疫を持たなかった病気につながりました。彼らの人口は土地の大部分(すべてではないが)で減少し、イギリス人入植者によって追放された。もともと大陸の東部の3分の2を構成していたニューサウスウェールズの植民地は、後にいくつかの別々の植民地に分割されました。 タスマニア (当時はヴァンディーメンズランドとして知られていました)は1825年に別の植民地になり、その後に 南オーストラリア 1836年、 ニュージーランド 1841年、 ビクトリア 1851年と クイーンズランド 1859年。イギリスが海軍基地を設立するまで、大陸の西3分の1はヨーロッパ人によって解決されませんでした。 アルバニー、当時は1826年にキングジョージサウンドとして知られていました。スワン川植民地は1829年に正式に設立されました。 パース。スワン川植民地は「西オーストラリア"1832年。

オーストラリアはイギリスの流刑地として近代史を始めましたが、1788年以降にオーストラリアにやってきたほとんどの人々は、主にイギリスと アイルランド、そして程度は少ないが、フランスや現在のドイツなどの他のヨーロッパ諸国。囚人の集落は主に東海岸沿いにあり、西オーストラリアには囚人の集落が点在していた。一方、南オーストラリア州は完全に自由な入植者によって解決されました。多くのアジアおよび東ヨーロッパの人々も、オーストラリアの最初の資源ブームを開始したゴールドラッシュの間に、1850年代にオーストラリアに来ました。このような多様な移民は、白豪主義の外国人排斥の時期に大幅に減少しましたが、戦後からオーストラリアは、ヨーロッパ大陸、地中海、その後のアジア、その他の世界からの一連の移民を歓迎し、非常に多様で多文化的な社会になりました。 20世紀後半までに。

1901年にオーストラリアの自治イギリス領を形成するために連合した別々の植民地のシステム。各植民地は現在オーストラリアの州になり、ニュージーランドは連邦からオプトアウトしています。新しい国は、その天然資源を利用して、農業および製造業を急速に発展させ、連合国の戦争努力に(人口が少ないことを考慮して)重要な貢献をしました。 第一次世界大戦 そして ヨーロッパの第二次世界大戦 イギリス連邦軍の一部として。オーストラリアはで直接攻撃されました 太平洋戦争。オーストラリア軍はまた、時には物議を醸すとしても、貴重な貢献をしました。 朝鮮戦争ベトナム戦争、 そしてその イラク 戦争。オーストラリアの掘り出し物は、偉大な社会的精神とともに、最も困難な戦闘部隊の一部としての評判を保持しています。


20世紀の後半には、アボリジニの活動が活発化し、一般社会は先住民の文化遺産(特に視覚芸術)と植民地時代の歴史の暗い側面の両方を認める意欲を高めました。国の重要な地域は、土地の権利運動の結果として先住民の所有権に戻されました。 2008年、当時の首相ケビン・ラッドは、白人の過半数が彼らに対して犯した残虐行為について、議会のアボリジニの人々に公式の謝罪を行いました。アボリジニの儀式は、2008年以来、オーストラリアの先住民の遺産へのオマージュとして、オーストラリアの議会の開会に組み込まれています。
























  • 1月1日:元日
  • 1月26日:オーストラリアの日、1788年にファーストフリートがシドニーコーブに上陸した記念日。
  • イースターの週末 (「聖金曜日」、「イースター土曜日」、「イースターサンデー」、「イースターマンデー」):西方キリスト教の日付に従って設定された3月または4月の4日間の週末。多くのオーストラリア人はイースターの週末に旅行するので、ホテルの部屋と航空券は数ヶ月前に売り切れることを期待してください。
  • 4月25日:アンザックデー(オーストラリアおよびニュージーランド軍団)、退役軍人を称える
  • 6月の第2月曜日:女王の誕生日休暇(9月に西オーストラリアで祝われ、西オーストラリア州が観測 財団の日 一週間前)
  • 12月25日: クリスマス
  • 12月26日:ボクシングデー

多くの州が観察します 労働者の日、しかし別の日に。ほとんどの州には、州全体で1つまたは2つの休日があります。 ビクトリア そして 南オーストラリア 競馬(メルボルンカップとアデレードカップ)のために休日を過ごす。西オーストラリア州には、通常6月の第1月曜日(1829年以来の州の創設を認める)がありますが、9月末または10月初旬のいずれかにより、国の他の地域とは異なる日付で女王の誕生日を祝います。通常の6月の日付は、財団の日に非常に近いです。



  • AFLグランドファイナル:オーストラリアンフットボールリーグのチャンピオンシップゲームであり、オーストラリアのスポーツカレンダーで常に最も視聴されているイベントです。多くの人々が彼らの家で大規模なウォッチングパーティーを開催する一方で、すべてのパブがゲームを見ている人々でいっぱいになることを期待しています。 9月の最終土曜日または10月の第1土曜日に開催されます。
  • NRLグランドファイナル:ナショナルラグビーリーグのチャンピオンシップゲーム。クイーンズランド州とニューサウスウェールズ州で特に人気があります。通常、9月の最終日曜日または10月の第1日曜日に開催されます。



夏休み クリスマス前に始まり、1月中ずっと続きます。これは、訪れるのに最も忙しく、最も費用のかかる時間と考えられています。ビーチの別荘は、多くの場合、数か月前に予約され、かなりの保険料がかかります。長い イースターの週末 冬が来る前に両親が最後に子供を連れ出すので忙しいこともあります。

オーストラリアのティーンエイジャーは、11月の終わりと12月の初めに学校の終わりを3週間祝います。 スクーリーズ。 10代の歓喜者の数は、訪問することを選択したいくつかの都市や町、特に次のような沿岸の町の性質を完全に変える可能性があります。 バイロンベイ ニューサウスウェールズでは、 ゴールドコースト クイーンズランド州とそれに沿ったさまざまな地域で モーニントン半島 ビクトリアで。


オーストラリアでは、夏時間の期間中に最大5つの異なるタイムゾーンを設定でき、それ以外の時間帯には4つのタイムゾーンを設定できます。タイムゾーンの境界は、常に状態の境界に従うとは限りません。たとえば、 ブロークンヒルは、ニューサウスウェールズ州にありますが、南オーストラリア州の時間に従います。ノーフォーク島には、ニューサウスウェールズ州の一部であるにもかかわらず、独自のタイムゾーンがあります。


東部では、タスマニア、ニューサウスウェールズ、ビクトリアは常に同じ時刻です。 クイーンズランド 夏時間を採用していないため、その期間中は他の東部州より1時間遅れています。

中央には、ブロークンヒル(ニューサウスウェールズ州)、南オーストラリア州、 ノーザン・テリトリー 冬の間は30分遅れていますが、ノーザンテリトリーでは夏時間が採用されていませんが、南オーストラリア州やブロークンヒルでは夏時間が採用されていません。夏時間の間、南オーストラリア州はニューサウスウェールズ州、ビクトリア州、タスマニア州から30分遅れていますが、クイーンズランド州より30分進んでいます。ノーザンテリトリーはクイーンズランドから30分遅れていますが、ニューサウスウェールズ、ビクトリア、タスマニアから1時間半遅れています。


オーストラリアのタイムゾーンの正式な略語や名前はなく、いくつかのバリエーションが使用されている場合があります。 EST、CST、WSTとEDT、CDTが使用されることがあります。同じ名前の北米のタイムゾーンと区別するために「A」プレフィックスが付いたAESTなどの場合もあります。


ハード島とマクドナルド諸島UTC 5該当なし
ココス(キーリング)諸島UTC 6.5該当なし
クリスマス島UTC 7該当なし
西オーストラリアUTC 8該当なし
南オーストラリア そして ブロークンヒルUTC 9.5UTC 10.5
ノーザン・テリトリーUTC 9.5該当なし
クイーンズランドUTC 10該当なし
ニューサウスウェールズ州, ビクトリア, タスマニア行為 そして ジャービス湾特別地域UTC 10UTC 11
ロードハウ島UTC 10.5UTC 11
ノーフォーク島UTC 11該当なし

I plug Chinese.jpg





参照: 英語の品種

ザ・ 英語 言語はオーストラリアで広く話され、理解されています。一般的に話されているオーストラリア英語は、アクセントとイディオムが特徴的です。それは主に18世紀後半から19世紀初頭のイギリスの演説から発展しました。


オーストラリア英語は、独自の色と口語で知られていますが、一般的に英国式の綴りの慣習と語彙の選択に従います。地方の人々は、大都市圏で時代遅れになっている俗語のいくつかを使用して、より広いアクセントを持っているかもしれませんが、高学歴の都市居住者は、英国の同等のものと同様の栽培されたアクセントを使用することがあります。 オーストラリアのスラング おそらくいくつかの孤立したアウトバックエリアを除いて、観光客に問題を提示するべきではありません。オーストラリア人はさまざまな種類の英語を理解しているので、地元のスラングを試してみるとばかげているように見えるかもしれません。

オーストラリア英語の地域差はほとんどありませんが、アクセントは大都市の外では広くなる傾向があり、「ダンス」や「チャンス」などの特定の単語の発音は地域によって異なります。ほとんどの地域の違いは、単語の使用法に帰着します。たとえば、水着は cossies または 水泳選手 ニューサウスウェールズ州では、 トグ クイーンズランド州、そして 入浴者 ビクトリア、タスマニア、西オーストラリア、南オーストラリアで。オーストラリア周辺の多くの先住民コミュニティと トレス海峡諸島 speak English as a second language.

It is rare to find signs in a second language, except in urban areas with a high population of Asian immigrants and students, where signs and restaurant menus in ベトナム語 そして 中国語 are a common sight; and also around ケアンズ そしてその ゴールドコースト in Queensland where some signs (but not road signs) are written in 日本語 または 中国語, due to the large number of tourists. Some warning signs at beaches are written in several foreign languages.

Visitors who do not speak basic English will find communicating with Australians difficult, and should do some advance planning. Some tour companies specialise in offering package deals for Australian tours complete with language guides.

Fewer than 150 アボリジニ languages are still in daily use, spoken by as little as 42,300 people, particularly those living in rural outback communities, and those in the Torres Strait Islands. There are initiatives to revive the languages within Australia's large Aboriginal community, however given the significant differences between the languages (many can't be proven to relate to one another) that continues to prove a challenge. Learning an Aboriginal language will be useful only in specific local areas. Almost all Aboriginal people speak English as well, although residents of some remote communities may not be fluent in the language.

The standard sign language is Auslan (standing for Australian Sign Language). When a sign interpreter is present for a public event, he or she will use Auslan. Users of British and New Zealand Sign Languages will be able to understand much, though not all, of the language. Auslan and NZSL are largely derived from BSL, and all three languages use the same two-handed manual alphabet. Users of sign languages that have different origins (such as the French Sign Language family, which also includes American and Irish Sign Languages) will not be able to understand Auslan.


Visa policy of Australia


All visitors - apart from citizens of New Zealand - require a ビザ in advance of travel.

If you are visiting for a holiday of less than 90 days, there are three types of visas you may apply for, depending on your nationality.

Like the ETA and eVisitor, a Visitor 600 is by default issued for a three month stay. Unlike the other options however, a 600 visa できる be issued for a longer stay of up to one year. For more than a three month stay, you will likely be asked for supporting documentation about the reason for your visit and your ties to your country of origin and may need to attend an interview. Depending on your nationality, the embassy or visa processing centre may also require you to have an Australian sponsor before issuing the visa. The fee is $140. ETAs and eVisitors are valid for multiple entries within a 12-month period. If you're eligible for either, it may be easier to stay the three months you're allowed, go to ニュージーランド, シンガポール, タイ or some other country reachable by a low cost airline for a few days and come back - restarting the 90-day clock. Doing this more than once, however, may cause immigration authorities to become suspicious, so proceed with caution if you pursue this route.
There is a special arrangement for parents of Australians, including Australian permanent residents. The 600 visa can be valid for 18 months, three years, or five years and allow a maximum stay of 12 months during an 18-month period, depending on the circumstances.

In most cases, ETAs and eVisitors are approved instantly and the visa will be issued and available for use immediately. If further enquiries are needed you may be asked to return to the application system later to see if you've been approved. Over 90% are processed the same day. In the worst-case scenario your application can be diverted for manual checks that can take months. if you have a complex national history, or any criminal record (including minor offences) you should allow plenty of time for the application.

If you are visiting Australia to work, study or for medical treatment, check to make sure you have the right kind of visa, as a tourist visa may not be sufficient. Breaching the conditions or planning to breach the conditions of your visa will result in visa cancellation, deportation, and/or a period of exclusion.

For all tourist visa classes you must be able to demonstrate your ability to support yourself financially for the time you intend to spend in Australia and meet character requirements. If you have a criminal conviction, contact an Australian Embassy or visa processing centre before applying or making travel arrangements.

New Zealand citizens may travel to Australia without a pre-arranged visa. They may apply for a Special Category New Zealand Citizen visa (subclass 444) when they arrive and it will be granted on the spot if they have no criminal conviction or tuberculosis. This visa allows them to live, work and study in Australia for as long as they like. New Zealand citizens with criminal convictions or tuberculosis may be denied this visa and should seek advice from an Australian diplomatic mission before travel. Non-citizen permanent residents of New Zealand are ない eligible for this visa and should apply for a visa based on the passport they hold.

Inorganic powder limitation

Passengers on transit through Australia are prohibited to carry more than 350 ml or 350 grams of inorganic powder into aircraft's cabins.

If you are transiting through Australia, remain airside for a maximum of 8 hours, have a confirmed onward booking, have the correct entry documentation for the onward destination and are a citizen of New Zealand, the 欧州連合, アンドラ, アルゼンチン, ブルネイ, カナダ, キプロスミクロネシア連邦, フィジー, アイスランド, インドネシア, 日本, キリバス, リヒテンシュタイン, マレーシア, メキシコ, モナコ, ナウル, ノルウェー, パラオ, パプアニューギニア, フィリピン, 南アフリカRepublic of Marshall Islands, サモア, サンマリノ, シンガポール, スロバキア, スロベニア, ソロモン諸島, 韓国 (ROK), スイス, 台湾, タイ, トンガ, ツバル, アラブ首長国連邦, イギリス (regardless of nationality status), the アメリカ, バヌアツ または バチカン市, you do ない need to apply for any advance visa. All other passengers who transit through Australia しなければならない apply for a free-of-charge Transit Visa (subclass 771) before travel.

At selected airports, visitors who are citizens of カナダ, アイルランド, ニュージーランド, シンガポール, スイスイギリス そしてその アメリカ may make use of the SmartGate for automated immigration clearance when entering Australia. Being able to use SmartGate does not exempt you from visa requirements.

Customs and quarantine

Australia has strict quarantine requirements regarding importing animal and plant derived products (any food, wooden products, seeds, etc.) You must declare all such material, even if the items are permitted. Baggage is frequently scanned and may be examined by dogs. You may be fined $220 on-the-spot if you accidentally fail to declare, or even prosecuted in serious cases. Declared material will be examined and, depending on the circumstances, may be retained, disposed of, returned to you, or treated by quarantine at your expense. (You may have to pick the item up at a later time.) Processed and sealed chocolates and other confectionery are usually permitted after being declared and examined, as are reasonable quantities of infant formula with an accompanying infant. Different rules apply depending on the origin country of foods, and the state in which you are entering Australia. Check with the 農業水資源省 詳細については。

Travellers who are 18 years old or older are allowed to bring up to 2.25 litres of alcoholic beverages and up to 25 cigarettes or 25 grams of other tobacco products (including cigars) into Australia duty-free. These items may not be imported by anybody under the age of 18, and travellers who exceed their duty free allowance are liable to tax on all goods of that category, not just the amount in excess of the limit.

Some shells, coral and items made from a protected species are also prohibited to discourage the trade in items that may originate from a threatened ecosystem or species.

While there are no restrictions on the amount of お金 that can be brought in or out, Australian customs also requires you to declare if you are travelling with $10,000 or more (AUD or its equivalent in foreign currency) and you will be asked to complete some paperwork. Not declaring may expose you to a fine, possible seizure of the cash, or in the worst case even arrest.


Qantas landing at Sydney Airport

Australia is a long way from anywhere else in the world, so for most visitors the only practical way of getting into Australia is by air.

Australia's major points of entry, in decreasing order of importance, are the airports in シドニー (SYD IATA), メルボルン (MEL IATA), ブリスベン (BNE IATA)および パース (PER IATA)。 There are also limited international services into Adelaide, Cairns, Canberra, Darwin and the Gold Coast.

Sydney is a 3-hour flight from オークランド, New Zealand, a 7-11 hour flight from many countries in Asia, a 14-hour flight from the west of the United States and Canada, a 14-hour flight from ヨハネスブルグ, a 13-16 hour flight from 南アメリカ, and up to a 24-hour flight from western ヨーロッパ (including a stopover). On account of long journey times from some destinations, most travellers from Europe must have a stop-over, commonly in シンガポール, 香港, ドバイ, ドーハ, バンコク または クアラルンプール。 Since March 2018, Qantas operates a nonstop flight from London Heathrow to Perth taking "only" 17 hours — the first ever regular nonstop route between Europe and Australia, and plans to start a flight from Brisbane to Chicago in April 2020. Qantas also has plans to introduce more ambitious non-stop routes from Sydney to London and New York later.

If you have to change to a domestic flight in a gateway city, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth all have separate domestic terminals, requiring some time and complexity to transit: check the guides. Melbourne, Adelaide, Darwin, Cairns and the Gold Coast all have gates in the 1 terminal building or within easy walking distance of each other.

Australia's national carrier is Qantas, which together with its low-cost subsidiary Jetstar operate many flights into Australia from all 6 inhabited continents of the world. ヴァージンオーストラリア flies several routes from North America, south-east Asia and the Pacific islands into Australia. For those coming from Europe, シンガポール航空 and Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific make good alternatives to Qantas, British Airways or the Gulf airlines for flights into Australia. Some routes into Australia are operated by discount airlines such as AirAsia X, AirAsia Indonesia, Scoot and Jetstar Airways.


Private aviation companies such as Australia Jet Charter そして JetCorpAustralia offer direct private flights year-round using a variety of aircraft. Popular airports for charter jets include Sydney Bankstown Airport, Gold Coast Airport, and Melbourne Essendon Airport.


Cruise ships are available mostly in the November to February cruising season, and there are usually about 10 ships that arrive in Australia from other countries during this time. You can cruise to Australia, and then fly home. Holland America Line, Princess Cruises and Royal Caribbean all offer cruises to Australia across the Pacific.

You may sail to Australia in your own yacht, just make sure you submit the right paperwork to Border Force, and arrive at an approved port of entry.

There are no international ferry services operating.

By overland transport

There was a time when a couple of tour operators offered overland trips from London to Sydney, with only a short hop by air from South East Asia to North Western Australia while the bus went by barge. The only such tour operator is Madventure which runs 4 different routes: 26 weeks through Iran, Pakistan, and India; 26 weeks through the Caucasus & Central Asia; 64 weeks around Africa, the Middle East, & South Asia; and 64 weeks through Africa, the Middle East, the Caucasus, & Central Asia.

For those determined to travel overland as much as possible from Europe, you can travel independently to Singapore from Europe by train and/or bus on scheduled services, and fly from there to Perth (3,500 flight kilometres). For the truly determined overland traveller, you can get a ferry from Singapore to Indonesia and make your way across to Bali, where you can fly to Darwin (2,000 flight kilometres). For the intrepid, ferries to West Timor, a bus to Dili and a flight to Darwin will mean only 700 km in the air.

Travel to Darwin by cargo ship/ barge by ANL and Swire (the only two routine cargo haulers between Dili and Darwin) is not permitted (June 2016). For determined travellers, you may be able to obtain passage from Singapore by freighter vessel, organized through a travel agent.


Australia is huge but sparsely populated over much of its area, and you can sometimes travel many hours before finding the next trace of civilisation, especially once you leave the south-eastern coastal fringe.

Almost all modern Australian maps, including street directories, use the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) as their grid reference, which is for all purposes identical to the WGS84 used by the GPS. You can locate most things on an Australian map or street directory if you just have the "GPS coordinates".


There are restrictions on carrying fruit and vegetables (including honey) between states and even between regions of states that are involved in fruit growing. If you are driving long distances or interstate, or flying between states, don't stock up on fruits and vegetables.


参照: オーストラリアでの運転
Part of the Stuart Highway in Central Australia

Australia has a generally well-maintained system of roads and highways, and cars are a commonly used method of transport. All the mainland state capitals are linked to each other by sealed highways. Some parts are dual carriageway but many sections are one lane each way with occasional overtaking lanes around every 5-20 km depending on the state. Roads linking minor centres (or what can look like short-cuts on the map) can be narrow or gravel roads.

Major hazards on Australian roads are wildlife and large trucks. Be sure to take extra care when driving at dusk or in the dark, as the risk of animal collisions increases significantly. Major regional areas have sealed (paved) dual-lane roads, but isolated areas may have poorly maintained dirt roads or even tracks. Distances and speeds are specified in kilometres and fuel is sold by the litre. There are no tolls on roads or bridges outside of the urban areas of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. While public transport is usable in the cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, a car is handy, sometimes even essential, to get around anywhere else.

Australia drives on the left. Overseas visitors who are used to driving on the right should take care when they first drive, and again when they are driving on country roads with little traffic.

Generally, overseas licenses are valid for driving in Australia for three months after arrival. If the licence is not in English, an International Driving Permit (IDP) is required in addition to your licence. Licensing regulations and road rules vary slightly from state to state.

Australia's low population density and large size makes for long driving times between major centres.

The maximum speed limit on most rural Australian roads is 100 km/h. Sometimes this is increased to 110 km/h especially in WA, NT and NSW. Average speed is seldom above 80 km/h due to the poor road conditions and limited overtaking opportunities. On some national highways that traverse mountain ranges and travel through small towns, even averaging 60 km/h can be a challenge.

While major highways are well serviced, anyone leaving sealed (paved) roads in inland Australia should take advice from local authorities, check weather and road conditions, and carry sufficient spare fuel, spare parts, spare tyres, matches, food and water. Some remote roads might see one car per month or less.

Cellular coverage is non-existent outside of national highways and towns and you should take some precautions in case of emergency.

Heat and dehydration at any time of year can kill you. If stranded, stay with your vehicle and do what you can to improve your visibility from the air. Do not take this advice lightly; even local people die out there when their car breaks down and they are not reported missing. If you do have to abandon your car (say you break down and then get a lift), call in quickly to the local police station, to avoid the embarrassment and cost of a search being started for you.


Major cities around Australia have multiple outlets providing a wide range of rental vehicles from major international rental companies. In smaller towns car rental can be difficult to find. One-way fees often apply from smaller regional outlets.

Smaller cars you can hire can be manual (stick-shift), whereas anything larger will mostly be automatic.

If you do not hold an Australian driving licence, some rental vehicle companies will require you to take a free driver knowledge test, aimed at tourists, that covers the basic road rules, or will take you on a short drive to assess whether you are competent behind the wheel.


A campervan is a vehicle, usually a minivan, converted into a motorhome (recreational vehicle), most often catering to the vast number of young European and American backpackers traversing the country. The East Coast from Sydney to Cairns is especially abundant with happy, hungover youths travelling around in these vehicles. オーストラリアでの運転 has more information on renting or buying a campervan.


Larger towns and cities have taxi services. Uber, DiDi and Ola are available in major cities. There are several smartphone taxi booking applications such as myDriver, GoCatch that make finding a licensed taxi simple.

Outside of cities, towns may have a limited taxi service. Maybe one or two drivers who may be part time. Smaller or remote towns may have no service at all.

When travelling alone, it is customary for a passenger to sit in the front passenger seat, next to the driver, rather than in the back. However, if you prefer to sit in the back then it isn't really a problem.


Qantas and Jetstar aircraft at Melbourne Airport

Due to the large distances involved, flying is a well-patronised form of travel in Australia. Services along the main business travel corridor (Melbourne-Sydney-Brisbane) are run almost like a bus service, with flights leaving every 15 minutes during the day.

The best fares are almost always available on the most competitive routes, whereas routes to remote destinations with fewer flights tend to be more expensive. Qantas actually do often offer competitive prices, so don't ignore that option just because they are the national carrier. There are only a handful of main airlines in Australia, so it won't take long to compare their prices on domestic routes:

  • Qantas, the full-service national carrier, flying to major cities and some larger regional towns;
  • ヴァージンオーストラリア, a nationwide full-service airline, flying to major cities and a few larger regional towns;
  • Jetstar, Qantas's discount arm with limited service and assigned seating.

Several airlines service regional destinations. Expect discounts on these airlines to be harder to come by, and for standard airfares to be above what you would pay for the same distance between major centres.


参照: 一般航空

Scheduled aviation only flies to a handful of the thousands of airports around Australia. There are numerous options to charter aircraft that may take you direct to smaller country towns or even offshore islands. The costs can be comparable to scheduled airlines if there are 3 or more people flying in a group. The Australian Private Pilots Licence permits private pilots to carry passengers and to recover the cost of the plane hire and fuel from passengers, but not to advertise for passengers or fly commercially. That said, if you check the web pages of local flying clubs, there are always private pilots willing to fly on a fine weekend if someone is willing to put in for the cost of the plane and fuel.


参照: Rail travel in Australia, Across Australia by train
Map of the main inter-city rail lines in Australia

Visitors from areas with well-developed long distance rail systems such as Europe and Japan may be surprised by the lack of high-speed, inter-city rail services in Australia. A historical lack of cooperation between the states, combined with sheer distances and a relatively small population to service, have left Australia with a national rail network that is relatively slow and used mainly for freight. Nevertheless, train travel between cities can be very scenic and present opportunities to see new aspects of the country, and can be a cost-effective way to get to regional towns and cities, which tend to have more expensive flights than those between the state capitals.

The long-distance rail services that do exist are mainly used to link regional townships with the state capital, such as ベンディゴ to Melbourne, or Cairns to Brisbane. In Queensland, a tilting train operates from Brisbane to ロックハンプトン and Brisbane to Cairns (クイーンズランドの精神)。 Queensland also has passenger services to inland centres including Longreach (The Spirit of the Outback), マウントアイザ (インランダー), Charleville (ウェストランダー)および Forsayth (The Savannahlander)。 There are also inter-city train services operated by Great Southern Railways on the Melbourne-アデレード (The Overland), Sydney-Adelaide-パース (Indian Pacific) and Adelaide-Alice Springs-Darwin (ガン)。 However, these are not "high-speed" services and actually cost more than flying, so if you do not enjoy train travel as part of your holiday then this is probably not for you.

Tasmania has no passenger rail services. The Northern Territory has the rail line linking Darwin to Adelaide through Alice Springs only, and the Australian Capital Territory has a single railway station close to the centre of Canberra.

Long distance train operators

Indian Pacific
  • グレートサザン鉄道 - A private train operator running luxury tourist train services, The Ghan, The Indian Pacific and The Overland between Sydney, ブロークンヒル, Adelaide, Alice Springs, Darwin, Perth and Melbourne.
  • NSW Trainlink Regional - Links Sydney to Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra, and regional connections to most New South Wales towns, including ダボ, コフスハーバー、および ワガワガ.
  • V / Line - Train & coach services in Victoria, including combined Train and Coach services between Melbourne and Adelaide, Melbourne and Canberra.
  • クイーンズランド鉄道 - Long distance passenger train services in Queensland, including its flagship Spirit of Queensland service between Brisbane and ケアンズ.
  • The Savannahlander - A privately-run train service that links Cairns with the outback town of Forsayth, using old heritage trains, and providing overnight accommodation and tours on the way.
  • TransWA - State government run, operating train services to Kalgoorlie そして バンバリー。 TransWA also operates coach services to much of the state where former rail services operated in the past, especially the South West of the state.

Rail passes

No rail pass includes all train travel throughout Australia. However, if you are a train buff that intends travelling extensively by rail, there are some passes that may save you money. Plan your trip carefully before investing in a rail pass. Country train services are infrequent and can arrive at regional destinations at unsociable hours.

  • Discovery Pass。 Use any NSW Trainlink services (trains and coaches). Get anywhere in NSW, and north to Brisbane and south to Melbourne.
  • Queensland Rail Coastal Pass and Queensland Rail Explorer Pass.

Local public transport

A suburban train in Sydney
Melbourne is well served by an extensive tram network.

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, ウロンゴン そして ニューカッスル have train and bus services integrated into the city public transport, with trams also running in Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney, and ferries in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. The remaining capital cities have bus services only. See those city guides articles for public transport details.

Some regional cities and towns have local bus services, but see the destination guides for service information, as frequency can be poor and weekend and evening services non-existent.

By motorail

Australia had a tradition of motorail, allowing you to carry carry your car with you on special car carriages attached to the back of the train. This service is now only available on Great Southern Railways between Adelaide, Perth, and Darwin. You cannot remove your car at any of the intermediate stations.


Bus travel in Australia is cheap and convenient, although the distances involved for interstate connections are daunting. Greyhound has the largest bus route network. There are no bus services from the other capital cities to Perth.


ザ・ Spirit of Tasmania II at Port Melbourne

Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth have ferries as part of their public transport system. Some smaller roads in the regional areas still have punts to carry cars across rivers and canals. The islands of the Barrier Reef have some scheduled services, and there are a few cruises that cross the top of Australia as well.

However, large inter city ferry services are not common.

  • The Spirit of Tasmania。 The only long distance ferry route connects Tasmania to the mainland and carries cars and passengers on the route across Bass Strait daily between Melbourne and デボンポート.
  • Sealink connects Kangaroo Island, Australia's second largest southern island to mainland South Australia with regular car ferries.
  • Sea SA offers an short cut across the Spencer Gulf between Adelaide (Wallaroo) and the Lucky Bay on the Eyre Peninsula。 The service has been suspended frequently, but is operating as of Dec 2018.


It is legal to hitch hike in some states in Australia, so long as certain guidelines are followed. However, it is less commonly done than in neighbouring New Zealand. In Australia hitch hiking is often frowned upon by locals and police, especially in metropolitan areas.

Hitch hiking is illegal in Victoria and Queensland. It is also illegal to stand on the verge or walk along freeways (often called "motorways" in New South Wales and Queensland) in all states (effectively making hitch hiking illegal in many practical places, in all states).

If forced to hitch hike due to an emergency you may find a motorist willing to take you to the nearest town to obtain help. (Many major inter-city highways and freeways have emergency telephone units to request help.)

It is common to see a tourist hitching in rural areas. The best time to hitch hike is early morning. The best location is near, but not on, the main exit from the town you are in.


Cycling the long distances between towns in Australia is not common, and most long distance highways in Australia have poorly developed facilities for cyclists. for example, to cycle between Sydney and Brisbane you would have to allow 2–3 weeks with around 80–100 km per day.

Intrepid travellers do manage to cover the longer distances by bicycle, and have a different experience of Australia. Long distance cyclists can be encountered on the Nullarbor and other isolated highways.

In some states, former railway lines have been changed into rail trails. Rail Trail Australia website has good material of routes off the main highways, with the Murray to the Mountains Train being the best quality trail with the most to see and do along the route. In Western Australia long distance cycle trails have been developed for mountain bikers. The Munda Biddi trail is many days through bushland, with huts provided for camping along the route.

Wherever you cycle - if you leave the urban sprawl of the capital cities, careful planning is required to ensure the correct supplies are carried.


Walking through some parts of Australia is the only way to experience some particular landscapes. In Tasmania the Central Highland Overland Track and the South Coast Track are good examples of walking/hiking holiday to do items. The Bicentennial National Trail is one of the longest trails in the world, stretching from Cooktown in Northern Queensland, to Healesville.



A koala
参照: Australasian wildlife

Australian flora and fauna is unique to the island continent, the result of having been isolated from the rest of the world for millions of years. Amongst Australian animals are a large group of marsupials (mammals with a pouch) and monotremes (mammals that lay eggs). Just some of the animal icons of Australia are the kangaroo (national symbol) and the koala. A visit to Australia would not be complete without taking the chance to see some of these animals in their natural environment.

Wildlife parks and zoos

  • Wildlife parks and zoos are in every state capital city, but also check out the animal parks if you are passing through smaller towns, like ミルデューラ または Mogo, or staying on Hamilton Island。 See the Warrawong Fauna Sanctuary if you are in South Australia, or visit the koalas with best view in the world, at Taronga Zoo in Sydney.

In the wild

A Tasmanian devil
  • カンガルー そして wallabies are in national parks all around Australia. You won't see any kangaroos hopping down the street in Central Sydney, but they're common on the outskirts of most urban areas.
  • Wombats そして echidnas are also common, but harder to find due to their camouflage and tunnelling. See lots of echidnas on Kangaroo Island.
  • Koalas are present in forests around Australia, but are notoriously very hard to spot, and walking around looking upwards into the boughs of trees will usually send you sprawling over a tree root. Best seen during the day, there is a thriving and friendly population on Raymond Island near Paynesville in Victoria. You have a good chance on Otway Coast, on the グレートオーシャンロード, or even in the National Park walk near ヌーサ on the Sunshine Coast.
  • Emus are more common in central Australia. You will certainly see some if you venture into the outback national park at Currawinya
  • カモノハシ are found in reedy, flowing creeks with soft river banks in Victoria, Southern New South Wales, and the very southern region of Queensland - seen at dusk and dawn - you have to have a bit of luck to see one. Try the platypus reserves in Bombala または 委任 in New South Wales, or in Emu Creek at Skipton just out of バララット.

Convict sites

Much of Australia's modern history was as a penal colony for convicts from the United Kingdom, and there are many historical sites that still stand as a reminder of the days of convict transportation. Perhaps the most famous of these sites are Port Arthurタスマニア and Fremantle Prison in Fremantle, located near パース, 西オーストラリア。 There are also many other sites scattered throughout the country.


Sydney Opera House, one of most recognized Australian landmarks

Australia has many landmarks, famous the world over.から Uluru in the red centre, to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House in Sydney.

Small Australian towns have a tradition of making big sculptures as landmarks.見る Big things in Australia.

Australia has thousands of heritage-registered sites, with 20 WV-Unesco-icon-small.svgUNESCO World Heritage Sites.


Part of an AFL match between the Hawthorn and Essendon teams

Sport is an integral part of the Australian culture from the capital cities to country towns. As a testament to this, Australia has a track record of being one of the best performing teams at the Olympics despite its relatively small population. The majority of games are played over the weekend period (from Friday night to Monday night). Australian sports fans are generally well behaved, and it is not uncommon for fans of two opposing teams to sit together during a match, even if the teams are bitter rivals. While the cheering can get really passionate, actual crowd violence is extremely rare.


The term "football" can be ambiguous in Australia, and differs in meaning depending on where you are and who you are talking to. However, the term on its own is almost never used to refer to association football, which is known as "soccer" in Australia. In general, "football", or the slang term "footy", refers to ラグビーリーグ in the states of Queensland and New South Wales, while it refers to オーストラリアンフットボール anywhere else in Australia.

  • In the winter in Victoria Australian Rules Football (Aussie Rules, or in some areas just "footy") is more than just a sport, it is a way of life. Catch a game at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Although originating from and most popular in the state of Victoria, the premier national competition, known as the Australian Football League (AFL), has teams from Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, and the Gold Coast as well.ザ・ AFL Grand Final, held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground either in late September or early October each year, is the most watched event on the Australian sporting calendar. The AFL now runs a women's league, known as AFL Women's, during the summer. While obviously not as popular as the men's game, it still enjoys a decent following. The next women's season in 2020 will feature 14 teams from all of the current men's AFL markets.
  • In summer, international cricket is played between Australia and at least two touring sides. The games rotate around all the capital cities. To experience the traditional game catch the New Year's test match at the Sydney cricket ground played for 5 days starting from the 2nd of January, or the Boxing Day Test match in Melbourne. Or for a more lively entertaining form, that only takes a few hours, try a twenty-twenty match. The final form is "One Day" Cricket, international matches generally start at 13:00 and finish at 22:00 or 23:00 (a "Day-Nighter"), with most domestic and occasional international matches played from 11:00 to 18:00.ザ・ Australia Day One Day International is held in Adelaide every 26 January. is a series of five test matches played between the Australian and English national teams. It is held in Australia every three or four years, and is one of the highlights of the cricket calendar. Whenever Australia hosts the series, the five matches are held in the five largest cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.
  • ザ・ 全豪オープン、 一つ テニス Grand Slams, is played annually at Melbourne Park, including the main stadium of ロッドレーバーアリーナ、近く メルボルン 市の中心部。 Or the Medibank International in Sydney Olympic Park in January.
Hunter Stadium in Newcastle


  • Catch a ラグビーユニオン Super Rugby game, with teams playing from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina and Japan in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney during late Summer/Autumn. The Australian national team, the Wallabies, also host international teams during winter, including New Zealand, South Africa and Argentina for The Rugby Championship (formerly the Tri Nations tournament).
  • Rugby League is a winter game played mainly in New South Wales and Queensland, with the National Rugby League (NRL) competition being the premier competition. Teams include Melbourne in Victoria, Brisbane, North Queensland and the Gold Coast in Queensland, a team from New Zealand, with the rest of the teams coming from suburban areas in Sydney, and some in regional areas of New South Wales such as Newcastle and Canberra. The competition culminates in the NRL Grand Final, which is held every year in the Stadium Australia in Sydney. The biggest event in the rugby league calendar of Australia is the State of Origin series between teams representing the states of New South Wales and Queensland, which consists of an annual series of three matches of which two are are played in Sydney and Brisbane, and the third is played in either of those cities or sometimes, Melbourne or Perth. Many fans consider the level of play in the State of Origin series to be even higher than that in the Rugby League World Cup.
  • ネットボール is Australia's largest female sport, and there are weekly games in the domestic Super Netball league (which replaced a previous transnational league that also included New Zealand sides). The Australian national team is arguably the strongest in the world, with England, New Zealand and Jamaica usually posing the biggest challenge to Australian dominance.
  • サッカー is a growing sport that is aspiring to reach European levels. Many immigrants and second-generation Australians hail from European countries where passion for the sport is very high. The Australia national team (the Socceroos) won the Asia Cup for the first time in 2015 and have raised the sport's profile significantly. There is a national A-League, which is a fully professional league involving teams from Australia and one from New Zealand, with games played weekly during the summer. Most cities have a semi-professional "state league" played during winter, with most clubs being built around a specific ethnic/migrant community, for example a ニューカッスル league side Broadmeadow Magic, which was built around the cities' Macedonian population. While women's soccer is less popular as a spectator sport, it enjoys a decent following, with the national team (the Matildas) regularly participating in the World Cup. The women's counterpart to the A-League is the W-League.
  • F1 Grand Prix The Melbourne Grand Prix in March takes place on a street circuit around Albert Park Lake, only a few kilometres south of central Melbourne. It is used annually as a racetrack for the Australian Grand Prix and associated support races.
  • ザ・ スーパーカー選手権 は、米国でのNASCARレースに匹敵する、強力な車を使用するオーストラリア独自の人気のあるモーターレースです。ただし、ほぼ楕円形のトラックでレースを行うNASCARとは異なり、スーパーカーシリーズはロードコースとストリートサーキットを使用します。 3月から12月上旬にかけて全国各地でイベントが開催されます。有名なバサースト1000は伝統的に10月に開催されます。
  • 競馬 はオーストラリアがフットボールとラグビーリーグを支配した後、オーストラリアで3番目に人気のある観戦スポーツであり、レースはオーストラリアのすべての州都で定期的に開催されています。オーストラリアの競馬カレンダーのプレミアイベントは毎年恒例です メルボルンカップ、これは世界で最も権威のあるレースの1つでもあります。
  • グレイハウンドレースは、競馬ほど人気はありませんが、世界最大のグレイハウンドレース業界があるオーストラリアでも大きな支持を得ています。グレイハウンドレーストラックは、オーストラリアのすべての州都だけでなく、全国の多くの小さな町で見つけることができます。





  • サーフィンで。オーストラリアには、一見無限の砂浜があります。世界的に有名な群衆に従ってください ボンダイビーチ シドニーで、または サーファーズパラダイス ゴールドコースト。または、自分でストレッチを見つけてください(ただし、ビーチでの危険な裂け目に注意してください。パトロールされたビーチを見つける方がかなり安全です)。波は、サンゴ礁がうねりを壊す熱帯北部では小さくて暖かく、南極海から波が押し寄せる南部では大きくて寒いです。 (そして、はい、真ん中にあります ちょうどいい).
  • 穏やかな熱帯の海で。のケーブルビーチ ブルーム 潮によって毎日手付かずの状態になり、完璧な砂と暖かい水があります-冬に行きます。
  • 温泉プールで。ダーウィンの南には、ヤシの木と熱帯の葉に囲まれたベリースプリングスやマタランカなどの多くの天然温泉プールがあります。世界で最も高価なリゾートは、プールをこれほど良いものにすることを夢見ることができませんでした。
  • 淡水湖で。オーストラリア内陸部は乾燥している傾向がありますが、予想外の淡水湖があります。アサートン高原でケアンズの内陸を探索するか、アウトバックに向かいます。 カラウィンヤ国立公園。ワニに気をつけろ。
  • 川で。暑くて水があれば泳ぐ場所があります。どこにいても、滝壺とロープでスイングできるお気に入りのスイミングスポットを探しましょう。ワニに気をつけろ。
  • 人工プールで。地元のスイミングプールは、ニューサウスウェールズ州とビクトリア州の田舎町で夏の日曜日にコミュニティ生活のハブになることがよくあります。シドニーとニューカッスルのビーチサイド郊外の多くには、海のビーチのそばで泳ぐことができる「バス」と呼ばれる人工の岩/コンクリートのプールがあります。
  • ビーチで!水辺で自分の場所を見つけて、タオルを取り出します。冬は熱帯の北、夏は南の熱帯。オーストラリアにいるときはいつものように、太陽から身を守ってください。






  • ゴルフ
  • ロック・クライミング
  • マウンテンバイク。のトレイルを試してみてください スノーウィーマウンテンズ またはキャンベラの黒い山、または西オーストラリアのムンダビディマウンテンバイクトレイルに沿って数日間サイクリングします。
  • 乗馬。この馬は、最初のヨーロッパ人入植者の到着以来、オーストラリアの入植地で豊かな伝統を持っています。オーストラリアの広大な距離と過酷な環境を旅するために馬に依存することは、オーストラリア人と彼らの馬との間の強力で永続的な関係の基盤でした。今日、オーストラリアでの乗馬には、広大な駅での牛の群れから数百万ドルのレース産業まで、多くのレクリエーションや職業活動が含まれています。町や都市の郊外や田園風景の中には、オーストラリアの馬の所有者が彼らの馬と彼らがもたらす楽しみに対する継続的な情熱と献身の証である、多くのポニーパドックと多くの愛されている馬があります。


  • スキー。ニューサウスウェールズ州とビクトリア州には、よく発達したスキー施設があります。タスマニアでは、天気が良ければ、1年のうち数か月間スキーを楽しむこともできます。

見る オーストラリアのウィンタースポーツ


  • サーフィン。オーストラリアが人との接触の痕跡から逃れるために行くことができる地球上で最も人口が少なく、最も遠隔地であると思うなら、オーストラリアの最も遠隔地の隅で良いサーフブレイクを見つけるだけで、誰かがそれをサーフィンしているのを見つけることが保証されます。オーストラリア人はサーフィンが大好きで、サーフィンができるところならどこでも、いつでも、どんな条件でもオーストラリア人のサーファーがいます。ケアンズからカラサまでの上端に沿ったものを除いて、事実上すべての海岸線にサーフとサーファーが乗っています。


  • スカイダイビング、オーストラリア全土
  • 熱気球、キャンベラ、ブリスベン、または レッドセンター.
  • カイトサーフィン そして ウィンドサーフィン 西オーストラリア州ジェラルトンとその周辺および コロネーションビーチ、オーストラリアのウィンドサーフィンとカイトサーフィンの首都




  • カジノ。メルボルンのクラウンカジノはオーストラリア最大でサウスバンクにありますが、他のカジノはすべての首都とケアンズに点在しています。 ローンセストン、アリススプリングス、ゴールドコースト、 タウンズビル.
  • レースの日。すべての首都では毎週末競馬が行われ、オントラックとオフトラックの賭けが可能です。彼らは通常家族の行事であり、ファッションと見られることはイベントの一部です。ニューサウスウェールズ州のほぼすべてのパブにはタブがあり、バーに椅子を置いたままで賭けをすることができます。グレイハウンドレースと速歩は夕方に行われ、通常は群衆が少なく、ビールが多く、ファッションが少なくなります。小さな田舎町では、数か月ごと、さらには毎年、レースミーティングが開催されます。これらは地域社会にとって実際のイベントであり、小さな町が活気づくのを見ることができます。アウトバックに向かいます バーズビル レース、または通りが無人であることがわかった場合、11月の第1火曜日(メルボルンカップの実行)の3時10分になるでしょう。
  • 珍しい。トカゲのレース、オオヒキガエルのレース、ラクダのレース、カニのレース。これらのレースへの賭けは完全に違法であり、小屋の裏側にTIB(完全に違法な賭け)があります。
  • ツーアップ。アンザックデー(4月25日)に参加している場合は、どこにいても地元のRSLクラブで空中に投げられたコインへの賭けが行われます。
  • オーストラリアはすべてのほぼ4分の1を持っています スロットマシン (地元では「スロットマシン」または「ポーカーマシン」として知られています)世界で、これらの半分以上はニューサウスウェールズ州にあり、ほとんどのパブやクラブにはゲームルーム(法的な理由で「VIPラウンジ」と表示されています)があります。 「平手打ち」して、その機能に取り掛かってください。
  • これのどれも魅力的でなく、あなたがあなたのポケットにあまりにも多くのお金を持っているなら、 オーストラリアのすべての町と郊外にはTABがあります。あなたのスポーツを選び、勝者を選び、そしてカウンターであなたのお金を手渡してください。



オーストラリアの各州と本土の領土には、 ロイヤルショーは、アミューズメントライドやその他の娯楽を特徴とする農産物品評会であり、オーストラリアの米国のステートフェアに相当します。これらのショーは、通常、春または秋の月に、それぞれの州および準州の首都で開催されます。






  • US $1≈$ 1.3
  • €1 ≈ $1.59
  • UK£1≈$ 1.78
  • ニュージーランド$1≈$ 0.934

為替レートは変動します。これらの通貨およびその他の通貨の現在のレートは、 XE.com

オーストラリアの通貨は、 ドル、記号「$「または」A $"(ISOコード: AUD)。 100に分かれています セント(¢)。このガイドでは、特に明記されていない限り、「$」記号はオーストラリアドルを示します。

コインは5¢、10¢、20¢、12面50¢、$ 1、そして小さな$ 2の金種で提供されます。 2006年以前のニュージーランドの5¢、10¢、20¢の硬貨は、オーストラリアの硬貨と実質的に同じでしたが、尾の側面が異なるため、オーストラリアの変化の中でそれらに出くわすことは珍しくありません。紙幣は5ドル、10ドル、20ドル、50ドル、100ドルの金額で提供されます(すべて独特の色で)。 100ドル紙幣はまれであり、店で使用するのが難しい場合があります。オーストラリアの紙幣は、紙ではなくプラスチックポリマーに印刷されています。トランザクションの合計が5セントの倍数でない場合、現金で支払う場合は、金額は最も近い5セントに丸められます。カードでお支払いの場合、正確な金額が請求されます。






専用の外貨両替所は主要都市で広く利用可能であり、銀行はほとんどの制限のない通貨を両替することもできます。これらの取引所(特に空港にあるもの)は、買い物で得られる最高の取引所よりも10%高くなる可能性があります。オーストラリアの銀行は通常、現在の為替の中間点から約2.5%の為替レートを提供しています。 5〜8ドルの均一なコミッションを上に請求することができます。一部の販売店は手数料無料の交換を宣伝しており、通常はより悪い為替レートを伴います。すべての銀行が同じ取引所を提供するとは限りません。簡単な計算で、交換したい金額に対して何が最良の取引を提供するかがわかります。シドニー空港の観光パンフレットには、アメリカン・エキスプレスでの手数料無料交換のバウチャーがあります。



オーストラリアに居住地がある場合、オーストラリアの銀行口座の開設はかなり簡単です。申請を処理するには、パスポートなどの身元の証拠を銀行に提出する必要があります。オーストラリアで最大のリテールバンクは ナショナルオーストラリア銀行(NAB), オーストラリア・ニュージーランド銀行グループ(ANZ), コモンウェルス銀行 そして Westpac.

現金自動預け払い機(ATM)は、オーストラリアのほぼすべての町で利用できます。オーストラリアのATMは規制緩和されており、銀行またはカード発行会社が請求する金額に追加料金がかかる場合があります。料金は教育機関や場所によって異なりますが、通常は約2ドルです。 ATMに料金が表示され、請求される前にトランザクションを停止するオプションがあります。オーストラリアでの引き出しに適用される追加料金については、銀行に確認してください。





首都の寮の宿泊施設は約30ドルですが、ケアンズやより安価なバックパッカーセンターでは15ドルまで下がることがあります。国または首都の郊外にある基本的なモーテルは、ダブルで約100ドルかかります。首都のシティセンターホテルの宿泊施設は、ダブルで約150ドル以上で取得できます。フォーミュラ1 /モーテル6スタイルのホテル(一般的ではありません)は、ダブルで約60〜90ドルになる可能性があります。



基本的なテイクアウトの食事-ハンバーガー、派手なサンドイッチ、またはピザのスライスのカップルは5〜10ドル、ビッグマックは4.50ドル、通常はパイを3ドル、ソーセージロールを2.50ドルで手に入れることができます。ピザハットからの持ち帰り用ピザは、2つのコストを約$ 10で満たすのに十分な大きさです。





オーストラリアは10% 物品サービス税(GST) これは、未加工の食品、教育、医療サービスを除くすべての商品とサービスに適用されます。 GSTは常に 含まれています 消費者の購入の表示価格で。領収書(請求書)にはGSTの金額が含まれます。


一度に1か所で300ドルを超える商品を購入した場合、60日以内にオーストラリアから商品を持ち出すと、GSTの払い戻しを受けることができます。他の多くの国とは異なり、これはオーストラリア国民と外国人の両方に当てはまります。サプライヤから税金の請求書を受け取るようにしてください(これには、商品の明細、GSTの支払い、およびサプライヤのABNが含まれます)。機内持ち込み手荷物にアイテムを詰め、オーストラリアを離れる際の入国審査とセキュリティの後、TRSでアイテムと領収書を提示します。何らかの理由で商品のチェックインが必要な場合は、必ず税関を見つけ、税関職​​員に商品を見てもらい、バッグをチェックインしてください。また、出発の30分前までに余裕を持って、可能であれば空港に到着する前にオンラインで詳細を入力してください。払い戻しの支払いは、小切手、オーストラリアの銀行口座へのクレジット、またはクレジットカードへの支払いのいずれかで行うことができます。 GSTのサービスに対する払い戻しはありません。商品は現在免税と見なされていることを忘れないでください。オーストラリアに持ち帰り、免税許容額を超えている場合は、GSTを支払う必要があります。


クレジットカードはオーストラリアで広く受け入れられています。多くの小さな店がそうであるように、スーパーマーケットのようなほとんどすべての大きなベンダーはカードを受け入れます。 ビザ そして MasterCard 最も広く受け入れられているカードであり、次にAmerican Express、次にDiners Clubであり、他のカードはまったく受け入れられないか、ほとんど受け入れられません。アメリカンエキスプレスとダイナースクラブは、主要なスーパーマーケットとデパートのチェーン店で受け入れられています。 CirrusまたはMaestroのロゴが表示されているカードは、これらのロゴが表示されている端末で使用できます。オーストラリアのデビットカードは、EFTPOSと呼ばれるシステムを介して使用することもできます。

Apple Pay、Google Pay、非接触型クレジットカードは、事実上すべての端末で利用できます。購入額が200ドルを超える場合にのみ、PINを入力する必要があります。

すべてのオーストラリアのクレジットカードにはPINが発行されます。 PINのない海外カードをお持ちの場合でも、購入に署名することはできますが、海外カードの取り扱いに慣れていない店主はこれに気付いていない可能性があります。銀行で許可されている場合は、カードにPINを記載してください。そうでない場合は、海外のカードを持っていることを説明し、店主がペンを見つけるまで待つ必要があるかもしれません。

クレジットカードの追加料金 すべてのレンタカー代理店、旅行代理店、航空会社、および一部の割引小売店やサービスステーションで課せられます。追加料金は、VisaおよびMasterCard(通常1.5%)よりもAmericanExpressおよびDinersClub(通常2%〜4%)の方がはるかに一般的で高くなっています。





チップ です ない オーストラリアでは慣例ですが、自由に与えることを選択した場合はヒントが受け入れられます。







オーストラリアの 基本取引時間 月曜日から金曜日の09:00〜17:00です。ショップは通常、深夜の取引が1晩行われ、ほとんどの都市では金曜日の21:00まで、ブリスベン、メルボルン、シドニーでは木曜日の21:00まで営業しています。日曜日の取引は主要都市で一般的ですが、すべての農村地域に存在するわけではありません。これらの基準時間を超える営業時間は、店舗の種類、場所、州によって異なります。ローカル情報の詳細については、ローカライズされたガイドを参照してください。




オーストラリアの 週末 毎週土曜日と日曜日です。大都市では週末の小売取引がほぼ普遍的になっていますが、時間はわずかに短縮されています。繰り返しになりますが、西オーストラリアは例外で、日曜日に開店する大型店には制限があります。小さな田舎町では、店は日曜日に、そしてしばしば土曜日の午後にも閉まっています。

観光客向けの町やお店は、より長い時間営業している場合があります。などの都市内の観光地 ダーリングハーバー シドニーでは毎晩取引時間が長くなっています。





一般的に言えば、オーストラリアのテーブルマナーは ヨーロッパ人 規範。



BYOの略 あなた自身を持ってきてください (アルコール)。オーストラリアの都市コミュニティの多くには、提供が許可されていないが、他の場所で購入した自分のワインのボトルを持参できる小さな低価格のレストランがあります。これは、レストランでワインのボトルを注文するよりもはるかに安いことがよくあります。ビールは一部のBYOレストランに持ち込むことができ、その他のレストランではワインのみを許可しています。 2〜15ドルの範囲で変動するか、頭で計算される可能性のある持ち込み料を支払うことを期待してください。 BYOは通常、アルコールの販売が許可されているレストランでは許可されていません。


  • パブ、カウンターランチはパブのバーで出されるランチの名前です。伝統的には、ラウンジでランチタイムにのみ提供されていました。今日、ほとんどのパブはランチとディナーを提供しており、多くのパブには独立したビストロまたはレストランがあります。ステーキ、チキンパルミジャーナ、ナチョスが一般的です。
  • クラブ、ボウリングクラブ、リーグクラブ、RSLなどのクラブは、多くの町や都市にあります。それらはクイーンズランド州とニューサウスウェールズ州で最も一般的です。ほとんどは訪問者を許可し、時にはお得な食事を提供します。多くの場合、会費が必要です。
  • カフェ、ほとんどの町や郊外にはカフェやコーヒーショップがあり、朝食、軽食、ケーキを終日提供しています。午後3時以降に閉店することも珍しくありません。
  • パン屋、通常、ロールパン、パイ、ソーセージロールを購入するのに適した場所です。
  • ファストフードレストラン、マクドナルド(または マッカの)、地下鉄とKFCが一般的です。バーガーキングはここでハングリージャックスとしてリブランドされています。レッドルースターはオーストラリアのチェーン店で、バーベキューチキンやその他の主にチキンベースのアイテムを提供しています。
  • 取り除く、ミルクバー、寿司店、その他の持ち帰り店では、通常、寿司、パイ、バーベキュー(ロティサリー)チキン、ハンバーガー、フィッシュアンドチップス、ジャイロ、ケバブを販売しています。
  • フードコート、ほとんどのショッピングセンターには、田舎町でもフードコートがあります。
  • ピクニック、オーストラリアの気候は通常、できる限りの食べ物を手に入れ、最寄りの公園、川、湖、またはビーチに向かうのに適しています。電気バーベキュー設備はしばしば利用可能です。
  • バーベキューはオーストラリアで人気の娯楽であり、オーストラリアの多くの公園では公共の場で無料のバーベキューを提供しています。固定観念に反して、オーストラリア人はめったに「エビをバービーに投げる」ことはありません(また、オーストラリアではエビはより一般的にエビと呼ばれます)。ステーキ、チョップ、ソーセージ、鶏の切り身、魚、ケバブは一般的にバーベキューされます。
  • ワイナリー、オーストラリアのワイナリーの多くには、ブドウ園を見下ろすモダンなオーストラリア料理を提供するレストランがあり、食事に合わせてワインを購入することもできます。通常はランチのみ営業していますが、アデレードにあるペンフォールズのマギルエステートレストランはディナーのみ営業しています。




  • カンガルー、あなたがいくつかを空想するならば、それは多くのスーパーマーケットと肉屋から入手できます。ミディアムレアになるまでバーベキューしますが、かなりになるかもしれないので過度に調理しないのが最善です タフ。牛肉の味がします。それは時々レストラン、主に観光地のメニューにそれを作ります。カンガルーは豊富で、オーストラリアの敏感な環境へのダメージは有蹄動物よりもはるかに少なく、二酸化炭素排出量もはるかに少なくなっています。カンガルーは、バーベキューをしながら行うのに最適な環境ステートメントです。
  • クロコダイル、ノーザンテリトリーとクイーンズランドの農場からの肉は、トップエンド周辺で広く入手可能であり、時には他の場所でも入手可能です。オーストラリアの牛肉の首都であるロックハンプトンでは、ワニのハンバーガーを食べながら、農場で古代の爬虫類を見ることができます。
  • エミュー、はい、オーストラリアの国章の残りの半分も食べることができます。エミューは脂肪が少なく、専門の肉屋で入手できます。パイで紋章を試してみてください マレーニー またはピザに .
  • ブッシュタッカー、多くのツアーでは、オーストラリア原産の低木からのブッシュタッカー、ベリー、ナッツ、根、アリ、幼虫を試す機会があります。 マカダミアナッツ 商業的に食品用に栽培されているオーストラリア原産の唯一の植物です。他のブッシュフードのいくつかは後天的な味である可能性がありますが、ネイティブの調味料は確かに試す価値があり、オーストラリアの高級レストランでますます取り上げられています。ブッシュタッカーアイスクリームは、ファーマーズマーケットや野外フェスティバルで見つかることがあります。





ザ・ ティムタム は、チョコレートファッジを詰めた2つのチョコレートビスケットのサンドイッチで、すべてチョコレートに浸しています。スーパーマーケットやコンビニエンスストアから1パケット(または2パケット)を購入できます。ティムタムは、を実行するために必要です ティムタムスラム 操作。これには、ティムタムの両端を噛み切り、それをストローとして使用して、お気に入りの温かい飲み物、通常はコーヒーを飲む必要があります。温かい飲み物はファッジセンターを溶かし、説明するのが難しい体験を生み出します。完全に飽和してから溶解するまでのマイクロ秒でビスケット全体を口の中に吸い込むには、フィネスが必要です。ティムタムは11パックで販売されているため、旅行パートナーとパケットを購入する前に、共有の取り決めに必ず同意してください。そうしないと、それ以降の旅行の取り決めが中断される可能性があります。夏の間、ティムタムはしばしば冷凍庫に保管され、氷冷して食べられます。

ザ・ ラミントン チョコレートのアイシングで覆われ、乾燥したココナッツに浸されたスポンジケーキの立方体です。 1896年から1901年までクイーンズランド州知事を務めたラミントン卿にちなんで名付けられました。自家製の焼き菓子は地元の土曜日の朝市で見つけることができます。必死になったらパン屋で買うこともできます。スーパーマーケットで販売されているプラ​​スチックで包まれた品種は絶対に避けてください。

ザ・ パブロワ 通常は新鮮なフルーツで飾られたクリームトッピングのメレンゲケーキです。特別な日やランチタイムのバーベキューの後にお召し上がりいただけます。多くの場合、紛争の原因 ニュージーランド レシピの元のソースの上。

アンザックビスケット ココナッツ、オーツ麦、小麦粉、砂糖、ゴールデンシロップのミックスです。彼らは妻や介護団体から第一次世界大戦の兵士に介護パッケージで送られたと言われていますが、その話はおそらく外典です。パン屋、カフェ、スーパーマーケットで購入でき、アンザックデー(4月25日)まで人気があります。

ダンパー 家畜追いやストックマンが焼いた伝統的なソーダブレッドです。それは基本的な成分(小麦粉、水そしておそらく塩)を持っており、通常火の残り火で調理されます。それはパン屋で日常的に利用可能ではなく、組織化されたツアーで観光客にのみ一般的に提供されます。バターとジャムまたはゴールデンシロップと一緒に食べると、乾燥して味気ないので最適です。

A チコロール エッグロールや春巻きにインスパイアされた揚げスナックです。名前にもかかわらず、鶏肉は含まれていません。その中身は、骨付きマトン、野菜、米、大麦、調味料です。その殻はエッグロールよりも厚く、サッカーの試合での取り扱いに耐えることを目的としています。フィッシュアンドチップスを購入できる場所ならどこでも利用できます。

ザ・ オーストラリアンミートパイ 多くの人から国の料理と見なされています。バリエーションは パイフローター 濃厚なマッシーピースープのボウルに逆さにしたパイであるアデレードから。



  • 英国人、オーストラリアの植民地時代の遺産は、おそらく フィッシュアンドチップス、そして沿岸地域のほぼすべての近所や小さな町には、地元のフィッシュアンドチップス店があります。オーストラリアで使用される一般的な種類の魚には、フレーク(さまざまな種類の小さなサメ)、マゴチ、バラマンディ、ダイオウギスなどがあります。英国とは異なり、オーストラリアではフィッシュアンドチップスは通常ケチャップとタルタルソースとともに提供されます。英国とアイルランドのスタイルのパブはオーストラリアの人口密集地域全体で一般的ですが、チキンパルマ、シュニッツェル、パスタなどのオーストラリアの定番料理が特徴です。
  • 中国語、過去の世代の「持ち帰り」という用語の同義語。 Many Chinese restaurants still cater to takeaway addicts today, mostly of the Australianised Chinese variety, but major cities have small "Chinatowns" or suburbs with a large number of ethnic Chinese residents, that have excellent restaurants serving authentic Chinese food. Cantonese Dim Sum is available in dedicated restaurants in most large shopping malls.
  • タイ語 restaurants have exploded in number over the past decade. Sydney in particular is known as one of the best destinations for Thai food in the world.
  • イタリアの, the Italian community is one of the largest ethnic communities of non Anglo-Saxon origin in Australia, and they have contributed greatly to the cafe culture that has flourished across the major cities over the past few decades. Restaurants either serve Italian food that has been adapted to suit Australian tastes, or authentic regional Italian food, with the latter tending to be pricier and in more upmarket surrounds. Head to Lygon street in Melbourne or Leichhardt in Sydney if you're a fan.
  • ギリシャ語 is not quite as widespread as Italian above, but good options in every city and town.
  • レバノン人 and other Middle Eastern, especially in Sydney. A Manoosh is a tasty pizza variation that is somewhat more healthy as well.
    • A fusion dish that's becoming increasingly popular nationwide is the halal snack pack (also known by many alternate names). It consists of halal-certified doner kebab meat (originating from Turkey) and chips, covered by any of a wide variety of sauces and often cheese. Typically served in styrofoam containers as a takeaway dish.
  • インド人 is available in most cities, and often represent a good mid-range restaurant option.
  • 日本語, including bento takeaway shops, udon restaurants and sushi trains. They are often operated by 韓国人, whose own cuisine is also well represented in the major cities.
  • ベトナム語, Pho and Cha Gio (spring rolls) are easy to find in the major cities.
  • ドイツ人, South Australia and Queensland in particular have had a long history of German settlement, and German restaurants can be found in major cities and in country towns that were historically settled by Germans.ザ・ schnitzel is a German dish that has been Australianised and is widely available in pubs and cafes throughout the country, though unlike German schnitzels, which are usually made of pork, Australian schnitzels are usually made of chicken or beef. A good selection of German or German-inspired sausages is also available at many butchers.
  • Asian fusion refers generally to Asian-inspired dishes.

Modern Australian

Modern Australian is a recently developed cuisine that is often seen in fine dining establishments, analogous to Modern American cuisine in the United States. This cuisine mixes cooking styles and flavours from different parts of Europe and Asia, paying homage to the diverse origins of Australia's population, and often incorporates native Australian flavours from the bush as well.


Eating vegetarian is available in Australia and many restaurants offer at least one or two vegetarian dishes. Some will have an entire vegetarian menu section. Vegans may have more difficulty but any restaurant with a large vegetarian menu should offer some flexibility. In large cities and in the coastal backpacker-friendly towns along the east coast, you will find vegetarian and vegan restaurants. The market town of Kuranda or the seaside towns of バイロンベイ are a vegetarian's paradise. In other regional areas especially in the Northern Territory, North Western Australia and north Queensland vegetarians are often poorly catered-for, but most towns will have a Chinese or Thai restaurant that will provide steamed rice and vegetables. Sydney and Melbourne in particular cater well for vegans and vegetarians with a lot of purely vegetarian restaurants, vegan clothing stores and vegan supermarkets.

Quick vegetarian options include:

  • 'Smashed Avo' is a mix of avocado and feta cheese, served on toast and with an egg. A popular breakfast option and (unfairly) associated with free spending millennials.
  • Sushi rolls and tofu pockets, available at sushi shops everywhere
  • Vietnamese spring rolls (Bahn Mi) are also readily available with vegetarian fillings
  • Korean restaurants offer rice bowls (such as Bibimbap) with no meat
  • Pie shops of spinach rolls (filled with spinach and ricotta cheese)
  • Most food halls have a dedicated salad counter

More remote outback areas may have very few vegetarian options (lots of processed meat pies and little else), so it is worth packing some vegetarian supplies before you go.

Religious diets

People observing kosher or halal will easily be able to find specialist butchers in the capital cities, and will also find a number of restaurants with appropriate menus and cooking styles. Outside the capital cities, it will be much more difficult to find food prepared in a strict religious manner. Fast food chains often offer Halal certified meals in areas with high Muslim populations in Western Sydney and Melbourne.


Australian restaurants generally provide options for people with common allergies such as nuts and seafood. Ask the waitstaff if in doubt.

ザ・ gluten free diet fad has spread to Australia, and there is no shortage of gluten free products in supermarkets, bakeries and restaurants, albeit often at higher price than the regular versions of those products.


All of the capital cities and many regional towns in Australia host a "farmer's market", which is generally held each week in a designated area on a Saturday or Sunday. These markets mostly sell fresh fruits and vegetables, as hygiene standards in Australia forbid the selling of meat directly from market stalls. Butchers who set up shop at a farmer's market would usually trade their wares from a display cabinet within their boot (trunk). The attraction of markets is the lower prices and freshness of the produce. The attraction for the traveller will be the cheap and excellent fruits on offer - depending on the region and season. In regional areas the market is usually held outside the town itself in an empty paddock or sports field, markets in capital cities are easier to reach but the prices are typically more in line with those you would find in supermarkets. See the destination guides for details.



飲酒 ビール is ingrained in Australian culture. Although Fosters is promoted as an Australian beer overseas, it is rarely consumed by Australians in Australia, and is almost impossible to find. Beers are strongly regional and every state has its own brews: Coopers and West End in South Australia, Carlton and VB in Victoria, Tooheys in NSW, XXXX (pronounced "fourex") in Queensland, Boags and Cascade in Tasmania, and Swan in Western Australia. There are also local microbrew choices, which can be harder to find, but are often worth seeking out. A range of imported European and American bottled beers are available in all but the most basic pub.

The XXXX Brewery in Brisbane

Light (Lite) beer refers to lower alcoholic content, and not lower calories. It has around half the alcohol of full strength beer, and is taxed at a lower rate, meaning it is also cheaper than full strength beer. Low calorie beer is sold as low carb.

Because Australians like their beer to stay cold while they drink it, draft beer glasses come in a multitude of sizes, so that you can drink a whole glass before it warms up in the summer heat. The naming of beer glasses varies widely from state to state, often in confusing ways: a スクーナー is 425mL everywhere except South Australia, where it's only 285mL, a size that's known elsewhere as a middy または ポット, except in Darwin where it's a handle, but in Adelaide a "pot" means a 570mL full pint, and a パイント means what a スクーナー does elsewhere, and... you get the idea. The local beers and the local descriptions are covered in detail in the state guides.

Bottle naming is a little easier: the standard sizes across Australia are the 375 ml stubby and the 750mL long neck、または tallie。 Cans of beer are known as tinnies and 24 of them make up a スラブ, ボックス, carton、または case.


Australia produces quality wine on a truly industrial scale, with large multinational brands supplying Australian bottleshops and exporting around the world. There are also a multitude of boutique wineries and smaller suppliers. Very good red and white wine can be bought very cheaply in Australia, often at less than $10 a bottle, and even the smallest shop could be expected to have 50 or more varieties to choose from.

The areas of the バロッサバレー (near Adelaide), ハンターバレー (near Sydney), ヤラバレー (near Melbourne) and マーガレットリバー (near Perth) are particularly renowned for their wineries and opportunities for cellar door sampling, but northern Victoria and Mudgee also have a large variety. You are never too far from a wine trail anywhere in southern Australia.

Try the local wines wherever you can find them, and ask for local recommendations. Try not to get taken in by the label, or the price tag. The best wine is rarely the one with the best artwork, or the most expensive price. However, it is probably wise to avoid the house wine if it comes straight from a cask (4-litre container). Wines at the cellar door are almost invariably sold at around 20% premium to the same wine in the shops in the local town.

If you still prefer overseas wines, the マールボロ region of New Zealand is usually well represented on wine lists and in bottle shops in Australia.

も参照してください オーストラリアでのブドウの放牧.


Bundaberg Rum (バンディ) is an Australian dark rum particularly popular in Queensland and many Queenslanders will not touch any other brand of rum. It is probably the most famous Australian made spirit, mass-produced in バンダバーグ and available everywhere.

For many years one had to search to find other Australian distilled spirits, mostly from niche players, but there are distilleries in every state of Australia if you look hard enough and more are popping up all the time–Adelaide gin distilleries 75° and the Adelaide Gin Company have grown in esteem over the past few years. The tiny Sullivan's Cove distillery in Tasmania made waves in 2014 when one of their whiskies was named the World's Best Single Malt, kicking off a mini-boom in Australian whisky, and they repeated the feat in 2018 and 2019. If $8,000 for a bottle of their 2014 French Oak is a bit steep, drop into the Lark Distillery on the scenic ホバート waterfront precinct, book a gin blending experience at Archie Rose in Sydney, pick up a bottle of 151 East Vodka in ウロンゴン or after a few days in Kununurra you are definitely going to need an Ord River Rum.

Mixed drinks are also available, particularly vodka, scotch, bourbon and other whiskey mixers. Spirits are also available as pre-mixed bottles and cans but are subject to higher taxation in this form, so it is cheaper to mix them yourself. Spirits are served in all pubs and bars, but not in all restaurants. A basic spirit and mixer (vodka and orange juice for example) will cost you about $7 at a bar or nightclub, but can vary ~$5–12.


The legal drinking age throughout Australia is 18年。 It is illegal either to purchase alcohol for yourself if you are under 18 years of age or to purchase alcohol on behalf of someone who is under 18 years of age. The only legally acceptable proof-of-age is an Australian drivers licence, state-issued proof-of-age card or a passport, and it would be wise to carry one if you want to purchase alcohol or tobacco and look under 25. It is illegal to go into a gambling area of a pub or club when under 18.

Often there is a lounge, restaurant or bistro area in a pub or club that permits under-age people provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult over 18 and don't approach the bar or wander around. Some city pubs even have video games and playgrounds for children. Some country pubs have large open areas out in the back where kids can run and play.

In general, you can take alcohol (say a bottle of wine or beer) to consume at a park or beach. Alcohol consumption is banned in some public places as 'street drinking'. These are often indicated by signs and is particularly the case in parks and footpaths where public drunkenness has been a problem. However, if you are a family with your picnic basket and blanket out at lunchtime with a bottle of wine, you are unlikely to encounter any problems.

Alcohol can be purchased for consumption on premises only in licensed venues: pubs, clubs and many restaurants. You can purchase alcohol for private consumption in bottle shops, which are separate stores selling bottled alcohol. In some states you can buy alcohol in スーパーマーケット。 In those states where you can't, bottle shops and major supermarkets are often found in very close proximity. Although licensing laws and hours vary from state to state, and individual stores have different trading hours, as a rule of thumb, alcohol is generally available in towns to take-away seven days a week, 08:00-23:00, from bottle shops, supermarkets, licensed grocers/milk-bars and pubs. Outside of these hours though, it is almost impossible to buy alcohol to take home; unless you're in the middle of Sydney or Melbourne, so if you're planning on a party at home; it's a good idea to stock up and check on the local trading hours so you don't run out at 00:30 with no opportunity to buy more. Alcohol is not available at petrol stations or 24-hour convenience stores anywhere in Australia.

Public drunkenness varies in acceptability. You will certainly find a great deal of it in close proximity to pubs and clubs at night time but much less so during the day. Public drunkenness is an offence but you would only likely ever be picked up by the police if you were causing a nuisance. You may spend the night sobering up in a holding cell or be charged.

Driving while affected by alcohol is stigmatized, policed by random breath-testing police patrols in Australia, and inherently dangerous. Drink driving is a very serious offence in Australia, punishable by a range of mechanisms including loss of licence. The acceptable maximum blood alcohol concentration is 0.05% in most states and 0.01% in New South Wales, often lower or not allowed for operators of heavy vehicles and young or novice drivers. Police officers are also empowered to randomly test drivers for the recent use of prohibited drugs. Refusing any of these tests is a criminal offence. The operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of prohibited drugs or alcohol will always result in arrest and a required court appearance many weeks from the date of arrest and it can comprehensively disrupt travel plans. Random breath-testing is common early Saturday and Sunday mornings, and many people are caught the morning after.

A shout

The Birdsville Hotel in far western Queensland

Buying a round of drinks is a custom in Australia, as in many corners of the world. It is generally expected in a pub that when you arrive and make your first trip to the bar that you will offer to buy a drink for others you are drinking with. Similarly this will likely be done to you when someone else joins the group. This is called a shout, and incurs an obligation that you will generally return the favour in a following round, and that also you will generally maintain the same drinking pace as your associates in the round throughout the evening. If someone in the same round as you has an empty glass, who is ahead of you in drinks bought, you should declare that it is your shout, and make your way to the bar. If someone offers to buy you a drink, but does not offer to buy for the person who already has bought you a drink, you should say you are already in a shout, and decline. If they buy you and the people in your round a drink, they have joined the shout. Its generally not polite to switch between shouts during an evening. It you are in a large shout, and you decline a drink, you still have to buy a drink for the round when it comes to your turn. You are well advised if you wish to skip a round, to do so on your shout. It is generally poorly received to buy a round, and then to refuse a drink when one is purchased for you. Often the drink will just be bought for you without even asking. Don't be surprised if someone who bought you a drink earlier in the night, later says that it is your shout. Not joining a shout can be awkward in some groups. The best way is to say you are driving, and you will buy your own drinks. This is also an acceptable way to drop out after one round, when the score is even.


ミロ is a malt and chocolate drink now made by Nestlé that was invented in Australia, and has since become immensely popular in parts of 東南アジア。 It can be found in any Australian supermarket.

Australia has a strong coffee culture, especially Melbourne, a city with extensive Italian immigration. The joke is that Italians visiting Melbourne think the coffee is worse than their home city's, but better than every other city in Italy. Even service stations and fast food places will sell decent coffee. However, because of the strong preference for local coffee shops, many of the major chains in other countries don't exist -- Starbucks has a tiny handful of stores in Melbourne and Sydney, and none elsewhere in the country. Don't be taken aback by the lack of chains; try the local flavour instead!


主な記事: Studying abroad#Australia

Australia is a popular destination for University students, especially from 東アジア, 東南アジア そして インド。 Australia offers world class universities in an English speaking environment, along with potential opportunities to actually gain resident and work visas on a path to citizenship. If you are intending to study in Australia, you will need to be on a visa class that allows this. Students and academics invited to visit Australian universities will generally also need an appropriate visa, even if their visit is of a short enough period to be covered by a tourist electronic visa. For very short term or part-time courses, check with your Australian consulate or embassy.

Australia also happens to be a great place to get Barista certification, with graduates being maybe able to command higher wages in coffee shops back in their home countries. Such courses can usually be conducted on a standard tourist visa.


Camping by the Yarrangobilly River, NSW

Accommodation is readily available in most Australian cities and tourist destinations. As with everything else in Australia it tends to be on the expensive side by international standards.


When is a hotel not a hotel?

In Australian English, a ホテル can also refer to what most of the rest of the world would call a pub。 While country hotels (pubs) tend to have accommodation on site, most city hotels do not. A country hotel that does not have a public bar is typically called a motel.

All state capitals have a number of 4 or 5 star standard hotels, often with upmarket restaurants, bars, room-service, and other premium hospitality services. Other 2 or 3 star hotels are scattered around the inner-cities and inner suburbs. Best to check local guides and reviews to know what you are in for. Most hotels offer internet connectivity, occasionally for an inflated fee. Most hotels (distinct from the country pubs known as hotels) have private bathroom facilities. It isn't unknown for all options to run out during major events in cities such as Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.


Bendigo's Shamrock Hotel

Most pubs in Australia offer some form of accommodation. It can vary from very basic shabby rooms, to newly renovated boutique accommodation. The price is usually a good reflection of what you are in for. It is still quite unusual to have a private bathroom, even in the nicer pubs. The rooms are often on the second floor directly above the bar area and can be noisy, particularly on Fri/Sat nights.

Outside of the major centres, the pub is called a ホテル。 A motel won't have a public bar. A motel that does have a bar attached is called a Hotel/Motel.

In very small towns local pubs offer the only accommodation available to travellers. Accommodation in these pubs tends to be budget-style with shared bathrooms but private rooms.

Pub accommodation is even available in the centre of シドニー, making getting back to your room after a beer a simple endeavour.

If you travel as a single, and want a private room, pubs usually have single rooms at a discount over a double room. Most motels will charge the same price for one or two people sharing a room.


Typically, motel-style accommodation will have a private room with a bed or number of beds, and a private shower and toilet. Many motels have family rooms, that will usually have a double bed and two single beds in the one room.

Motel rooms in the cities will generally cost upwards from $80. Usually the cost is the same for one or two adults, with any extra people charged an additional fee. Prices for additional children can range from free to $20 per child. During quiet times its not unusual for motels to offer standby discounts.

Most motels will serve a cooked or continental breakfast to your room in the morning, for an additional charge. Some may have a restaurant or serve an evening meal. Some may have a toaster in the room and kettles are widely provided.

Hostels and backpackers

Budget hostel-style accommodation with shared bathrooms and often with dormitories is approximately $20–30 per person per night. Facilities usually include a fully equipped kitchen with adequate refrigeration and food storage areas. Most hostels also have living room areas equipped with couches, dining tables, and televisions.

There are several backpacker hostel chains in Australia. If you are staying many nights in the same brand of hostel, consider their discount cards, which usually offer a loyalty bonus on accommodation, and other attraction and tour discounts negotiated by the chain.

Holiday parks

Holiday parks are an Australian holiday institution and a great way to stay if you have your own wheels. These are basically an upgraded version of caravan parks, but as the new marketing indicates, they now cater to regular travellers as well. A typical holiday park offers the following types of accommodation:

  • Cabins fully equipped with bedding, kitchens, TV, wifi and more, for travellers without their own home on wheels. Most can house 4 or more people with rates starting from around $100/night.
  • Powered sites for parking your caravan/campervan/motorhome/RV. Some parks offer ensuite sites featuring a little bathroom with shower & toilet.
  • Unpowered sites are for those intending to pitch their own tent, starting from around $20/night.

Regardless of where you stay, the price includes access to communal facilities including BBQs, showers, kitchens, self-service laundries, pools, tennis courts and jumping pillows. The largest park chains covering the country are Top Parks/Discovery Parks そして ビッグ4, but there are also plenty of independent options.

There are a couple of caveats to holiday parks:

  • They're typically located on the outskirts of towns, so they're not very practical unless you have your vehicle.
  • Most cater to families, which is great if you have kids, but not so much if you're looking for peace and quiet.
  • During school holidays, parks tend to jack up their rates and require multiple-night minimum stays, and the best ones sell out anyway.
  • If you change your mind, too bad, since reservations are typically nonrefundable.


Camping is a popular pastime. In addition to camping at holiday parks, national parks often provide cheap or free camping sites, which expect you to be more self-sufficient. Often toilets are provided and sometimes cold showers. Paid camping permits are sometimes required at popular parks, with some popular spots filling up during the holidays in summer. In Australia it is common to be within an hour's drive of a national park or recreation area that will permit some form of camping, even in the capital cities. Expect to pay around $5–10 per night per person for a camping permit, and national park admission fees in the more popular national parks (e.g.: Wilsons Promontory National Park, Kosciuszko National Park, etc.), however entry and camping is free in the majority of national parks further from population and tourist centres.

Some other camping areas are run by government or even local landowners. Expect around $10 per person per night, depending on the time of year.

You can try your luck sleeping on a beach or pitching a tent overnight in a highway rest area, or out in the bush for a free bed. Most rest areas and beaches prohibit camping and many even prohibit overnight parking to discourage this. Generally the closer you are to civilisation or a tourist area, the greater the chance of being hassled by the authorities.

Camping in state forests is often preferable to national parks if you're after a camping experience over sightseeing, as collecting of your own fire wood is allowed (sometimes felling of trees is permissible dependent on the area) and camping is not restricted to camp sites. Some other activities that are generally allowed in state forests that are not allowed in national parks are: bringing in dogs/pets, open fires, motorbikes and four-wheel driving. State forests are generally free to stay in, although you will need to check locally if public access is allowed.

Farm stay

Much as the name suggests, this usually involves a cabin or homestead accommodation on a working property. Suited for a stay of two or more days, this accommodation usually allows you to get a little involved in the running of the farm if you wish. It is common for dinner to be provided in the homestead, and a breakfast pack to be provided to your cabin.

Holiday home

Holiday homes are homes rented by their owners, often using local real estate agents or specialised web sites. Sometimes located in prime positions, but also sometimes in the residential sections of cities and towns. Minimum rental periods of at least 2 days usually apply, rising to a week during periods when they are busy. At a minimum will have bedrooms, a lounge, bathroom.


The Henty Central Hotel in the New South Wales town of Henty provides bed and breakfast accommodation. Many country towns have similar hotels.

Bed and Breakfasts tend to be a premium form of accommodation in Australia, often focused on weekend accommodation for couples. They certainly don't offer the discount form of accommodation they do in part of the イギリス, and the local motel will usually be cheaper.

Sometimes extra rooms in a person's home, but often a purpose built building. You should expect a cosy, well kept room, a common area, and a cooked breakfast. Possibly private facilities. Substantial discounts often apply for mid-week stays at bed and breakfasts.


There are many true resorts around Australia. Many have lagoon pools, tennis, golf, kids clubs, and other arranged activities. The island of the Whitsundays have a choice of resorts, some occupying entire islands. Port Douglas also has many resorts of a world standard.

Serviced apartments

Serviced apartments are a very popular form of accommodation in Australia, with all capital and most regional cities having multiple such hotels. These often include hotels located in prime positions in the centre of town.

Guests are typically able to stay for as little as one night, and discounts are often available for bookings of a week and over. Rooms tend to be larger than in standard hotels, and amenities typically include a kitchen, washer and dryer, and separate bedrooms. Apartment hotels generally don't offer breakfast or have a restaurant, but there are usually cafes located nearby (often next door) which cater to guests.


Houseboats are available to rent on some scenic rural rivers, and provide an excellent opportunity to spend time in the wilderness. These usually have kitchens in them so you can bring your own food to cook.

Station wagons and vans

In most parts of Australia it is illegal to sleep in your vehicle but it is possible to get around this by simply rigging up curtains all around the windows so no one can see in from the outside. Trade vans can be picked up for as little as $1,000, with a more trustworthy van setting you back no more than $3,000-4,000. Add a mattress, pillow, portable gas cooker, cookware and a 20 L water container and you are off. If you get caught the fine could be as much as $150 each, so do it at you own risk. But if you are strategic in where you stay you probably won't get caught. Just be sensible and don't disturb the locals. Also, be aware of parking restrictions in certain parts of the cities and town, although overnight parking restrictions are rare. The parking inspectors can be ruthless and a $100 fine is not uncommon.

All cities and towns in Australia have free public toilets. Many parks, and most beaches have free electric barbecues as well. Popular beaches have fresh water showers to wash the salt water off after you swim, so for those on a tight budget (or for those that just love waking up at the beach) simply wash in the ocean (please do not pollute the ocean or waterways by using detergents or soaps) and rinse off at the showers. Almost all taps in Australia are drinking water, the ones that aren't will be marked. Service stations (petrol/gas) almost always have taps, so these are a good place to refill the water containers each time you refuel.

Some of the best experiences you may have in Australia will be by taking that road on the map that looks like it heads to a beach, creek, waterfall or mountain and following it. You may just find paradise and not another soul in sight. And lucky you, you've got a bed, food and water right there with you.

Travelling in a small group lowers the fuel bill per head, as this will likely be your biggest expense.

Enjoy, and respect the land by taking your rubbish/bottles/cigarette butts with you and disposing of them properly.


Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens and permanent residents of Australia can work in Australia without any further permits, but others will require a work visa. It is illegal for foreigners to undertake paid work in Australia on a tourist visa. Be aware that any form of compensation for services performed, monetary or otherwise (e.g. room and board), counts as payment in Australia, meaning that such work would be illegal on a tourist visa. Volunteer work is allowed provided it is incidental to the trip (i.e. not the main purpose for the trip). Foreigners in Australia on a student visa are allowed to work for up to 20 hours a week during term time, and full-time during the school holidays. Working illegally in Australia runs a very real risk of arrest, imprisonment, deportation and being permanently banned from re-entering Australia. All visitors who do not hold Australian permanent residency or citizenship (including New Zealand citizens who aren't also Australian permanent residents or citizens) are not allowed to access Australian social security arrangements for the unemployed, and will have limited, or more usually, no access to the Australian government's health care payment arrangements.

Payment and taxes

Most Australian employers pay via direct deposit to Australian bank accounts and therefore you should open a bank account as soon as possible. Some banks allow you to open account from abroad, for example Commonwealth Bank and HSBC.

You should also apply for a Tax File Number (TFN) as soon as possible. You can apply on-line for free at the Australian Tax Office website, though you can generally get it quicker if you just go to one of their offices. You can start working without one, but you are advised to get one as soon as possible as your employer would have to withhold tax from your salary at the highest rate should you not provide one. Register your TFN with your bank as soon as possible, otherwise any interest you accrue will be taxed at the highest rate. The Australian financial year runs from 1st July to 30th June, and tax returns for each financial year are due on 30th October, four months after the accounting period ends. Check with Australian tax agents about Australian tax liability and filing an Australian tax return.

Australian employers will make compulsory payments out of your earnings to an Australian superannuation (retirement savings) fund on your behalf. Visitors on temporary working visas who are not citizens of Australia or New Zealand should claim this money when they leave Australia. This payment is known as a Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) and you can apply online。 New Zealand citizens can transfer their superannuation money to their New Zealand KiwiSaver account; contact your provider to arrange this.

Working holidaymaker scheme

Vineyards in South Australia

Australia has a working holidaymaker program for citizens of certain countries between 18 and 30 years of age. It allows you to stay in Australia for 12 months from the time you first enter. You may work during that time, but only for 6 months at any one employer. The idea is for you to take a holiday subsidised by casual or short-term jobs. If you're interested in a working holiday, some useful skills and experience might be: office skills to be used for temp work; or hospitality skills to be used for bar or restaurant work. An alternative is seasonal work like fruit picking, although much seasonal work will require that you work outside the major cities. Working for 3 months in seasonal work will allow you to apply for a second 12-month visa.

You can apply online for a working holiday visa, but you must ない be in Australia at the time. It takes just a few hours to process usually and it costs about $440 (as of March 2017). On arriving in Australia ask for the working holiday visa to be "evidenced", so you can show your future employer.

It's recommended to arrive in Australia with sufficient funds which is a minimum of $5000 if you are on a working holiday visa. The cost of living in Australia is quite high and it may take a few days or weeks to get a job.

Work visas

Work visas in Australia change frequently and sometimes without any notice, so always check with your local Australian High Commission, Consulate or Embassy and the Immigration Department's website.

The most straightforward way to get a work visa (subclass 457, 186 & 187) is to find an Australian employer who will sponsor you. Your employer will need to demonstrate that they cannot hire anyone with your skills in Australia. Locally advertised jobs are usually explicit in requiring a valid work visa before your application can be considered. Getting the visa might take a couple of months from the beginning of the application process and you will need a medical examination by a doctor approved by the immigration officials before it can be granted (among other things, you will need a chest x-ray to show that you do not have tuberculosis). An employer with a good background and efficient immigration lawyers could get your 457 approved within a week. Your work visa will only be valid for the employer who sponsored you and you will have to leave within 30 days of your employment ending.

Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa (subclass 187) is the easiest employer nominated visa to acquire, although you will have to live and work in a designated 'regional' area. These areas are mostly rural and far removed from the larger cities, although アデレード does count in this scheme.

Skilled independent visas (subclass 189, 190, 489) may be pursued if you have a valuable specialised skill and don't want to be tied to a specific employer.

There is also a temporary graduate visa (subclass 485) which allows graduates of Australian universities to stay on and work in Australia, and is usually valid anywhere from 18 months to 4 years depending on your level of education, and your major. Your major must be from a list of skilled occupations for which there is a labour shortage in Australia. This list is updated every year, and whether or not you qualify for this visa is dependent on the list at the time of your graduation, ない at the time you begin your studies.


You can apply to immigrate as a skilled person or business person, but this process will take longer than receiving a work visa. You can also apply for permanent residency as the holder of a work or study visa, but your application will not be automatically accepted. If you have a lot of money, there are several investor's visas available which allow you to live in Australia with a view of obtaining permanent residency. After four years of legal residency which must include one year as a permanent resident, you are eligible to apply for Australian citizenship.


There are several volunteer opportunities in Australia. Many worldwide organisations offer extended travel for those wanting to volunteer their time to work with locals on projects such as habitat restoration, wildlife sanctuary maintenance & development, scientific research, & education programs such as Australian Volunteers, 世界自然保護基金, Gap 360, Go Discover Abroadそして Xtreme Gap Year.


Unless you are actively trying to insult someone, a traveller is unlikely to insult or cause offence to an Australian through any kind of cultural ignorance.

Australian modes of address tend towards the familiar. It is acceptable and normal to use first names in all situations, even to people many years your senior. Many Australians are fond of using and giving nicknames - even to recent acquaintances. It is likely being called such a name is an indication that you are considered a friend and as such it would be rare they are being condescending.

It is generally acceptable to wear revealing clothing in Australia. Bikinis and swimming attire are okay on the beach, and usually at the kiosk across the road from the beach. It is normal to wear at least a shirt and footwear before venturing any further. Most beaches are effectively top optional (topless) while sunbathing. Just about all women wear a top while walking around or in the water. There are some clothing optional (nude) beaches, usually a little further removed from residential areas. Thong bikinis (more commonly called g-string bikinis in Australia as thongs refer to flip-flop footwear) are fine on all beaches and some outdoor pools for women and men, although they are not as common as conventional beachwear. Some outdoor pools have a "top required" policy for women.

Cover up a little more when visiting places of worship such as churches. In warm conditions casual "t-shirt and shorts" style clothing predominates except in formal situations. Business attire, however, is considered to be long sleeved shirt, tie, and long trousers for men, even in the hottest weather.

使用する Australian stereotypical expressions may be viewed as an attempt to mock, rather than to communicate. If you pull it off well, you might raise a smile.

Australians are often self-deprecating; however, it is rude to ever agree with a self-deprecating remark. Boasting about achievements is rarely received well.

Social classes do not feature as prominently in Australia as they do in many other countries, and you will notice that tradespeople and manual labourers are very well paid and accorded a lot more respect in Australia than elsewhere. Be careful not to imply that you are looking down on people whose jobs may be considered menial by the standards of other countries. Service workers, including hotel staff, waiters, cleaners, taxi drivers and shop employees, expect that customers will treat them as equals.

Most Australians are happy to help out a lost traveller with directions, however many urban dwellers will assume that someone asking "excuse me", is asking for money, and may brush past. Looking lost, holding a map, looking like a backpacker or getting to the point quickly helps.

Indigenous Australians


Aboriginal Australians likely arrived in the Australian landmass 60,000 years ago and number over half a million people today. They have faced significant discrimination over the years since European settlement took their traditional lands, and sensitivity should be given at all times. Aboriginal people actually come from many different 'nations' with distinctive cultures and identities that spoke up to 250 different languages before European settlement.

Many areas of Aboriginal land are free to enter. Some areas carry a request from the Aboriginal people not to enter, and you may choose yourself whether or not to honour or respect that request. Uluru holds great spiritual significance to the Anangu people, who live in the area; while climbing it used to be a popular tourist activity, it has been banned since 2019. The Anangu feel themselves responsible if someone is killed or injured on their land (as has happened many times during the climb), so please keep off.

Some Aboriginal land requires permission or a permit, and some areas are protected and illegal to enter. You should check before making plans to travel off the beaten track. Permits are usually just a formality for areas which regularly see visitors, or if you have some other business in the area you are travelling through. Often they are just an agreement to respect the land you are travelling on as Aboriginal land. Some Aboriginal Land Councils make them available online.

If you need to refer to race, the politically correct term is Indigenous Australians. Aboriginal people is usually okay and referring to sacred sites and land as Aboriginal sites, or Aboriginal land is okay too, though these terms only refer to people indigenous to mainland Australia or Tasmania. Avoid using Aborigine または アボリジニ as a noun to describe a person, as some people see negative connotations in these words. The contraction "Abo" is deeply offensive and should never be used.言葉 ネイティブ is also offensive. People indigenous to the トレス海峡諸島 do not identify as "Aboriginal"; just stick to the term Torres Strait Islander 代わりに。

Other areas to consider when interacting with Indigenous Australians are:

  • Australia Day is considered a day of invasion by many Aboriginal people
  • 先住民族のオーストラリア人にとって、亡くなった人の名前は言うまでもありません。アボリジニの習慣はさまざまですが、犯罪の可能性を避けることが最善です。
  • アボリジニの人物を撮影する許可は常に求められるべきですが、特にノーザンテリトリーのアーネムランドなどのより遠隔地ではそうです。
  • ウルルやスリーシスターズなどに登るなど、アボリジニの神聖な場所を軽視しないでください。





数字 000 (「トリプルゼロ」または「トリプルオー」と呼ばれます)は、オーストラリアのどの電話からも無料でダイヤルできます。この番号は、緊急オペレーターに必要なサービスを伝えた後、警察、消防隊、沿岸警備隊、または救急車のサービスに接続します。

これらのサービスに連絡したいが、状況が緊急ではない場合は、000に電話しないでください。警察の支援ラインに電話することができます。 131 444。これには、騒音苦情の呼びかけを要求することも含まれます。ヘビ、クモ、虫刺されについてもアドバイスできる毒物情報アドバイスは、 131 126。最寄りの医療サービスの場所に関する情報は、電話で入手できます。 1800 022 222 (タスマニアを除く)。

洪水、暴風雨、サイクロン、津波、地震、またはその他の自然災害の際に支援が必要な場合は、各州(ノーザンテリトリーを除く)の州緊急サービスに連絡できます。 132 500。あなたはあなたの地元のユニットとつながり、そこから助けを組織することができます。緊急事態が生命を脅かすものである場合は、代わりに000に電話してください。

すべての携帯電話から000をダイヤルできます。オーストラリアで販売されている携帯電話は、それを緊急電話番号として認識し、利用可能なネットワークを使用して電話をかけます。ただし、オーストラリア国外で入手した電話をお持ちの場合は、ユニバーサル緊急電話番号を使用してください 112 より良いアイデアです。 112を使用すると、利用可能なネットワークが使用され、電話がローミングしていない場合でも機能し、電話にSIMがない場合でも機能します。 112はオーストラリアで購入した電話からも動作します。

TTY機器を使用している聴覚障害者または言語障害者はダイヤルできます 106。インターネットに接続できる方は、 ウェブサイト経由のインターネットリレーサービス.


支援が必要であることをオペレーターに効果的に伝えることができない限り、誰もあなたの電話に応答しない可能性があります。支援が必要であるが話すことができない場合は、IVRに転送され、を押すように求められます。 55 あなたが援助を必要としていて、偶然に電話をしていないことを確認するため。その後、あなたの電話は警察に接続されます。

携帯電話の112を除き、他の国の緊急電話番号(たとえば、「911」、「17」、「100」) 動作しない オーストラリアで。









オーストラリアでは毎年約10〜20人の海外旅行者が溺れています。これらの溺死のほとんどは海のビーチで発生し、統計により訪問者は地元の人々よりもはるかに高いリスクにさらされています。を確認してください ビーチセーフティのウェブサイト.

ビーチに行く人はすべきです 赤と黄色の旗の間を泳ぐ パトロールエリアを指定します。ビーチは24時間、または日中もパトロールされません。ほとんどの場合、地元のボランティアのサーフライフセーバーまたはプロのライフガードは特定の時間にのみ利用可能であり、一部のビーチでは週末にのみ、そして多くの場合夏にのみ利用可能です。旗が上がっていない場合、誰もパトロールしていません。地方の多くのビーチはまったくパトロールされていません。泳ぐことを選択した場合は、リスクに注意し、状態を確認し、深さの範囲内にとどまり、一人で泳がないでください。


ハードサーフボードやサーフスキー、カヤックなどの他のウォータークラフトは ない 赤と黄色の旗の間で許可されます。これらのクラフトは、青い「サーフクラフト許可」フラグの外側でのみ使用する必要があります。



パトロールされていないビーチで裂け目に巻き込まれた場合は、エネルギーを節約して泳ぐために落ち着いてください 平行 ビーチへ(流れの引きに反対ではありません)。ほとんどの裂け目は幅がわずか数メートルで、引き綱から離れると、泳いだり波をキャッチして岸に戻ることができます。 一人で泳ぐことはありません。 適切なテクニックであらゆる状況から抜け出すことができるとは思わないでください。ビーチの裏側の波では、数秒ごとに波が打ち寄せて水を踏むのが難しい場合があります。あなたがそれが起こるのを見たことがない限り、裂け目があなたを海に50メートルそしてはるかに大きな波の切れ目に連れて行くことがどれほど速くできるかを理解するのは難しいです。パトロールされていないサーフビーチにいる場合は、細心の注意を払って進み、深海から出ないでください。


ワニ そして ボックスクラゲ 時期や地域によっては、熱帯のビーチで見られます。サメはオーストラリアの多くのビーチで発生します。危険な生き物については、以下のセクションを参照してください。パトロールされたビーチは、サメの活動がないか海を監視します。ビーチでサイレンが鳴り続け、赤と赤と白の四分の一旗が塔から振られたり、押し出されたりしているのが聞こえたら、それはサメの目撃を示しているので、岸に向かってください。クリアになると、サイレンの短い爆風が鳴ります。これは通常、水に戻っても安全であることを意味します。






それでも、サイクロンシーズン中に熱帯への旅行を計画している場合は、 気象局の情報ページ 出発する前に、旅行中に問題が発生した場合の早期アラートを確認するために、ページを一般的に監視してください。


熱帯北部では 雨季 12月、1月、2月の夏に発生し、これらの地域に集中豪雨と頻繁な洪水をもたらします。一部の沿岸地域では、水が引いている間に1日か2日遮断されることも珍しくありません。人口の多い観光客向けのエリアを訪れるのは今でも良い時期です。異常に激しい洪水を除いて、ドキドキする滝やその他のアトラクションを見ることができ、これを訪れるのに興味深い時期になります。






通常は予測可能です。あなたは一般的に地元の人から来る嵐について不平を言うのを聞くでしょう、そして bom.gov.au 厳しい気象警報が表示されます。


オーストラリアは非常に乾燥した国であり、 砂漠、また非常に熱くなる可能性があります。

封鎖された道路から離れた遠隔地を旅行する場合、他の車両を見ずに最大1週間立ち往生する可能性が非常に高いため、自分で給水することが重要です(1日1人あたり4ガロンまたは7 L )。 「well」、「spring」、「tank」などのマップ上のエントリ(または水域があることを示唆するエントリ)に惑わされないでください。ほぼすべてが乾燥しており、ほとんどの内陸の湖は乾燥した塩田です。


多くの地方の町の公衆トイレの給水は飲用に適さないのが一般的です。 「飲まない」または「飲用に適さない」というラベルの付いた蛇口から飲まないでください。これは通常、未処理の地下水です。




山火事 オーストラリアの多くの地域で季節的な危険があります。低木地帯や農村地域に出かける場合は、最初に火災の危険性と山火事活動の状況を確認することをお勧めします。ほとんどの火災は迅速に制御されますが、非常に危険な火災の日には、特に徒歩の場合、または実質的な建物の保護がない場合、山火事は生命を脅かす可能性があります。


火災危険度(右の写真)は、火災が発生した場合の火災の危険性を示しています。 山火事が発生する可能性を予測するものではありません。

  • 重度:暑く、乾燥し、風が強い状態。これらの状態で発生する火災は、制御できない場合があります。安全を提供できるのは、積極的に防御されている十分に準備された建物だけです。火の最初の兆候で去りなさい。
  • 極端:暑く乾燥して風が強い条件。発火して定着する火災は、制御不能、予測不可能、そして動きの速いものになります。安全を提供できるのは、十分に準備され、積極的に防御されている山火事に耐えるように建てられた家と建物だけです。森林地帯、厚い茂み、または長く乾いた草は避けてください。山火事に巻き込まれないように、そのような場所を離れることをお勧めします。
  • 壊滅的/コードレッド:これらは、山火事または草の火災で発生する可能性のある最悪の条件です。森林地帯、厚い茂み、または長く乾いた草は避けてください。森林や茂みのある場所を離れることを強くお勧めします。






山火事の季節に都市の外を運転している場合は、 ローカルABCラジオ。山火事またはその他の進行中の緊急事態の間、30分ごとに警告サイレンが鳴り、その後、その地域の現在の山火事の状況が更新されます。携帯電話に避難の警告が表示される場合があります。

オーストラリアでは、緊急事態と山火事の管理は州の責任です。そのため、現在の州に適したWebサイトまたはアプリを見つけてください。 緊急WA そして VicEmergency それぞれの州の現在の緊急事態をすべてリストし、多くの場合、現在の緊急事態に関する情報を取得するための最新の方法です。






あなたが点火する火は合法であり、管理下に置かれていることを確認してください。消防署は 全面火災禁止 極端な火災の危険がある期間中のシステム。全面火災禁止が実施されている場合、すべての屋外火災は禁止されています。ほとんどの公園は禁止を宣伝します、そして、地元の火災危険レベルをチェックすることはあなたの責任です。罰金または刑務所の条件は、あなたが引き起こす可能性のある財産、野生生物、および人的損害の責任を負うことであなたが得るかもしれない感覚は言うまでもなく、制御不能になる照明火災に適用されます。


参照: 害虫






決して たとえそれが非毒種であると信じているとしても、どんなヘビも拾うようにしてください。ヘビに噛まれたほとんどの人は、ヘビを拾ったり、生き物を殺そうとしたり、歩いているときにうっかりヘビを踏んだりしていました。





ただし、一部のクモも非常に危険です。世界で最も有毒なクモは シドニーファネル-ウェブスパイダー、シドニーとその周辺、ニューサウスウェールズ州東部で発見されました。通常は岩や落葉落枝の下にあります。蜘蛛は最大5cmの大きさで、通常は黒です。 Funnel-Webスパイダーがあることで知られている地域にいて、Funnel-Webである可能性があると思われるスパイダーに噛まれた場合は、できるだけ早く病院に行くことが重要です。 Funnel-Webは、ほとんどの時間を地下で過ごします(通常、湿気の多い穴の外で30分間しか生きられません)。したがって、歩き回っている人に遭遇する可能性はほとんどありません。最後に確認された死亡者は1979年でした。

ザ・ セアカゴケグモ (通常、腹部の赤いマークで簡単に識別できます)が一般的であり、Funnel-Webほど緊急ではありませんが、噛んだ後は医師の診察を受けることが重要です。赤い背中は通常、暗い場所や隅に隠れています。それらを屋内で見ることは非常に珍しいことです。ただし、小屋、屋外のテーブルや椅子の周り、岩や地面に座っているその他の物体の下に隠れることはあります。



北部の旅行者 クイーンズランドノーザン・テリトリー、または北部 西オーストラリア からの致命的な刺傷のリスクに注意する必要があります ボックスクラゲ 10月から5月の間に海で泳ぐ場合。それらは検出するのが非常に難しく、非常に浅い水域で見つけることができます。これらのクラゲからの刺傷は「耐え難い」ものであり、しばしば致命的です。付着した触手にすぐに酢を塗ると、注射される毒の量が減りますが、すぐに医師の診察が必要になります。危険な季節は場所によって異なります。一般的にクラゲは河口で繁殖するため、岸の近くで見られます。それらは一般的にグレートバリアリーフでは発見されておらず、多くの人々は何の予防策も講じずにサンゴ礁で泳いでいます。信頼できる地元の情報を探しましょう。ビーチにいる地元の人の中には、危険にさらされている人もいます。

イルカンジクラゲ オーストラリア北部とその周辺のインド太平洋の島々の海域に生息する小さな(指の爪サイズの)クラゲのもう1つの種です。また、刺すのはまれですが、非常に見づらく、危険な場合があります。ハコクラゲとは異なり、サンゴ礁で発見されます。最初の刺し傷は見過ごされがちです。彼らが致命的である可能性があるかどうかについては議論がありますが、彼らは確かに犠牲者を病院に入れ、数日間続く極度の痛みを引き起こす可能性があります。水から出た直後に吐き気や射撃の痛みがある場合は、治療を受けてください。






クイーンズランド州北部、ノーザンテリトリー、または西オーストラリア州北西部の旅行者は、 イリエワニ 西オーストラリア州のキングサウンドとクイーンズランド州のロックハンプトンの間の北部の海域(海、河口、淡水の場所)内および隣接しています。これらの地域のイリエワニは長さが25フィートに達する可能性があり、警告なしに水中で攻撃する可能性があります。それらの名前が意味するものにもかかわらず、それらは塩と淡水の両方で見つけることができます。陸上では、ワニは通常動かずに横たわっていますが、短いバーストで並外れた速度で動く能力があります。怪我を引き起こす攻撃は比較的少なく、ほとんどの攻撃は致命的です。危険な水泳エリアには通常、目立つ警告サインがあります。これらの地域では、安全であると特にアドバイスされた場合にのみ、内水で泳ぎます。 1970年以来、人間に対するワニの攻撃は毎年約1回ありました。

小さい方 淡水ワニ 塩水とは異なり、臆病であり、可能であれば人間を避けます。淡水は、それ自体またはその卵を守るために、または驚いた場合に攻撃する可能性があります。彼らは厄介な咬傷を負わせることができますが、顎と歯が小さいため、これが人間に死をもたらすことはめったにありません。


ギンピの茂み (デンドロクニドモロイド)は、刺すような木としても知られ、刺すような植物であり、葉や枝にある微細な刺すような毛は、最大数週間にわたって激しい痛みを引き起こす可能性があります。それらは主にクイーンズランド州北東部、特に熱帯雨林の伐採地で見られます。しかし、ギンピーの茂みやその他の密接に関連する種(約5種)の刺すような木は、クイーンズランド州南東部、さらにオーストラリア東部の南にあります。そのような地域でブッシュウォーキングをしている人々は、いかなる理由でも植物に触れないように忠告されています。


犯罪 オーストラリアの料金は他の第一世界の国々とほぼ同等です。犯罪の犠牲になる旅行者はほとんどいません。鞄のひったくりやスリなどには通常の予防策を講じる必要があります。一部の都市や町には夜間に危険なエリアがありますが、これらは一般的に観光コースから外れており、偶然に迷い込む可能性はほとんどありません。








人種的背景を指す言葉は、異なる民族グループの友人の間で使用できますが、それは 自分で試さないことを強くお勧めします。 Pom(イギリス)、Yank(アメリカ)、Paki(インド亜大陸)、Wog(南ヨーロッパまたは中東)が使用されているのをよく耳にするかもしれません。特に英国の人々はこれらの用語のいくつかを特に人種差別主義者と見なすでしょうが、オーストラリアでははるかにカジュアルに使用されています。アボリジニの人々を「アボス」と呼ばないでください。人種差別的な用語と見なされています。


使用するのは不快ではありません オーストラリア (オジー)オーストラリアの人々を説明するために、しかしそれはオーストラリア人が一般的に自己識別するために使用する用語ではありません。彼らはそれを彼ら自身よりも物事(オーストラリアのルールなど)に適用する可能性が高いです。オーストラリア人、オーストラリア人、オーストラリア人の聖歌が国際的なスポーツイベントに上がると、一部のオーストラリア人はしわがれ、他の人は参加します。これは多くの場合、彼ら自身の認識された社会的地位、または彼らの酩酊状態、あるいはその両方に依存します。


を企てる 詐欺 オーストラリアでは観光客は一般的ではありません。目的地について少し知るなど、通常の予防策を講じてください。犯罪者がATMを改ざんして現金を閉じ込めたり、泥棒のカードの詳細を記録したりすることはまれです。 You should check your transaction records for odd transactions after using an ATMs and immediately contact the bank controlling the ATM if a transaction seems to be successful but the machine doesn't give you any cash. Always cover the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN to prevent any skimming devices which have cameras recording your PIN.

ATM Skimming is rare and easily avoided by using ATMs from trusted banks (ANZ, Commonwealth, Westpac, Nab), or ATMs located inside a bank "gallery" which are generally open 24/7 but are more secure than an outdoor ATM.

Illegal drugs

Opium, heroin, amphetamines (speed), cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, marijuana and hashish among other drugs are all illegal to possess and to sell in all states of Australia. Trafficking offences carry a long jail term, and in serious cases can even lead to life imprisonment. Australia shares information on drug trafficking with other countries, even those with the death penalty.

Penalties for possession or sale of small amounts of marijuana are typically lower than for other drugs, and vary between states. In South Australia, Western Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory jail terms do not apply to first time marijuana offences. Some states can issue on-the-spot fines for small amounts of marijuana whereas others always require a court appearance. Foreigners should not expect more lenient treatment than locals from Australian police for drug offences. Driving while under the influence of drugs is a serious offence, and doing so will invariably lead to arrest and prosecution, and in serious cases even a jail sentence.

Do not under any circumstances attempt to bring illicit drugs into Australia, including marijuana; this is strictly illegal and punishable with long jail terms of up to life in prison, and customs officers often employ dogs to sniff drugs out of arriving passengers' luggage. Dogs can even tell that you smoked marijuana from the day before you flew to Australia, so you may be held back for some long questioning.

Australia's proximity to アジア means that heroin is a far more commonly used illicit drug than cocaine or crack cocaine. In some areas of large cities you will need to be careful of discarded needles: however these will generally be found in back streets rather than in popular tourist spots.

Firearm ownership is rare in Australia, with strict licensing requirements resulting in gun ownership being typically limited to hunters and farmers in rural areas, as well as sport shooters. Criminal gangs do carry illegal firearms in urban areas, although it is unlikely that travellers will run into them.

It is very difficult to bring firearms into Australia, with a Police permit required for each federal state to be visited arrival.

Gay and lesbian travellers

Australia has an equal age of consent set at 16 for all states except Tasmania and South Australia where the age is 17. Same sex marriage is legal in Australia, having been passed into law in December 2017 after the nation strongly voted for it (with 61% choosing change) in a national postal survey.

Attitudes to homosexuality are similar to those found in most western countries. Although inner Sydney is one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world, caution is still advisable in conservative rural areas, including rural parts of Queensland and the Northern Territory. Australia has outlawed discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and legal recourse may be available should you experience discrimination. Police assistance may be difficult to obtain in remote and rural areas for discrimination.

Sydney is Australia's gay capital, and hosts one of the world's most famous gay pride festivals - the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras - annually during February and March. The festival culminates in a huge parade through central Sydney which attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators. アリススプリングズ celebrates the "Alice Is Wonderland Festival", a gay and lesbian pride festival in late April/early May. メルボルン has a "Pride March" every year on the first Sunday of February.

Stay healthy

"Sunbaker" from 1937 is one of the most widely recognised of all Australian photographs.

Exposure to the sun at Australian latitudes frequently results in sunburn, and Australia has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world. Getting sunburnt can make you feel feverish and unwell and may take a few days or weeks to heal depending on the severity. It means you can't go back out into the sun until the sunburn fades, so getting sunburnt on the first day of your beach holiday can seriously reduce the fun of your trip. It can take as little as 15 minutes to burn in Australia on a fine summer's day, even in shaded outdoor areas. You should wear sunscreen (SPF 30 ), clothing, and a hat to shade the sun.

Re-apply sunscreen every 2–3 hours throughout the day as it wears off quickly if you are sweating or swimming. Make sure to cover all parts of your body. UV radiation in the middle of the day can be double what it is in the early morning or later afternoon, so if possible avoid the sun during the hottest part of the day. Daily UV forecasts are issued by the Bureau of Meteorology online.

Spray On Sunscreen from an aerosol bottle have increased in popularity because of their ease of use, however the effectiveness is far more limited than cream and people have experienced severe sunburns after using.

If you are heading to the beach, consider buying a sun-tent (less than $20 from discount and hardware stores). You generally can't hire beach umbrellas at Australian beaches, and they are very exposed.

Food preparation

Australia has high hygiene standards, with restaurants required to observe strict food preparation standards. Food poisoning rates are comparable to other first world nations.

ザ・ 水道水 in urban Australia is almost always safe to drink, and it will be marked on the tap if this is not the case. The taste and hardness of the tap water will vary considerably across the country. Some cities such as Adelaide rely on ground water supplies that have an unpleasant taste, but are by no means unsafe. Many households use water purifier jugs. Bottled water is also widely available. Carrying water on hot days is a good idea in urban areas, and it is a necessity if hiking or driving out of town. Remoter areas in the outback may not have treated drinking water on tap. At sites where tap water is untreated, water sterilization tablets may be used as an alternative to boiling. If driving long distances on infrequently trafficked roads it is essential to carry drinking water. This is absolutely necessary in hotter areas and on dirt roads or tracks. It is rare that someone does not die of thirst in outback Australia in any year. It is recommended that in event of a breakdown you stay with the car for shade and to increase your chances of being found. Before long distance touring seek specific advice on calculating how much water to carry for the proposed journey and allowing for breakdowns.


Australia does not have endemic communicable diseases that will require non-standard vaccinations. Like many other countries, it will require evidence of yellow fever vaccinations on entry if you will have been in a country with a risk of infection within 6 days before your arrival in Australia.

Mosquitoes are present all year round in the tropics, and during the summer in southern areas. Screens on windows and doors are common, and repellent is readily available. Ross River Virus is spread by mosquitoes in the tropics, and can make you sick for a few weeks. There have been cases of dengue fever。 Malaria is not present in Australia.


Royal Flying Doctor Service aircraft

As described above, 000 is the Australian emergency services number and in any medical emergency you should call this number and ask for an ambulance and other emergency services as necessary, to attend.

Australia has first world medical standards. In particular, it is safe to receive blood transfusions in Australia, as donors are screened for HIV, hepatitis and many other blood borne illnesses.

Australia's population density is low; parts of Australia are a long way from medical facilities of any kind. Many of these areas are served by the ロイヤルフライングドクターサービス。 Small towns with populations of 5,000 or more will have a small hospital capable of giving emergency treatment. Larger towns will have a base hospital capable of routine and some kinds of emergency surgery. In some cases you may need to be evacuated to one of the capital cities for specialist treatment.

Capital cities will have medical centres where you can drop in, often open on weekends or until late. In country towns you may have to make an appointment and may have no alternative other than the closest hospital after hours and weekends. You can also expect to wait a few hours if your condition isn't urgent.

  • Poisons Information Hotline, 13 11 26 (in country only). Give free advice if any medication or poisons are taken inadvertently. They will also give advice on what treatment is necessary for things like a spider bite. However, if you think you are in any immediate danger, call '000' for an ambulance.

Medical costs and travel insurance

Australian citizens and permanent residents who live in Australia can receive health care through the taxpayer funded Medicare. Foreigners working or studying in Australia and without a reciprocal agreement are generally required to take up private health insurance as part of their visa conditions. Foreigners on a short visit will want to make sure their travel insurance is in order, as medical costs can be expensive for those not entitled to Medicare benefits. Medicare does not cover private hospitals or dental care, so you will need to obtain private health insurance to pay for these.

Travellers from ベルギー, フィンランド, アイルランド, イタリア, マルタオランダ, ニュージーランド, ノルウェー, スロベニア, スウェーデン そしてその イギリス are entitled to free reciprocal Medicare treatment for medical problems that occur during their visit. It is advisable to familiarise yourself with the conditions of the reciprocal arrangement with your country。 For example, Irish people and New Zealanders are only entitled to free treatment at a hospital, whereas the other reciprocal nationalities are entitled to subsidised treatment at general practitioners as well. No reciprocal programmes cover private hospitals, and the full cost will have to be met by yourself or with 旅行保険.

If you are not a citizen or permanent resident of a reciprocal agreement country then travel insurance is highly recommended.You can expect to pay around $80 to see a general practitioner, plus any additional costs for any pathology or radiology required. The charge to visit a local hospital can be much more expensive, private hospitals even more so. You can pay up to $500 even if you are not admitted, and possibly several thousand dollars if you are. Rescue and Royal Flying Doctor Services are provided for free, but evacuation or ambulance services can cost many thousands of dollars from a country town to a capital city, or from an island to the mainland.

Even if you are an Australian citizen, ambulance and evacuation services are not provided free of charge. If an air-ambulance is required this can still cost thousands of dollars. Most health-insurance companies sell ambulance only cover valid Australia-wide. Ambulance membership programs may only cover you in your own state - check before travelling interstate. Domestic travel insurance does not usually cover medical or ambulance expenses. Medicare cover does not include ambulance costs (at least several hundred dollars) in the event of an emergency; only private insurance with ambulance cover will pay for this.

Snake and spider bite anti-venom is very expensive. The cost can be well over $10,000 even if you don't need a stay in hospital.



Australia offers many Internet access options for travellers:

Internet cafés are available in most tourist areas and normally cost $4–5 per hour. However, many internet cafés have 12-20 computers sharing a single broadband connection, sometimes making the internet painfully slow. If possible, ask if you can check the speed of a café's connection before forking out $4–5 for an hour.

Public libraries usually offer some form of Internet access to travellers, either free or for a small fee. Some prohibit access to email, promoting research use of their facilities. Others offer Wi-Fi and terminals, with Wi-Fi usually being free of restrictions.

Major hotels offer Internet access, usually for an exorbitant fee. Most youth hostels and backpacker accommodation have at least an Internet terminal at reception. Some other accommodation providers offer Wi-Fi to their guests, almost always with a charge. It is still common to find motels and other smaller hotels without any Internet offering to customers.

  • たくさんの coffee shops offer Wi-Fi free to their customers.
  • McDonald's has free Wi-Fi in just about all their stores.
  • Internode has free Wi-Fi hotspots, including much of Adelaide city centre.
  • Telstra has partnered with Fon to create an extensive network of WiFi hotspots around Australia that utilise Telstra telephone boxes and Telstra broadband customers to create hotspots that go by the name Telstra Air with the slogan 'Australia's largest WiFi Network'. Look for a distinctive white WiFi logo on solid pink and the words 'Telstra Air' to indicate major hotspots. The networks appear in WiFi lists as 'Telstra Air' or 'Fon WiFi'. Expect good coverage in city centre areas although it may require some searching to locate a hot spot outside of CBD areas. Hot spot maps are available on the Telstra and Fon websites.
  • Access can be purchased for $6.60 for 1 hour, $10 for 1 day or $23 for 5 days.

In major urban centres, you'll find free Wi-Fi in shopping malls and other large shops and increasingly on public transport: Sydney's ferries offer free Wi-Fi as do Adelaide's trams.

3G/4G wireless

There are three mobile networks in Australia. All of them provide 3G/UMTS and 4G/LTE mobile data services.

As the data is carried over the mobile network, the advice about frequencies, obtaining SIMs and using a foreign device in the Mobile Cellular Phones section applies.

If you intend to use your phone with your home carrier, check with them for data roaming fees (likely quite expensive). If your handset isn't locked, it may be much cheaper to buy a local SIM.

Several carriers offer prepaid mobile data access with no contract from around $20-30 per month with various bundles and inclusions. For around $50 you can get a USB modem or Wi-Fi dongle. There are thousands of plans available through hundreds of resellers. Using an internet comparison site will direct you to the best deals.


Australia has 2 national public broadcasters, the ABC そして SBS。 The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (or ABC) broadcasts Local Radio, Triple J (Youth/Indie music) and ABC Classic on AM/FM Radio as well as 4 TV channels. The Special Broadcasting Service (or SBS) broadcasts more ethnic, bilingual and cultural content on 2 TV channels and 2 analogue radio stations. Both broadcasters are available in most populous areas but the ABC has a greater radio coverage.

There are 3 free-to-air commercial TV networks, namely セブン, ナイン そして Ten; all or most are available in a majority of areas. In regional areas, affiliates such as WIN, Imparja, Prime will carry feeds from major networks along with some local programming.

You should expect to receive and watch all these channels in almost all accommodation in towns and cities across Australia.

On Pay TV operator is also available called Foxtel - transmitted by Cable, Satellite, and Internet. Some hotels will advertise free Foxtel, which means you should also be able to view the main international news channels and lots of light entertainment reruns. They may also subscribe to a range of sports and movies, but you should check first.

The bigger the city, the more radio stations you'll find. Country towns will often just have one commercial radio station and the ABC。 If you're driving the distances between country towns, you can often lose all radio coverage. Download some music or podcasts for the trip before you leave. It's advisable to stay tuned to the ABC if travelling during emergencies or high bushfire risk periods.

DAB Digital Radio is available in capital cities, but receivers aren't installed in cars or most accommodation. If you have a digital radio, you'll get a handful of extra music channels.


The main national broadsheet newspaper is オーストラリア人、と オーストラリアンファイナンシャルレビュー focussing on financial and business news. There are also other newspapers that are published locally within their respective states, the most notable ones being シドニーモーニングヘラルド そして デイリーテレグラフ, both based in Sydney, and 年代 そして ヘラルドサン, both based in Melbourne.


A typical Telstra payphone booth

Calling overseas from Australia

The main international access code or prefix is 0011。 (When using a mobile phone the plus symbol " " can be used instead of the 0011 prefix.)


The country code for international calls to Australia is 61. When dialling from overseas, omit any leading '0' in the area code.

For example, the local number for the ブロークンヒル tourist information is 8080-3300. The area code is 08 as Broken Hill is in the Central & West area code region. To dial the number from アデレード or anywhere else 内部 the same area code region you can optionally omit the area code, and just dial 8080-3300. To dial the number from シドニー or anywhere in Australia outside the area code region, you will need to dial 08 8080-3300. If you don't know your area code region, you can still dial the area code, and it will still work. To dial the number from overseas you will need to dial your local international access code (00 for most of ヨーロッパ or 011 in the 米国 そして カナダ) and then dial 61 8 8080-3300, that is drop the leading '0' from the area code.

Australian area code list:

  • 02 = Central East (New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and north-eastern fringe of Victoria)
  • 03 = South East (Southern NSW, Victoria and Tasmania)
  • 04 = Mobile phones Australia-wide (higher call charges apply).
  • 07 = North East (Queensland)
  • 08 = Central & West (Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory and far Western New South Wales)

Local calls are about $0.25 on most fixed lines and $0.50 on all Telstra Pay Phones.

  • If calling an Australian number from a mobile phone outside Australia it is best to use the format 61880803300 with no スペース and no (0) prefixes included.
  • If making an international call from your mobile phone from within Australia use the ' ' followed by the country code, followed by destination 市外局番、続いて local number at the destination. Omit all leading '0' prefixes and do not include any スペース.
  • If dialling from a mobile telephone in Australia it is not necessary to use an international dialling prefix (such as 0011). The ' ' symbol followed by the destination country code is all that is needed to access the international telephone system from your handset.


  • Numbers commencing with 13 are charged at a local call rate, and what they connect you to can vary according to your location. They can be 10 or 6 digit numbers. For example, 1300 796 222, will connect you with the オルベリー tourist information, no matter where you are in Australia. However, 131 008 will connect you with a different local taxi service depending on where you are. 13 22 32 will connect you to New South Wales Railways in Sydney or Victorian Railways in Melbourne. Calling these numbers internationally can be problematic.
  • Numbers commencing with 18 are free when dialled from a payphone or fixed phone, and commonly used for hotel reservation numbers, or tourist information numbers.
  • Numbers commencing with 19 are premium numbers, often with 非常に hefty call charges (make sure you check before dialling).
  • Numbers commencing with 12 are carrier services, and are dependent on what network you are connected to.例えば、 12 456 is a general information number for Telstra. Vodafone offer a similar services on 123。 These numbers can be premium services as well.

Calling special numbers internationally can often work - just try dialling the number prefixed with the 61 country code. Many locations will give an alternative direct number for use in international dialling.

Making reverse charge (collect) calls is very expensive and can be problematic. You can use 12550 from a Telstra public phone, or 1800 NO CASH from any phone. But you have to be calling a number that will accept the charges (usually a landline or mobile on a mainstream telco).

Mobile cellular phones

Australia has cellular networks operated by Telstra, Optus そして ボーダフォン, and each of the networks have several resellers with different price plans. All three operate UMTS/HSPA (3G) and LTE (4G) networks.

There are no restrictions on overseas residents obtaining Australian prepaid SIM cards, although you may require some form of photo ID such as your passport for identification.

2G-only and CDMA phones (phones without a SIM card) will not work in Australia.すべて 2G networks in Australia have been shut down.

Telstra and Vodafone have 3G HSPA services on 850/2100 MHz, and Optus on 900/2100 MHz. These are still the greatest geographical range of service. 4G LTE is widely available most centres on all carriers. Support for 4G band 28 (700 MHz) on newer phones is necessary to get good 4G coverage outside of major centres and better coverage in them.

With foreign SIM cards, international roaming is generally seamless onto Australia's 3G (UMTS/W-CDMA) and 4G networks, depending on agreements between operators. Check with your home operator before you leave.

All major cities and their suburbs have decent coverage on all three networks, as do most significant country towns and inter-capital links. Telstra's 850 MHz 3G network provides the best rural coverage (though it is also the most expensive), but unpopulated or sparsely populated areas away from major roads are unlikely to have service at all. If you are heading way out into the bush then a satellite phone may be your only option. Remember all mobile phones can be used for emergency calls on all networks, even if they don't have a local SIM or aren't roaming. This applies to satellite phones too.

A cheap prepaid mobile phone with a SIM retails for around $40 in most Australian retail outlets, supermarkets, and post offices; a SIM alone for an existing phone is around $2–3. Prepaid credit is added using recharge cards available at all supermarkets, newsagents, some ATMs, and other outlets.

You can buy a seemly infinite variety of packages, SIM cards, and phone bundles, with varied combinations of data, SMS and call time. Some carriers make calculating included calls difficult, by giving you a dollar "value" that is included in your package, and you then need to find the call, sms and data rates to calculate what is included. These rates can differ from plan to plan. Make sure the plan you choose includes what you need, because using data or making calls outside of the package allowance is often orders of magnitude more expensive.

Satellite phones

If you need comprehensive coverage in rural and remote areas, you can use a satellite phone. Iridium, Globalstar and Thuraya satellite services are available in Australia. Expect to pay around $120 per week to hire a satellite phone, plus call costs. Satellite messaging units, which send your location and a help SMS or email, can be hired for around $80 per week.

These units are only available from specialist dealers, often only in major cities (away from the remote areas you may be visiting). You should be able to acquire or hire these units in your home country before departure if you wish.

Satellite phones can be used to make emergency calls without a SIM card or subscription plan. The cheapest cost around $300, or just a little more than a PLB.

Public phones

Most towns and suburbs have at least one public phone. Most railway stations will have a public phone. Text messages can be sent from many public phones, using the keypad in much the same way as an old-style mobile phone. Follow the instructions on the phone display.


Express (yellow) and normal (red) Australia Post street posting boxes

Australia Post runs Australia's postal service. Letters can be posted in any red Australia Post posting box, which are found at all post offices and many other locations. All stamps can be purchased from post offices, and some stamps can be purchased from newsagents and hotels. Posting a standard letter costs $1 within Australia (up to 250g), $1.85 for Asia/Pacific (up to 20g) and $2.75 for the rest of the world (up to 20g). 'Domestic' and 'international' stamps are different, as international is tax free, therefore, so make sure you use the right stamp. Parcels, express post and other services are also available.

Addresses in Australia are generally formatted in the following way, which is similar to addresses in the United States and Canada

Name of recipient
(If needed) Unit number or building name
House number and street name
City or town, two or three-letter state abbreviation, postcode

You can receive mail via Poste Restante in any city or town. Mail should be addressed to your full name c/o Post Restante, and you simply call into the post office with ID to receive your mail.

この国の旅行ガイド オーストラリア使える 論文。 It has information about the country and for getting in, as well as links to several destinations.冒険好きな人でもこの記事を利用できますが、ページを編集して自由に改善してください。