一般的な詐欺 - Common scams

がある 一般的な詐欺 旅行者が知っておくべき多くの場所で発生します。これらは、偽りのふりをしてあなたからあなたのお金やビジネスを手に入れるように設計されています。それらは3つのカテゴリーに分類されます:あなたを過大請求する、あなたを欺く、またはあなたが望まないサービスの支払いを強要する、そして完全に 盗難.

詐欺は必ずしも 犯罪、そして警察は犠牲者を助ける意志や法的能力を持っていないかもしれません。最悪の場合、彼らはそれに関与している可能性があり、地元の法執行機関のいくつかの方法は、このリストのいくつかの詐欺とは異なり、道徳的なカテゴリに分類される可能性のあるさまざまな形の罠やトリックで実際に機能する可能性があります。


同時に、もしあなたが刺されたとしても、自分自身にそれほど苦労しないでください。あなたはあなたよりも場所をよく知っている人々やあなたをだまそうとしていた人々と取引をしていました。場合によっては、あなたは強化された犯罪者を扱っていました。あなたに起こったことが違法であり、警察が信頼できると思うなら、それを報告してください。それ以外の場合は、経験するためにチョークで書きます。盗難関連の請求をしたい場合 保険 ポリシーでは、通常、24時間以内に警察の報告書を作成し、保険会社のコピーを保管する必要があります。また、盗まれた身分証明書を置き換えるために警察の報告書が必要になります。 パスポート.

米国国務省には ページ 旅行者に行われた詐欺の警告。




  • 旅行仲間がいる場合は、その日の計画の概要をお互いに知らせてください
  • 不必要な金額の現金や高価なアイテム(ルイヴィトンのハンドバッグ、iPhoneなど)を持ち歩かないでください
  • リスクの高い地域では、自分が地元ではないという事実に注意を向けないでください。軽い旅をし、首の周りのカメラの列をなくし、地元の人と同じように服を着せます。地図やバックパックなどの典型的な「観光客」のアクセサリーは避けてください。遠く離れた場所からのナンバープレートと著名なレンタカー会社のロゴが付いた車両が侵入や盗難の標的にされても驚かないでください。悪役は、彼らに対して証言するために戻ってくるのに長い旅があること、あるいは言語の壁さえあることに気づきます。 。
  • 誰かがあなたを知っているふりをしてあなたの名前を使ってあなたに近づいた場合に備えて、あなたの名前をバッグの外側に印刷しないでください(必要に応じて不透明な荷物タグを使用してください)
  • アルコール そして他の薬はあなたの判断に影響を及ぼし、あなたが信頼する正当な理由がある人々の間でのみ甘やかされるべきです。
  • 目的地、その一般的なレイアウト、および通常の価格帯を調査することは、多くの詐欺を回避するのに役立ちます。いつ 新しい都市に到着、どこに行くかについて計画を立て、空港や駅などは、宣伝やコンメンが「助け」を提供できる新参者を待つ場所であることが多いことに注意してください。
  • どこに行きたいのか、何をしたいのかを知り、その計画に固執することは、だまされないようにするための良い方法です。
  • 言語を知っていると、基本的なことでも、「外国人」に見えにくくなり、不正行為の被害者になったときに地元の人の助けを借りるのに役立ちます。


  • 国ごとに犯罪の多い地域があります。一般に、低所得地域、観光地域、鉄道やその他の公共交通機関の駅、ナイトライフ地区は、他の地域よりも犯罪リスクが高くなっています。多くの場合、空港自体は十分に安全ですが、周囲のコミュニティは危険な場合があります。また、街の中心部から遠く離れている可能性があります。多くの目的地には モーテル かつて町への主要道路であったものを剥ぎ取ります。これらの道路は高速道路によって迂回されているため、宿泊施設(または地域)が衰退したり、犯罪の引き金となる可能性があります。コミュニティはそれぞれ異なるため、滞在先を決定する前に、ウィキボヤージュ市の記事の「安全を確保する」セクションを確認してください。
  • 驚異的な取引や驚くべき賞金は、見た目ほどありそうになく、詐欺の一部である可能性が高いことを忘れないでください。
  • 特に、友人を離れたり、未知の場所に同行するように説得しようとしている場合は、特別な注意を払うためにあなたを選び出しているように見える見知らぬ人には注意してください。
  • 誰も避けてください 物乞い特に、子供を使って物乞いをしている場合(一般的な詐欺)。中国では、子供が物乞いをしているのを見つけたら、オンラインで写真を投稿してください。子供は誘拐の被害者であることが多く、オンラインで写真を投稿すると、子供を見つけやすくなります。
  • あなたがお互いを知っているがあなた自身は知らない見知らぬ人のグループの中にいるような状況にいることは、彼らにあなたに対して大きな力を与えます。
  • ウエスタンユニオンや同様のサービスを介して、知らない人や企業に送金することは避けてください。
  • セックスワーカー、宣伝、ホスピタリティスタッフなど、魅力的な見知らぬ人があなたの性的感情を高めようとしていることに注意してください。


  • 製品、サービス、または宿泊施設を受け入れる前に、常に価格について話し合い、合意し、支払いの証拠を常に持ってください。
  • あなたがそれを要求するときにあなたを放っておくことを拒否する人に対して礼儀正しくまたは友好的である必要はありません。
  • また、ランダムな人々からの知り合いの質問に答える必要もありません。これらは単に友好的な地元の人々かもしれませんが、彼らは彼らに役立つ情報を探している詐欺師かもしれません。
  • いくつかの「信じられないほどの取引」が提供されたときに歩くことは失礼に思えるかもしれませんが、実際にはコースの標準であり、多くの地元の人々はそれを軽視しています。それらから学ぶようにしてください。


これらの詐欺は、実際には欺瞞的なヘルプやアドバイスを提供するという考えに基づいており、詐欺師の「地元の知識」に依存することを信頼しています。彼らは通常、あなたが他の方法では行かない何かにお金を払ったり、行きたくない場所に行ったりする結果となるアドバイスを与えることを含みます。地元の人があなたにかなりの金額を提供するという詐欺の中には、たとえば偽の宝石を買うように説得するなど、完全に詐欺的なものもありますが、その地域をよく知っていれば、お金を払わないものにお金を払わせるだけの詐欺もたくさんあります。 。








あなたができる最善のことはタクシーの使用を避けることです。前 新しい場所に到着 宿泊施設を事前に予約し、地図上のどこにあるかを調べ、宿泊施設までまたはその近くに行くためのローカルバスなどの代替交通機関があるかどうかを確認します。到着後に宿泊施設を予約する必要がある場合は、地元の旅行代理店や観光案内所などの信頼できる情報源から予約してください。


主要な観光地に到着すると、入り口の近くに非常に役立つ地元の人がいて、行きたい場所に暴動/休日/公式訪問があり、閉鎖されていることを説明している場合があります。 (時々、タクシーの運転手はこれらの親切な地元の人々と警戒し、彼らに迎えられるために意図的にあなたを降ろします。)地元の人々はあなたをあまり知られていないが無限に美しい光景や素敵な店に連れて行くことを提案します。一般的に、目的地は実際には営業しています。申し出を拒否し、行って見てください。彼らが真実を語っている非常にまれな場合でさえ、彼らは彼らが思っているほど役に立たないかもしれないので、あなた自身のバックアップ計画を追求する方が良いでしょう。彼らから離れて、彼らがあなたを追いかけるのをやめるメインの観光客の入り口に向かって歩いてください。



あなたは彼らが芸術の学生であると言う人々によって通りで出会う。彼らは英語を上手に話し、あなたを彼らの学校に招待します。それから彼らはあなたに彼らの作品の1つを過剰な価格で買わせようとします。 「学生」は通常、ギャラリーに雇われて顧客を引き付け、顧客に「彼らの」作品を購入して彼らを励まし、彼らの親しみやすさに対して報いる義務があると感じさせる魅力的な若い女性です。

この詐欺はで実践されています 中国、特に 北京 そして 西安.






ポイペト (間の境界に タイ そして カンボジア)はの典型的な例です 国境通過 詐欺。 「役に立つ」人は、役に立たないサービス(申し込みフォームへの記入など)を行った場合に料金を請求します。 「友好的な」人々はビザを取得するために通常の2倍の料金を請求します(あなたは自分で行うことができます)、詐欺師はあなたが彼らの恐ろしい為替レートでお金を変える必要があるとあなたに言います(彼らはまたどこにもATMがないとあなたに言います国)、そしてトゥクトゥクの運転手はあなたに100メートルを連れて行くためにあなたにいくらかのばかげた金額を請求します。











この詐欺は、 スリ または 気晴らしの盗難、カイロとデリーで観察されているように。ブエノスアイレスの変種は、誰かがあなたのコートにマスタードまたは他のペーストを投げ、次にヘルパーまたは第三者があなたをスリし、時々あなたのバッグを盗むことを含みます。




あなたはパトカーのように見える車両に引っ張られ、しばしばマークが付けられていません。想定される役員は、あなたがあなたの免許証に多額の罰金とポイントを受け取ろうとしていると言います、しかしあなたは現金ではるかに少ない料金を前払いすることによってこれを避けることができます。これの変形は、(偽の)役員があなたに近づき、複雑な軽微な犯罪が犯されたと主張し、逮捕などの不便は罰金の即時支払いによって回避できると主張することを含みます。これは ない 法執行機関がほぼどこでも使用している公式の戦術(ただし、腐敗した警察はとにかくそれを行う可能性があります)。汚職のレベルが高くない国では、合法的な警察官は、受け取るお金ではなく、法律が守られていることに気を配っています。警察は、郵便または銀行振込(または部門に直接)で支払う必要のある実際のチケットを発行するか、お金をまったく支払う必要がないという警告を発行するか、完全に無料で行かせます。






正当な 通行料 既存の構造を使用します。しかし、一部の農村地域では、観光客が頻繁に訪れる小さな移動道路に原始的な仮設ゲートが設置されており、通過と引き換えにお金が要求されます。見た目は「通行料」または公園の入場料である可能性があります。多くの場合、支払いと不平を言う以外に選択肢はほとんどありませんが、当局に状況を報告するという単なる脅威が不思議に思う場合があります。


マラドーナは、で非常に一般的な詐欺です ルーマニア、特に首都で ブカレスト。誰かがあなたに近づき、(英語で)会話に参加しようとします。通常は漠然と違法なことについてです。数秒後、2人の男性が私服で登場しますが、合法的に見える警察のバッジが点滅します。彼らはあなたとあなたの「新しい知人」をいくつかの違法行為(通常は「通貨交換」)で非難し、あなたの財布やパスポートを見ることを要求します。



これにはもっと暴力的な変種があり、 カルタヘナ(コロンビア)、購入する薬が提供されている場所。そうすると、偽の警察官がすぐに現れ、多額の罰金を支払うように要求します。彼らはあなたを最寄りのATMに連れて行き、あなたにできるだけ多くのお金を引き出しさせ、あなたを誘拐するかもしれません。














あなたが 車を借りる または他の車両の場合、引っかき傷を含む以前の損傷をチェックするプロセスを急いでいます。エージェントはあなたがそれをするのにあなたの時間を割くことにそれほど満足していないかもしれません。車両にはすでに傷やへこみがたくさんあるので、目でそれらをすべて捕まえることは不可能です。


この種の戦術は、レンタカー業界内のすべてのブランドに共通しており、Europcar UK、Budget Canada、Hertz Australiaの地元のオペレーターが、顧客に損害賠償を不正に帰属させたり、修理費用を膨らませたりして、良心的でない行為や不実表示で起訴された例があります。





別のバリエーションでは、売り手は、購入した商品に変更はなく、変更の代わりに商品(多くの場合低品質)を受け入れる必要があると主張します。あなたが販売を「キャンセル」してあなたのお金を取り戻すように頼むと、売り手はあなたが彼の家族やビジネスのためにお金を必要としているのであなたが商品を取るかあなたに罪を感じさせようと主張することでかなり強引になるかもしれません。大きな請求書で支払う場合は、 あなたのお金を渡す前に売り手が変わったかどうか尋ねてください.







または、必要なものを決定してから、ドライバーなしで戻ってきて、 バーゲン 大幅な割引があります。エルサレムでは、これは少なくとも35%である必要があります。これは、ドライバーが取得するおおよその量です。一部の中国のツーリストトラップストアでは、少なくとも60%である必要があります。アイテムには「固定価格」のマークが付いていますが、店員は最大20%オフで、ガイドは販売価格の50%を受け取るため、「実際の」価格はマークされた価格の40%になります。


を参照してください ショッピング 多くの場合、これらのショップよりも優れているいくつかの選択肢の記事。


路上で売っている人からお土産やその他の商品を購入するように説得された場合は、財布に入れる前に、販売から与えられた変更を確認してください。同じような外観の異なる通貨である可能性があります。たとえば、 中国、露天商は50ルーブルの代わりに50ルーブルの紙幣をあなたに渡すかもしれません。前者は後者の10分の1の価値があります。一部の地域では、完全な偽造通貨を取得する場合があります。また、受け取ったメモが他の場所で受け入れられない可能性があるため、破れたり破損したりしないように注意してください。ベンダーがお金を「交換」する過程であなたから請求書を完全に盗むことも可能です。

多くの場合、悪いお金は良いものを追い出します。現代の通貨と同じ名前の多くの時代遅れの通貨は公式に見えますが、価値がありません。政府は、あまりにも多くのお金を印刷することによってインフレを助長し、次に、価値のない「古い」通貨の金種からいくつかの後続ゼロを単に落とす「新しい」通貨を作成します。政府はまた、特定のメモを「デモンストレーション」し、意図的にそれらを無効にしました。いくつかの国もあります( キューバ)公式に2つの通貨を持っている(または持っていた)–キューバ兌換ペソ(CUC)は、通常のキューバペソ(CUP)よりも価値があり、不幸な航海者のおとり商法の機会を生み出します。


参照: お金





A vendor may claim to be willing to accept your home currency for a purchase (and most travel venues on an international boundary do so) but their exchange rate is at least 10% worse than any local bank or a dedicated bureau de change。 For instance, "US dollars accepted here" by a merchant at $1.10 (when the local currency is trading below eighty cents on the open market) is no bargain. Sub-prime cheque cashing businesses are also infamous for deliberately unfavorable rates on currency exchange.

One pitfall in this respect is dynamic currency exchange: the vendor on a card-paid transaction offers to do the conversion for you and bill your card in your home currency. In most cases, it's best to say "no" and refuse to complete the transaction if the vendor insists, as the exchange rate offered by the merchant is almost invariably worse than whatever's offered by default by your card's issuing bank or credit union. This is a common scam in Europe. The card terminal may be handed to you with the choice of local or your home currency. Always pay in the local currency as your credit card company will invariably provide the better exchange rate. If the vendor has already selected your home currency, cancel the transaction (red key) and ask them to enter again in local currency.

This scam is also often perpetrated by online vendors. For instance, if you buy online and pay with PayPal in a country that doesn't use the euro or US dollar, you'll have to manually opt out of currency conversion on every transaction, because you're always getting a worse rate than what your bank will charge you. For some currency pairs PayPal's fee can be as much as 10%, while the corresponding bank fee when the customer's account is charged in a different currency, would be only in the neighborhood of 2-4%.

Gem and other resale scams

You are taken to a jewelry shop and offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase gemstones or jewels at special discount prices. Another customer in the shop, well-dressed and perhaps from the same country as you, tells how he made incredible profits last year by reselling the gems and is now back for more but to hurry as the sale ends today and you have to pay cash.

Of course, once you get back home and try to sell your booty, it turns out to be low-grade and worth only a fraction of what you paid for it. This scam is particularly prevalent in Bangkok, but variations on the theme with other products that can supposedly be resold for vast profits are common elsewhere too. Another variation involves you exporting the gems for a supposed 'commission' in exchange for the scammer taking a photocopy of your ID cards and/or credit cards, which can of course be used to make a tidy profit via identity theft.

Counterfeit items

Fake Rolex wristwatches

Unfortunately for the traveller, counterfeiting isn't limited to the manufacture of "Relox" watches or knock-offs of random overpriced luxury goods from CD's and DVD's to watches, clothing, bags and cosmetics. In some regions, branded prescription medicines are prone to being copied by rival manufacturers. Knock-offs vary from legitimately useful generics to poor copies with the wrong amount of an active ingredient; many are diluted and some don't work at all. Outdated medications, which can be unreliable, have a knack for turning up at inopportune moments in out-of-the-way places. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates indicate one million deaths are tied to bogus medicine, with fake anti-malaria tablets in Africa of particular concern.

American import law prohibits bringing more than one of any counterfeit item into the country and requires the items be 宣言。 This is especially important when travelling back from Asia, where most counterfeit goods originate. It's assumed that if you are buying more than one, it's for illegal resale. One counterfeit Rolex for your possession is legal, but two fake Rolexes are illegal and subject to thousands of dollars in fines.

Counterfeit currency is also an issue in some regions, particularly in Asia. North Korea is accused by the CIA of printing very convincing (but bogus) US currency, known as "supernotes", for export within the region.

Cruise ship art auctions

Cruise passengers are lured to auctions of supposedly investment-grade, collector painting, which are actually industrial inkjet printed copies, euphemistically called giclée。 Free champagne flows like water. The auctions may or may not be conducted by licensed auctioneers and may not adhere to standard auction practices. Since the sales take place at sea, it is difficult for buyers to do due diligence and research on internet prior to making decision. Buyers may have little recourse if the art is misrepresented. Furthermore, in traditional auctions the bidder buys the actual piece on display, whereas cruise ship auctions sell the art on display, but the winning bidder actually receives a different (but supposedly equivalent) piece which is shipped from the auction company's warehouse. Many art buyers at cruise ship auctions have later found that their shipboard masterpieces were worth only a fraction of the purchase price and will never appreciate in value. One major player in cruise ship auction is Park West Galleries.

Art auctions on cruise ships are not investment grade. To prevent being scammed, carefully read any terms and conditions prior to signing anything.

Non-exportable antiques

Buying expensive antiques anywhere is risky. Even experts can sometimes be deceived by fakes, and a naive buyer is at great risk of being overcharged nearly anywhere. An additional complication arises in the many countries which, quite understandably, have various restrictions on export of relics of their culture. エジプト そして インド, for example, have strict rules on export of antiquities and 中国 requires a license for antiques.に ペルー it is forbidden to export relics and to buy a relic requires a license of the Ministry of Culture, so always check in the official tourist information office (iperu).

Check the laws in any country you visit before buying antiques。 Otherwise, you might have your purchases confiscated at the border and be hit with a hefty fine as well. In some countries, licensed dealers can provide paperwork that allows export for some items, but bogus documents are sometimes provided. Try to deal with someone respectable and traceable.

In some countries, the whole thing becomes a scam. Instead of preserving the confiscated "heritage" items, corrupt border police may sell them right back to the tourist shops so that the shops then sell them to another unsuspecting traveler.

Your own country may also apply import restrictions to items such as animal pelts (for a long list of species, some of which are not actually endangered) or anything containing ivory. Know before you go.

Plastic bag code

In some countries where haggling is common, people at markets may have an arrangement where they will put purchases in different colored bags to signal how much a customer has paid, allowing other vendors to charge accordingly. For instance, at a certain market, a white bag may indicate that a customer paid the usual price whereas a blue bag may indicate that they paid a higher amount - vendors will ask a higher price if they see someone carrying a lot of blue bags. Different markets have different color codes, and some may have several stages of overcharging.

To avoid this, try to figure out how much the usual prices for things are before making your purchase and haggling the price aggressively if they are charging too much, and putting purchases in a backpack or durable shopping bag rather than using the plastic bags provided.

"Low cost" airlines

一方 low cost airlines are legitimate and often genuinely cheaper operations, some of their (usually totally legal) business practices are similar to scams. A thing that is so common that it shouldn't surprise you is the quoting of prices "from" a certain amount of money. Sure the ticket for London to Milan "from" €19 sounds tempting, but those prices usually refer to a small contingent of tickets that you have to be quite lucky to ever see, let alone get. Besides that prices are almost always quoted for one-way fares (whereas traditional airlines often quote round trip ticket prices) and don't include a variety of fees and taxes. If you really want to go one way on a day of the week that sees little traffic and have little or no luggage and are willing to take it with you carry-on, you may well get the fabled low rates, but otherwise you should read the fine print 非常に carefully.

Some low cost airlines are notorious for outrageous fees, such as €50 for printing a boarding pass or US$100 for half a pound of excess baggage. Another common trick is for "low cost" airlines to fly out of secondary or tertiary "airports" (often converted former military airbases) that - especially in Europe - are not well connected to any sort of public transport and more or less in the middle of nowhere and then proceed to give them deceptive names like "Barcelona"-Girona, "Düsseldorf"-Weeze, "München"-Memmingen, or "Frankfurt"-Hahn, even though those cities are a hundred or more kilometers from "their" low cost airports. In the US low cost airlines often fly to airports closer to the city they are named after, but ridiculous surcharges may apply as well. That being said "legacy" airlines have now copied several of the low cost airlines' business practices, especially on short distance routes and especially in the US.

In short: read the fine print carefully, don't order any "extra services" you won't need (a €10 insurance for a €20 flight is getting ripped off and €15 seat reservation for a 50-minute flight is most likely not worth it) and for god's sake jump through all the hoops the airline makes you jump through, lest you be charged ridiculous amounts for paying with the wrong kind of debit card or sitting in the wrong seat or failing to print out a boarding pass in the right format on the right type of paper.


These scams rely on trapping you in a bad situation and forcing you to pay money to get out of it. They're best prevented by avoiding the situation; once you're in it, you may well have no option but to pay whatever it takes to get out of it safely. Many of these scams are bordering on illegal.

Free tours

You are offered a "free tour" of a shop or factory way out of town. Your driver may then suggest that you'll need to buy something if you want a ride back. The best prevention is avoidance as if you're stuck out there you might well be compelled to do as he 'suggests'. Don't accept any kind of lift or offer of a tour without having a basic idea of where you're going and how you will be able to get back if your driver deserts you. Of course, if you are strong and assertive from the beginning in dealing with any suspicious characters, you can limit your chances of being involved in this kind of sting. However, always bear in mind that the perpetrator may be carrying a knife or be willing to assault you if the situation arises.

Passport as security for debt or rental

も参照してください Theft#Passport and identity theft

You rent equipment like a jet ski or motorbike. You are asked to give your passport as a security guarantee. After returning the rented goods, the owner claims you damaged them and will ask for exaggerated prices to compensate or claim to have "lost" your passport (later the police or lost property office want a substantial "donation" for its return). If you do not agree, they threaten to keep your passport. This scam is used in almost all tourist resorts in Thailand and is very effective.

Never hand over your passport as a security or guarantee in any circumstances. Pay cash (and get a receipt), or hand over something comparatively worthless, like your library card. You can also try going elsewhere (often the threat will be enough).

Note that most passports include wording such as this (direct quote): "This passport is the property of the government of Canada ... If your passport is surrendered to any person or agency outside the Canadian government (e.g. to obtain a visa) and is not promptly returned, report the facts to [an embassy or consulate]." At least in principle, no-one — except a foreign government, a travel agent or an employer who needs it to arrange a visa, or someone like a hotel or airline who want it briefly to check you in — can take a passport away, and anyone who does is in violation of international law。 Your government can press the host government to fix the problem, and that government in theory has no choice but to do so. Of course, in reality it is far more complex; your government may not be helpful, the host government may ignore them, local cops may ignore a request from the capital, or they may not have an effective way to pressure whoever has the passport.

Overpriced street vendors

You decide on a whim to buy a piece of one of the massive cakes covered in nuts and fruits that are a fairly common sight in the tourist-laden parts of cities in 中国。 You ask the price, and the man tending to the cake tells you it depends on how much you want. You show him how much. Immediately, he slices the cake, weighs it out, and gives you an extremely high price. He tells you that since he already sliced the cake, you have to buy it.

The best thing to do in this or any similar situation is probably to leave your purchase and just walk away. If they hassle you, threaten to call the police. Like the art school scam, this ruse depends on using your guilt to coerce you out of your money.

Solicitation of money by photographic subjects

参照: Travel photography#Stay safe, Video recording#Stay safe

A local in a colorful costume offers to pose for a photo with a traveller, persistently asking "Want to take a picture?". The visitor takes one picture. The local then starts aggressively demanding money. The traveller objects, only to be met with a string of obscenities at best and physical force at worst.

The scam is that neither the price nor the intent to demand money is disclosed up front. Payment is only demanded after the visitor has taken the photo and it's "too late".

The operators are not licensed street vendors (they evade regulations by mischaracterizing their fee for service as a "tip" or gratuity, only to become rude, aggressive or violent when the victim refuses to pay). While they may appear as anything from bogus Sesame Street characters (who typically demand $2-5) to scantily clad women wearing little other than a thong and body paint (who take $10-20), they invariably do not have permission from the creators of any trademarked, copyrighted characters they're impersonating. As solicitations occur most often in high-traffic, touristed areas like ニューヨーク市 whose visitors are already subjected to begging, aggressive panhandling and various scams, their conduct reflects poorly on the city to outsiders.

While the best response to "Want to take a picture?" in some places is simply to walk away, parents travelling with children may find it very awkward to explain to tiny tots why the Cookie Monster was arrested in タイムズスクエア for pushing a two-year-old child to the ground (his mother refused to pay for a photo) or why officers carried an emotionally disturbed Elmo out of Central Park Zoo screaming obscenities (he was ejected for begging from the zoo's visitors).

Rigged gambling games

Shell game in Berlin

This comes in many forms, from the three-card monte cup shufflers of Europe's city streets to dodgy gambling dens in the backstreets of South-East Asia. In most cases, the target is alone. The conman strikes up a conversation and then claims to have family in the target's home country. After some "friendly" conversation, the target is then invited to a card game or some other type of gambling: just for "fun" of course.

The target is taken somewhere far from the tourist area. After doing a few "practice" games, then they start to play for real. Of course, the game is totally rigged. After losing, the target will find his "friend" not so friendly anymore, and then a massive amount of money will be demanded (often totaling in the thousands of dollars). Violence might be used to settle the debts. In some jurisdictions gambling of any kind is illegal.

Tourists are by no means the only targets for this. Professional Chinese-Canadian scammers routinely take huge amounts from Chinese overseas students in crooked mah jong games, for example.

Do not gamble for money with strangers or outside of licensed and well-regarded gambling venues.

Cash on the sidewalk

As you stand on the sidewalk studying your map or guidebook, a passerby will point to a roll of bills, wallet, or gold jewelry on the ground nearby and ask if it is yours. They pick it up and offer to split the stuff with you. If you agree, a couple of heavies will soon appear demanding their money back, much more than you originally "found" of course. This scam is most common in Russia and Ukraine but it's also used in France.

Free hair salon treatment

Most commonly in Asian countries, a good-looking hair dresser would stand outside the salon and pass out coupons for a "free" shampoo hair wash and "free" head massage. Even if you decline, they will continue to be persistent. As soon as they succeed in seating you down in a salon chair and start wetting your hair, they'll explain how damaged your hair is and which specific products will help. The prices are absurdly set and often 2 to 3 times more expensive than in the US for a similar salon treatment. It will be much more difficult to refuse then after they've stroked up a friendly conversation and compliments. The best way to avoid this is simply tell them you've just had a haircut and are not interested.


Various scams are outright theft:

  • Distraction theft, in its various forms, usually involves one villain distracting the victim while an accomplice steals items of value.
  • Payment card thefts include various schemes to steal credit card numbers (card skimming) or copy the PINs and magnetic strips of ATM/cash-point cards. In some schemes the card itself is stolen, in others the card information is stolen and used to make fraudulent transactions.
  • Pickpockets steal items (usually wallets, passports or other valuables) from people's clothing and bags as they walk in a public place.

See the main articles on pickpockets そして theft.

A few scams involve putting you in a position where someone can take your money by force.

Friendly locals wanting to go out for a drink

While walking down the street you may be approached by attractive friendly locals wanting to go out for a beer or a drink. Then they tell you the drink costs way more than it actually does. Or worse, they just wait for you to become inebriated (or tamper with your drink to drug you in some manner) and take your money.も参照してください clip joints, below.

Car trouble

People will approach you on the street and tell you that their car just ran out of fuel or is broken down and is only a few blocks away. They'll usually first ask for money for gas. If you don't believe them or try to walk away, they may beg you to come with them to the car to see that they are telling the truth. They may offer you some kind of security such as their jewelry and be well-dressed and plausible seeming.

Do not give people money in these and similar scenarios. Do not follow them to where they claim their car is. If you suspect they are really in trouble, you could report their predicament to police.

Street brawl

You are walking down the street alone and all of a sudden you see many people attacking one person (sometimes an old man or a woman). When you want to help, people will take photos of you and will blackmail you afterwards to go to the police. Now you find out that the attacked person, the attackers and the photographer are a group. They will blackmail you for large amounts of money, because if they go to the police, you most likely need to leave the country (for example in China).

Avoid this scam by following this piece of common sense: It is never wise to engage in fights. If you witness a fight, your best bet is to either walk away or alert the police if they're trustworthy. NEVER get involved yourself. Laying your hand on a local may result in deportation in some countries.

Payment card scams

参照: Theft#Payment card theft

Your credit card number, your debit card PIN, or even the card itself is an obvious target for theft and fraud. Some of these scams are distraction thefts (one person distracts you while the other steals your card), some switch a merchant's debit keypad for a tampered or fake version, some add extra hardware to ATM cashpoints to skim the magnetic stripe from payment cards.

In one variant (which appears occasionally as a taxi scam) a vendor asks for payment by debit card and presents a keypad to enter a PIN. The vendor then hands back a card that looks like the one the voyager originally provided... but it's the wrong card. The scammer now has your card, the keypad was rigged to steal your PIN and the thieves go on a spree from cashpoint to cashpoint, emptying your account. Another variant is the restaurateur who wanders off with your credit card, either to secretly copy your card number or to take out a cash advance at your expense.

Counterfeit tickets and stolen goods

There are multiple variants; someone on-line claims "50% off" WestJet tickets to attendees of a particular convention, but the tickets were purchased with a stolen credit card which is quickly red-flagged by the airline; someone lists hard-to-find tickets to a rock star's concert on Craiglist, but these were printed as an elaborate forgery and fifty other unhappy fans are gathered outside the stadium with their equally worthless "tickets"; someone lists a mobile telephone on Kijiji which a mobile carrier soon places on a national blacklist, so that its electronic serial number (IMEI) can't be subscribed anywhere. If the item was purchased from a web listing and handed off in a public place, the seller is later conveniently nowhere to be found. Another variant is an otherwise-valid ticket which the original issuer won't allow the original buyer to transfer (such as a ディズニーランド multi-day pass with a few days left, which turn up outside the parks often). The items don't have to actually be stolen; it is not unheard of for a mobile provider to place an IMEI on a blacklist in an attempt to get leverage against a subscriber in a billing dispute, with the subsequent owner of the handset victimized.

Event scams

Scammers don't rest during the holidays. Sometimes an event organiser will pop up just long enough to announce a big Halloween または New Year's Eve bash, with pricey tickets for admission sold in advance. The buyers of these tickets only find the event doesn't exist, isn't as advertised or that the tickets are counterfeit on the day of the event; at that point, because the vendor was a short-lived seasonal, pop-up operation, they're nowhere to be found. Another variant is a mail order vendor peddling seasonal merchandise (such as Halloween costumes) that either doesn't arrive, are not as advertised or only turn up after the event is over. Try to return the two sizes too small Halloween garb that didn't arrive until November, and the seasonal pop-up merchant is conveniently gone — closed for the season.

There's nothing inherently tying these scams to one specific time of year; the various holidays just provide convenient marketing opportunities.

Sex workers

Neon signs in the red light district of Bangkok

Sex workers are a common sight in many cities, and you may find yourself interested in hiring one. Many sex workers are honest and committed to doing their work safely and consensually for all parties involved. However, in some cases, those working in this industry can be involved in a variety of crimes:

  • leading you into an armed robbery
  • having a confederate go through your clothes while you are out of them
  • taking your hotel room key, which is turned over to burglars or thieves
  • "cash and dash", where a provider accepts payment for services that are never provided, then leaves
  • advance fee scams, where the pimp (or a thug) arrives without the service provider and demands the cash up front - before vanishing with the victim's money in pocket and no service provided
  • a bogus "outraged family member" (or cop) appearing and needing to be bought off; alternately, this person's arrival is carefully timed to occur immediately after the provider has accepted payment and before any service is rendered, as effectively a "cash and dash" scheme
  • hidden cameras and eventual blackmail

In some instances, the sex workers may have been coerced by human traffickers or organized crime, or have substance abuse issues that make them vulnerable to exploitation.

In almost all cases, the presumption is that victims will not call police; the clients are either ashamed to have to pay for a 'companion', afraid to be outed to a spouse on whom they are cheating, fearful of violent retribution by those running the scams or afraid of legal prosecution as even jurisdictions which nominally do not criminalize solicitation may still outlaw a long and arbitrary list of related activities.

Even if you do not allow one to lead you anywhere, "streetwalkers" (sex workers who solicit clients on the street, rather than online or through a service) can pose risks. Some of those engaged in sex work may be tempted to steal cash or other valuables from a client. In some countries, such as 中国 or 48 states of the USA, prostitution is illegal and hotel staff may have the local police arrive at your room door not long after you check in.

In countries where prostitution is not fully legalized (and even in some cases where it is), such establishments may have links with other forms of criminal activity, notably various types of gangs, drug dealers and money laundering. A few are clip joints; as legal restrictions in many jurisdictions make providers claim to sell "massage", "companionship" or just about anything except actual "full-service" prostitution, these folks will gladly take the victim's money, then claim the payment was "just for the massage" and demand more money repeatedly. The mark is unceremoniously ejected from the premises (with no actual service provided) once his wallet is empty.

Taxi scams

参照: Taxis

Airports, stations and other places where people arrive in a new city are favorite places for all kinds of touts offering their (often overpriced) services. This includes taxi drivers and people pretending to be taxi drivers and if you're dealing with a dishonest person, the least bad thing that could happen is that you'll be driven to your destination but at an outrageous price. Therefore; if you need to travel by taxi from there, go to the official taxi line.

Scenic taxi rides

Since you don't know the area, taxi drivers can take advantage of you by taking a long route to your hotel and getting a large metered fare. The best prevention is knowledge: it's hard to learn a new city well enough to know a good route before you arrive for the first time. Always ask your hotel roughly what the taxi fare should be when you book or to arrange a pickup with them if they offer the service. Often you can negotiate a fixed price with a taxi before you get in and ask what the range of fare to your hotel will be. Good taxi drivers are on the route to your hotel every day and can give you a very accurate price before you or your luggage get into a cab.

Taxis not using the meter

Police car and taxi at the same time

In cities where the taxis have fare meters, drivers will often try to drive off with tourists without turning the meter on. When you arrive they'll try and charge fares from the merely expensive (2 or 3 times the usual fare) to fares of hundreds of US dollars, depending on how ambitious they are. If you're in an area known for this scam and you know where you're going and want them to use the meter (rather than arrange a fixed fare), ask them to turn the meter on just before you get in. If they say that it is broken or similar, walk away and try another taxi. They will often concede: a metered fare is better than no fare.

However, an ambitious traveler can actually work this scam in their favor, as in certain countries where meters are required (中国) the passenger cannot be forced to pay for an "informal" (that is, unmetered) taxi ride. A tourist is therefore free to walk away after the ride without paying anything at all: once you step out of his vehicle, the driver will have no proof of transaction to show the police. This tactic is, however, not recommended for use by the weak of heart but can save you money as a last resort.

Using the wrong metered rate

A related scam is using the wrong metered rate: setting it to a more expensive late-night setting during the day. You need location-specific information to prevent this one. A typical rip-off scenario involves a device known as "turbine". By pressing specially installed button (usually on the left of the steering wheel, or next to the clutch pedal) the driver starts the "turbine" and fools the meter to charge much faster than the usual speed. The change in the charging speed is obvious, so dishonest drivers talk and show around a lot, to make their passengers keep an eye off the taxi meter. The best way to prevent the driver from starting the turbine is to keep an eye on the meter at all times.

When suspicious, ask the taxi to drop you off at your (or any) hotel lobby. Security at most hotels can intervene if you are being overcharged.

Luggage held hostage

Watch your luggage as it is loaded! Get into the cab after your luggage is loaded and out before it is out of the trunk. If you put your luggage in the trunk, they might refuse to give you your luggage back unless you pay a much higher price the actual fare. Remember to always write down or remember the taxi number or driver's number in case of problems and keep your luggage in your hand at all times if possible. Often, just writing down the taxi number will make them back down if they are keeping your luggage hostage, but be careful that they are not armed or are trying to rob you by other means than just driving away with your luggage.

"Per person" taxi charge

Taxi, tuk-tuk, or auto-rickshaw drivers will agree on a price. When you arrive at your destination, they may or may not tell you that the vehicle is a share vehicle, and they will tell you that the price quoted is per person. The tricky thing is that a per-person charge (or a flat rate plus a per person charge) is standard in some cities and countries, so it's important to research the destination beforehand and make sure you and the driver are both clear on what the price means before you start riding. If you know the driver is trying to scam you, you can almost always just give them the agreed-upon fare and walk away. Just make sure that you have the correct change before departing as in many places drivers are known to come up with any excuse it takes to charge you extra.

Food and beverage scams

From the barkeeper who charges full price for watered-down drinks to the restaurateurs who give themselves generous tips using their diner's payment cards, there are various schemes in which travellers are overcharged for food and beverage service.

Dual menus

A bar or restaurant gives you a menu with reasonable prices and takes it away with your order. Later they present a bill with much higher prices. If you argue, they produce a menu with those higher prices on it. This scam is known in ルーマニア and in bars in 中国 among other places. The best way to avoid this is to stay out of sleazy tourist bars. Another option is to take a picture of the menu with your phone camera. If the restaurant argues, you can always tell them that you want to send it to your friends because they otherwise wouldn't believe the prices are so low. You can then proceed to take a picture of the food for your foodie-blog (which might come in handy if the items on your bill don't match the items you ordered or were served).

You could also try hanging on to your menu or paying when your drinks or food are delivered, preferably with the right change. Watch out for asking for a menu in English, as the prices on the menu are sometimes higher than the menu in the native language, although because of the difficulty of navigating a foreign-language menu and the likelihood that the price even with the foreigner surcharge is still pretty low, non-Mandarin-readers may want to write this off as a translation fee. Another variant is the venue which lists an absurdly-inflated price, then claims to offer a "discount for locals". In some places where there is a common parallel currency (usually US dollars or euros) there might be a menu with prices quoted both in local currency and the parallel currency. Prices in the local currency may be significantly lower, especially if there is high inflation, so know the up to date exchange rate. A general rule of thumb is: unless inflation is rampant you will be better off paying lower prices and using local money. In some rare cases "hard" currency may get you things that local money can't buy, but in some of those countries using foreign money or exchanging at the black market rate may be various shades of illegal.

A variation of this scam is ordering off the menu, where your waiter will offer you a "special" that is not shown on the menu. The meal will not be very special but will come with a price considerably higher than anything else on the menu. Also, touts and barkers might advertise low-price offers - or an attractive discount is prominently announced by signage outside the restaurant, but then the bill is calculated with normal prices. If an offer seems suspiciously cheap, read the fine print and once again: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.

Pane e coperto

Table at a restaurant in Italy

A restaurant indicates one price on the menu, but when the bill arrives there's an extra undisclosed cover charge. Restaurants in Italy, where cover charges are common, call them "pane e coperto", an extra charge for bread ("pane") and service ("coperto" or "servizio"). Cover charges are normal in some countries, but they should be disclosed up front. Otherwise, they're generally illegal (and some restaurateurs will try to slip this past by burying a one-line "service not included" in a lengthy menu); it also never hurts to check whether the restaurant is giving you a proper receipt for this extra money (and, presumably, paying the taxes on it). Often, a restaurant will attempt to slip extra charges onto the bill for visitors, but not for locals.

Unlisted cover charges

A fast-talking man (or attractive woman) standing outside a strip club will offer you free entry, complimentary drinks and/or lap dances to get you inside the club. They'll often speak very fluent English, are able to pick your accent, and be very convincing. Of course, they are good to their word with the free drinks and dances, but what they won't tell you (and what you won't know until you try to leave) is that there's a "membership fee" or "exit fee" of at least €100. There'll also be security waiting at the door for non-payers.

A variant of this is practiced in Bangkok, where touts with laminated menus offer sex shows and cheap beer. The beer may indeed be cheap, but they'll add a stiff surcharge for the show. Similarly in Brazil, expect to pay an extra 'artistic couvert' if live music is playing. No-one will warn you of this because it's considered normal there. Ask how much it is before you get seated.

Clip joints

It's often a bad idea to listen to complete strangers, who out of the blue, are inviting you to a drink

You're approached by an attractive, well-dressed, local gentleman or woman, who suggests going for a drink in a favorite nightspot. When you arrive, the joint is nearly deserted, but as soon as you sit down some scantily clad girls plop down next to you and order a few bottles of champagne. Your "friend" disappears, the bill runs into hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and heavies block the door and flex their muscles until you pay up. A variant is the "B-girl" or bar girl scam, where organized crime recruits attractive women to go into legitimate bars, seek out rich men who display expensive shoes and watches and lure them into "after-hours clubs" which are not licensed (or not otherwise open to the public) and which charge thousands of dollars to the drunken victims' payment cards. Often, the victims are too intoxicated to remember exactly what happened.

This is particularly common in Europe's larger cities, including ロンドン, イスタンブール そして Budapest. Florida is problematic due to a state law which directs police to arbitrarily force victims to pay all disputed charges and then attempt to recover the money by filing a dispute with the credit card issuers—an uphill battle. The best defense is not to end up in this situation: avoid going to bars with people you just met, pick the bar yourself, or at least back out immediately if they want to go somewhere that is not packed with locals. In Istanbul this scam is also common with places packed with locals, where they scam the tourists, but not the locals, as it is a difficult and time consuming process to get the police to do anything. It is best to pay by credit card, so have one ready so that if you 行う end up in this situation, you can pay by credit card to get out and then cancel your card and dispute the bill immediately. While police in some jurisdictions are unlikely to be of much assistance, filing a report may make it easier to get the charges reversed.

A variety of this scam is extortionate tea ceremonies in 北京 and other cities in 中国。 You will be approached by women who speak very good English, spend 30 minutes in conversation with you and invite you to have tea with them. The tea house they take you to will be empty, and you will end up in a situation of having to pay a huge amount of money for a few cups of tea. This is incredibly easy to fall into, as the scammers are often willing to spend considerable time "chatting you up" before suggesting going for tea. The best way to avoid this would be to not engage in conversation in the first place. Failing that, refuse to go with them to have tea, or if you find yourself having been fooled as far into going to the tea house with them, insist on leaving as soon as you can (e.g. fake receiving an urgent phone call from your friend), and ask for the bill (as each different variety of tea you drink will doubtless add up to the final cost).

Lodging scams

Some hotels and motels may be unscrupulous. While independent establishments may be a higher risk (there is no franchiser to whom to complain), there are cases of individually owned franchises of large companies engaging in unscrupulous practices. More rarely, the chain itself is problematic or turns a blind eye to questionable hidden charges; in one 2014 incident, the US Federal Communications Commission fined Marriott International US$600,000 for unlawful, willful jamming of client-owned Wi-Fi networks in one of its convention centres.

Most hotels are honest, and you will not encounter these problems. These are the minority, but the customer should be watchful, and should be aware of what signs to look out for.

It is not uncommon for a guest to check into a hotel when they are tired after many hours of travel, or to check out when they are in a hurry to catch a plane or get to another destination. At these times, a customer is unlikely to argue and therefore more likely to be suggestible or to cave. Guests in the middle of a stay are also unlikely to argue about being cheated due to fear of retaliation from management.

Advance fee scams

You book a room in advance, presuming that you will pay for it on arrival. Soon after, an inquiry arrives - presumably from the hotel - asking that you pay in advance, usually by wire money transfer. You pay, you later show up to find that the hotel denies all knowledge of having requested the wire transfer and demands to be paid again, in full. A less extreme form is that even when you book the hotel in advance, the hotel may attempt to charge for more nights than originally agreed to. They may also insist on payment in cash.

Odds are the hotel or middleman has breached confidential data, either through deficient security or a dishonest worker, giving a scammer the opportunity to hit travellers up for money in advance, take the cash and run. The scammer, officially, does not represent the hotel and the hotel glibly denies that it was their (or their reseller's) negligence which compromised the data; the longer they deny everything, the lower the chance of their being sued. Not only are you out the money, but some scammer likely has your home-country address and info (maybe even the payment card used to make the initial reservation) and can steal from you knowing that you are abroad and unable to do anything about a theft from your home or your payment cards until you return.

In another variant, you see an attractive cottage for rent in an on-line advert, pay to reserve it in advance and then show up — luggage in hand — to see Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear seated at their breakfast table wondering why some scammer on Kijiji just rented the cottage they're living in to Goldilocks (you, the unsuspecting traveller) in an advance fee scam. As the scammer placing the ads has no tie to the property, they conveniently are suddenly nowhere to be found and the money is gone. Somewhat more audacious scammers rent out nonexistent cottages, often next to such small roads that they don't show up on Google Street View. Once you're there, you'll find out that there's only wilderness where the cottage is supposed to be, and the photo of the cottage was copied from somewhere else.

Amenity fees

"Resort fees" are common in cities such as Las Vegas

It is the norm to receive amenities already in the room at the quoted rate, regardless of whether or not they are used. But some facilities have been known to charge customers additional fees for use of certain amenities, such as a refrigerator, microwave oven, coffeemaker, iron, or safe by surprise. Often WiFi access is advertised on the website, but its high fee is not mentioned. Some will charge if it has been used; others will charge even if it has not been used. In any case, this is a way to nickel-and-dime the customer. This should be clearly advertised before the reservation has been made; unfortunately, groups representing hoteliers (such as the American Hotel & Lodging Association) have lobbied governments aggressively to avoid a crackdown on so-called "resort fees".

Hoteliers are infamous for padding invoices with "incidentals", hidden charges for anything from telephone calls at inflated prices, to high charges for parking, to overpriced pay-per-view television programming to single servings of bottled water at a few dollars each. It is not unheard of for a hotel to charge high fees to call toll-free numbers or block services like "Canada Direct" that let you reach an operator in your home country; some even redirect the number to a competing provider who immediately asks for a credit card number. Some venues may illegally jam mobile telephone data connections to force you to use their overpriced services.

Services ordered from external vendors through the hotel desk, such as car rental, can be from less reputable vendors that overcharge the customer or practice bait-and-switch.

Claims of damage

At check-in, you are required to provide a credit card, and you sign a contract that you can be held accountable for any damages. You do not think anything of this. It seems like routine procedure anywhere. しかし、チェックアウトしてからずっと経つと、ホテルからカードに多額の請求が行われていることがわかります。あなたはこれに異議を唱えるためにあなたのクレジットカード会社に連絡します、しかしホテルはクレジットカード会社に想定される損害の写真とそれを修理するために請負業者からの想定される請求書を送ることによって応答します。これは、今日のプリンターで簡単に架空で作成できますが、クレジットカード会社はこれを有効な証拠として受け入れ、ホテルの側に立っています。あなたは、請求に加えて、紛争期間中に発生した可能性のある利息をポニーアップすることに固執しています。











もう1つのバリエーションは、ホテルに連絡したと思っているが、実際には自分で手数料を取っている再販業者と話している隠れた仲介業者です。たとえば、1-800-HOLIDAY(465-4329)は主要なホテルチェーンです。 1-800-H0LIDAY(405-4329)はホテルチェーンではなく、提携していない再販業者です。作成された予約は、元のホテルまたは直接の競合他社のいずれかで実際のものですが、合法かつ従来の方法でビジネスを宣伝する誰かの代わりにタイポスクワッターを扱うと、支払う仲介者がもう1人いるため、利用可能な最高の料金が得られない可能性があります。

支払いを受け取った後、ホテル経営者に支払う前に壊れた仲買人も、旅行者に大きな問題を引き起こす可能性があります。に そのような事件の1つ, カナダのコンクエストバケーションは2009年に破産し、旅行者を事実上 メキシコ人 ホテルは、数千ドルの費用で再び部屋の代金を支払うまで、民間の警備員によって人質にされていました。



インターネットは、 おもてなし交流 そして バケーションレンタル 住宅所有者が比較的簡単に賃貸用の部屋またはアパート全体をリストできるようにすることによって。これらは慎重かつ正直に使用すれば優れたお金の節約になる可能性がありますが、航海者と住宅所有者の両方にリスクと落とし穴があります。


詐欺師は、正当なユーザーのログイン情報を盗み、プロファイルを変更して自分のものにすることがよくあります。これにより、確立されたユーザーのように見え、肯定的なフィードバックが得られます。次に、賃貸住宅を一覧表示し、ユーザーを元のサイトから偽のサイトに誘導することで問い合わせに応答します(したがって、airbnb.comでの問い合わせに対する電子メールは、airbnb.some-bogus-domain.comに送信されます。 、公式に見えますが、送信する銀行振込が「100%安全で保護されている」という偽の保証が含まれています)。実際のホームステイサイトが提供するシステムの外部で支払いを行う場合はどうなりますか?何も保護されていません、詐欺師はあなたの現金を持っていて、なくなっています。トランザクション全体が他人の盗まれたIDを使用して実行された場合、盗まれたものを使用するまで、それらを見つけて頑張ってください お支払カード 偽のウェブサイトをホストするために支払う。




宿泊施設は、大活字で低料金を宣伝します。ただし、ほとんどの場合、このレートの対象にはなりません。たとえば、 シニアレート 特定の年齢以上の人、または施設によって定義されたエリートグループに属するリピーターまたはその他の人のために予約されている可能性がある人のみが利用できます。ファインプリントに「一人当たり二人部屋」という言葉が入り込んでいるということは、1部屋の実際の価格が大活字の広告コピーに表示されている価格の2倍であることを意味します。あなたが支払う必要のある実質金利は、文献を深く掘り下げた後にのみファインプリントで見つかります。それにもかかわらず、必要なだけの旅行者 a 滞在する場所は洞窟になります。

別の変形は、施設が自分自身に チップまたはチップ あなたの同意なしにあなたの請求書に黙ってそれを追加することによって。レストランは大規模なグループにこれを行うことで有名ですが、事前に実際に請求に同意しない限り、その合法性には疑問があります。さらに、税法では、「必須のチップ」は基本価格の事実上の一部と見なされており、ホテル経営者またはレストラン経営者はそのお金に対して所得税と消費税を支払う必要があると推測されます。















レビューの推定1〜16%は偽物です。各国の規制当局は、何千もの自作自演のユーザーアカウントを運営している最も悪質な有料のレビュー担当者に対して限定的な侵入しか行っていません。 Yelpなどのサイトからレビューを削除する自動ツールは、巻き添え被害として有効なコメントを削除することがよくあります。格付けサイトは、せいぜい、本質的な利益相反にあります。ビジネスモデルとして旅行の宣伝や販売に頼っている間は、航海者に対する犯罪を警告することは困難です。 2017年には、 ミルウォーキージャーナル-センチネル 2010年までさかのぼってトリップアドバイザーから消えた性的暴行に関する情報の恐ろしい公開を実行しました。米国連邦取引委員会が簡単に 怒りを表明 しかし、最終的には、主要なプラットフォームはいずれも所有者にのみ回答します。




予約のないゲストも、15%もの金額が支払われると仮定すると、高額の価格が請求される傾向があります(工場が商品の高額の希望小売価格をリストしているように、小売業者はそこから実際の価格に「値下げ」します)。旅行代理店の手数料または仲介業者。その後、彼らはオンライン予約、自動車協会の会員、退職者、企業の顧客、または多数のグループに10%の割引を提供していると主張しているため、膨らんだメーカーの希望小売価格は不幸な少数の人だけが支払っています。あなたが携帯を持っているなら インターネット あなたと一緒にデバイスを使用して、フロントデスクで見積もられている価格が実際に旅館のウェブサイトの価格よりも高いかどうかを確認してください-ステッカーショックを受ける可能性があります。



欧米人がよく見かける海外のホテルの多くは、部屋に水が安全ではないことを示す標識を残し、飲料水はフロントデスクまたはミニバーから購入する必要があります。これらの国の多くでは、水は訪問者が消費するのに完全に安全であり、ホテルはボトル入りの水を販売するためにこれを教えてくれます。場合によっては、無料であるという意味でウォーターボトルを提供しますが、後で隠し料金として追加します。安全を期すために、スーパーマーケットでボトル入り飲料水を購入してください。水道水がどこかで安全に飲めるかどうかを知るために、あなた自身の独立した調査をしてください、そしてあなたにこの情報を提供するためにホテルに頼らないでください。いくつかの国の水に関する一般的な情報は、ウィキボヤージュの記事に記載されています。 だけでなく、個々の国や地域の記事の飲み物のセクション。


海外で働く、 従事 ボランティア旅行 または多分 英語を教える 遠く離れた土地では、別の文化を体験するためのやりがいのある方法になる可能性があります。しかし、フィールドにはいくつかの完全な詐欺、広範な搾取条件、および多数の落とし穴が散らばっているので、注意してください。海外で働いている間に危害を加えられた旅行者のために利用できるリソースはほとんどありません。



これらの詐欺を回避するために、 あなたの研究をしなさい 仕事を引き受けたり、お金を入れたり、機密情報を共有したりする前に。現在の従業員と話をして、オンラインで会社を調べてもらいます。信頼できることを示すサードパーティの情報源が見つからない場合は、明確に操作してください。広告を許可している企業を精査する情報源から求人情報を見つけるのが最善です。

完全な詐欺に加えて、一部の雇用主はビザシステムまたは雇用法を悪用して、地元の労働者が決して容認できない航海者に条件を課しています。彼らは1人の雇用主に結び付けられた就労ビザを利用するかもしれません、目的地での住宅や他の費用が法外であることを忘れて、1時間あたりの合理的な賃金を約束しますがあなたの費用を支払うのに十分な労働時間を与えることができません、パスポートやその他の書類を人質にするか、間違ったビザで違法に働くように依頼してください。長時間、低賃金(または完全な賃金の盗難)、高額で標準以下の宿泊施設での労働者の住居、安全でない労働条件、おそらく身体的または性的嫌がらせでさえ、雇用主がビザを取り消すと不平を言う労働者は強制送還されるだけなので、免責される可能性があります。最悪の場合、いくつかの雇用スキームは おとり販売 あるいは 人身売買 被害者が海外のレストランやホテルで仕事を提供され、宣伝された地位が存在しないことを見つけるだけで、採用担当者は組織犯罪集団の一員であり、将来の外国人労働者は売春または他の形態の奴隷制に追い込まれます。

落とし穴の完全なリストは、この記事の範囲を超えています。見る 海外で働く 詳細については、また疑問がある場合は、海外旅行を検討して仕事やボランティアをする前に、専門的なアドバイスを受けてください。



ほとんどの詐欺に対して有効な基本的なルールは次のとおりです。 それが真実であるには良すぎるように聞こえる場合、それはおそらく本物ではありません.





基本的なルールは あなたがオンラインで見るものを信用しないでください;あなたはその人に会うまで実際には知りません。写真は非常に熱い女の子を示しているかもしれません、そしてオンライン会話は彼女が明らかに興味深くそしてあなたに非常に興味を持っていることを示しているかもしれません。ただし、写真も会話も必ずしも本物ではありません。あなたが知っているすべてのことのために、「彼女」は他の誰かの写真を使用していて、あなたの会話相手はあなたが見る湯たんぽではなく、あなたと十数人以上をひもでつなぐのに忙しいプロの詐欺師であり、年齢や性別を問わない。


  • 彼女はあなたに会いたいのですが、別の街にいます。彼女に運賃を送ってもらえますか?
  • 彼女はいくつかの複雑なすすり泣きの話をしています—仕事を失い、家賃を払うことができません、おばあちゃんは病気です、...あなたは助けてくれますか、ダーリン?

ここでのルールは 送金しないでください あなたが実際に知らない誰かに。

別のルールは あまり明かさないで。あなたが女の子にあなたのオンラインビデオチャットIDを与えるとしましょう。それから彼女はウェブカメラでいくつかのセクシーな遊びを提案します。その後、彼女はあなたが全裸および/または自慰行為をしているビデオを持っています。彼女は、あなたが多額の支払いをしない限り、それをあなたのすべてのFacebookの友達に送ると脅します。これは、東南アジアの出会い系サイトを使用している西洋人によってしばしば報告されます。同じ詐欺の特に陰湿な変種は、10代の少女への「おっぱいを見せて」というリクエストで始まり、彼女を脅迫してセックスしようとします。これは場合によっては自殺に終わった。










参照: コミュニケーション, インターネットアクセス#セキュリティ上の懸念


他にも脅威があります。攻撃者が個人情報の盗難詐欺で使用するために連絡先情報とパスワードを取得する可能性があります。クレジットカードデータにより、アカウントに多額の請求が発生する可能性があります。ビジネスデータが盗まれる可能性があります。一部の種類の個人情報が恐喝で使用される可能性があります。 、および一部の政府は監視のためにそれを使用する場合があります。






  • 廃止されたWi-Fiセキュリティ。オリジナルのWi-Fiセキュリティ標準 WEP ひどく欠陥があり、決して信頼されるべきではありません。後で WPA ほとんどのアマチュア攻撃者を阻止しますが、専門家によって簡単に破られます。 WPA-2 より優れた暗号化を使用し、この信頼性の低いロットの中で最高です。学術論文はいくつかの実装で脆弱性を示していますが、中国政府やアメリカのNSAなどの本当に恐ろしい攻撃者を心配しない限りそれで十分です。より安全な規格、 WPA-3は2018年半ばに公開されましたが、ほとんどのデバイスとアクセスポイントではまだ利用できません。
  • Wi-Fiアクセスポイントからの攻撃。ネットワークが危険にさらされた場合、攻撃者は復号化された後にすべてを読み取ることができるため、ワイヤレス接続を暗号化しても何も達成されません。空港、ホテルのフロント、コーヒーショップでの無料Wi-Fi接続が監視される場合があります。多くの大企業がすでにネットワークを操作して自社の従業員を詮索しているため、企業ネットワークには問題があります。
  • クライアント所有のネットワークとの外部干渉. スマートフォン Wi-Fiデバイスを携帯電話のモバイルインターネット接続に「テザリング」することをサポートする場合があります。このWi-Fiは、他の人と同じように保護する必要があります。誰かが転送中のデータを傍受したり、自分で使用するために接続を盗んだりしないようにする必要があります。一部のホテル経営者は、コンベンション参加者にホテルのWi-Fiを使用させる手段として、モバイルWi-Fiへの意図的な干渉を上回っていません。独自の高額なサービス。
  • サーバーまたはネットワーク共有を開く。信頼できるホームネットワークまたはスモールビジネスネットワークで使用するように構成されたラップトップには、同じローカルエリアネットワークの他のユーザーと共有されているハードディスクまたはその他のリソースが含まれている場合があります。有線または無線のパブリックネットワークに接続している場合は、これらのサービスをオフにします(Windows 7以降では、接続設定にパークベンチアイコンが表示されます)。そうしないと、PCがカフェやホテル全体に開かれる可能性があります。 。
  • 偽のWi-Fiネットワーク。一部のハッカーは、情報を盗むためにホテルや空港に独自の偽のネットワークを設定します。この戦術は、過激派が中絶反対の宣伝を放送するために診療所の外に偽のWi-Fiホットスポットを設置するためにも使用されています。詐欺師は、Wi-Fiネットワークに実際のネットワークと同じように名前を付けることがよくあります。どのWi-Fiネットワークが正当であるかを会場の所有者に確認してください。

「中間者」攻撃のいずれも、 有線接続。ホテルのネットワークに接続すると、そのネットワークを制御している人は誰でもあなたを監視できます。一部のホットスポットでは、1人のユーザーによって暗号化されずに送信されたすべてのものが、同じローカルエリアネットワーク上の他のコンピューターに表示される場合があります( 無差別モード ネットワーキングでは、それは聞こえるほど危険です)。

悪意のある攻撃者が文字通りあなたとあなたが到達しようとしているサーバーの間にいる場合、彼らは暗号化されていない(http :) Web接続を操作してコンテンツを検閲または変更したり、不要な広告を挿入したり、正当なダウンロード可能なアプリケーションを類似のマルウェアに置き換えたりする可能性があります、スパイウェアまたはランサムウェア。




基本的にあります マシンを制御する攻撃者に対する防御はありません あなたが取り組んでいる、またはあなたが接続しているもの。インターネットカフェでマシンを使用している場合は、そのマシンまたはネットワークのいずれかがあなたを監視できます。悪意のあるインターネットカフェの運営者は、顧客がインターネットバンキングを行ったり、自分のマシンからクレジットカードを購入したりするときに、資格情報を盗むことが知られています。ローカルマシン上のキーロガーやその他のマルウェアがあなたの資格情報を盗む可能性があり、「フィッシング」詐欺があなたをだまして本物とほとんど同じように見える偽のサイトに接続させようとする可能性があります。


また、ブラウザの履歴、一時ファイル、またはハードドライブに残っているものに機密情報を残すリスクもあります。 Many public library computers are specially-configured with software that discards everything and reboots the entire machine at the end of each session, but the "stock" unmodified install of most consumer desktop operating systems does not include this safeguard. If the last user downloaded malware, you get malware.

The same considerations apply to rental devices or second-hand devices on which anything has been left behind by a previous owner.

Protecting the connection with https does no good at all if the attacker is on the machine.

Secure HTTP

Using encrypted connections (https instead of plain http for the web) will block most man-in-the-middle attacks from a firewall or access point. Most common browsers show a green padlock icon to indicate that https: is in use; some show "not secure" if it is missing. The original protocol that introduced the feature was SSL; newer versions use TLS. The current standard, as of mid-2016 is TLS 1.2; older versions of SSL or TLS should be disabled in the browser to protect against downgrade attacks.

Any legitimate, secure banking or e-commerce sites will use TLS for sensitive information, as will almost any web site where you need to login to access personal information. Web email providers normally use this encryption for the entire session, so that everything passing between the browser and server is encrypted; this blocks any snoop between the two, such as a subverted WiFi access point or China's Great Firewall.

You should quickly run away from any site that does not implement these basic precautions.

EFF (an electronic civil rights group) offers HTTPS Everywhere, an extension to Chrome, Opera or Firefox browsers which makes them try secure HTTP first on every site. Arguably, everyone should install this and users with browsers that do not support it should install another browser.

Even with https: there are vulnerabilities.

  • The protocol relies on X.509 certificates to identify the server; a typical browser trusts over a hundred certificate authorities or CA's, some of which will happily sell certs to anyone with cash while others are controlled by untrustworthy governments. Bogus certificates can be used to bypass security; this was done by some governments during the Arab Spring troubles and is routinely used by companies to monitor employees.
  • The protocol only verifies the integrity of the connection; it does not verify the integrity of the vendor, your local machine or anything else. It's trivial to register a name 'one character off' from a well-known site (so "wíkipedia.org" instead of "wikipedia.org") with a certificate for that name. Obtaining a secure https: connection to "relox-watches.com" does nothing to verify Relox's reliability as a vendor nor the accuracy of their timepieces.

Virtual private networks

An easy solution to using unencrypted/poorly encrypted sites is a Virtual Private Network (VPN). All data gets sent through a secure "tunnel" directly to the VPN provider; upon arrival at their servers, it's forwarded on to the rest of the Internet. This protects against Man In The Middle (MITM) attacks, where an attacker could "grab" unencrypted data packets.

VPNs may offer some defence if you're using your own machine and your VPN provider is reliable; it can also disguise your geographic location. VPN is highly recommended for use in public locations like airports, hotels, and libraries; it's indispensable to the business traveller accessing the home company's network while on the road.

Sadly, VPN access may not always be possible; firewalls and filters may be set up to block traffic destined for known VPN servers (source and destination information must remain unencrypted for routing purposes) in order to prevent traffic bypassing them, and some public Wi-Fi hotspots block everything except a plain web server connection. Some oppressive régimes (such as communist 中国) are attempting to keep VPNs out of the hands of Internet users to curb free speech.


Everything above about Wi-Fi connections applies to phones which use those. There are also a number of phone-specific attacks, discussed here.

  • Cell phones are inherently usable as tracking devices. Some have GPS which gives precise positioning, and even without that an approximate position can be calculated from data about which cell towers they can see. Both snoopy governments and companies like Apple have been accused of misusing such data.
  • Bogus mobile base stations for intercepting phone calls, often known as "Stingrays" (after one common manufacturer's brand), are widely deployed by American and likely other police forces. In a country like China, they may be unnecessary since the government can just access the real cell towers at will.
  • In most cases, phone encryption cannot be trusted if you need real privacy. Some of the encryption methods used (especially in older standards like the original GSM) are deliberately weak and the encryption is generally not end-to-end; only part of the connection, such as handset to cell tower, is encoded.
  • The use of mobile SMS text messaging as a recovery mechanism for lost passwords is not secure. On most online services, there's somewhere to claim "I lost my password" to regain access to an account; this may include a series of obvious questions like mother's maiden name (which many make public on social media), this may be an e-mail with a "change password" link (so a scammer who breaks into your webmail can use it to gain access to everything else), this may be an automated SMS message with a random numeric code. If someone steals your handset, even if it's locked, they can pull the SIM and place it into any unlocked handset to gain control of your mobile number; alternately, they impersonate you to your mobile carrier for long enough to have their employee move your number to another phone. Your handset goes dead (as if you'd cancelled your subscription) and they now have your number for use to impersonate you and request "lost password" access to all of your other accounts.
A USB Condom
  • A more primitive attack uses a USB charging point; if the phone is set to expose its memory over USB – as many phones are for convenient transfers to a computer – then the charging device can read all of your stored information and maliciously write to the device, deleting information, adding incriminating contacts and images or even installing spyware. "USB Condoms" are sold online; these small adapters simply terminate the data pins on the USB bus, allowing only power to flow. Another option is to bring or buy a simple charger for use on local パワー instead of plugging into unknown or dodgy computers to recharge devices.

Signalling System 7 (SS7), the underlying protocol behind the network, has known weaknesses; a snoop with access to other parts of the phone network certainly can wiretap you. Edward Snowden revealed widespread US surveillance that was horrifying enough, but more authoritarian governments are almost certainly much worse. There are companies like Silent Circle who offer credible secure phones using strong end-to-end encryption, but of course these are premium priced.

Voice communications

参照: telephone service

If you use the landline in your hotel room, odds are that the hotel has a list of every call you make – in or out. The connection is just as vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks or wiretaps as any other unencrypted communication.

However, the greater risk is that you will simply be overcharged; see #Amenity fees, above. The same issue exists with mobile telephones and inflated roaming fees. Off-brand payphones (COCOTs, client-owned coin-operated telephones) can also be problematic, depending on the provider. Some do offer a legit and valuable cost savings over their incumbent rivals, but others may severely overcharge you on card-paid calls.

If you are using prepaid cards or telephone company "calling cards", there is a risk that anyone who can obtain your card number can make their own calls on your dime. While some of these cards provide good value for money, many carry absurdly-high costs or hidden fees so check the fine print before you buy.


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