お金 - Money


情報 お金を使う でカバーされています ショッピング、 そしてその 購入 目的地ガイドのセクション。この記事には、に関する一般的な情報が含まれています 取得する 多くの目的地で使用するためのさまざまな形のお金。多くの場合、国内以外の通貨で使用されます。



為替レートでサインイン カザフスタン


与えられたレートが自国通貨での外国の単位の数であるか、またはその逆であるかを知ることは重要です。それを逆行させることは 非常に 高価な間違い。このエラーは、両方の通貨の価値が互いに2倍または3倍以内にある場合に発生する可能性が最も高くなります。混乱を避けるための最良の方法は、目的地の1単位の通貨が価値があるかどうかを確認することです。 もっと または もっと少なく あなたの自国通貨より。大まかなガイダンスとして、前の段落で説明したオンラインおよびモバイルの変換ツールを使用することもできます。たとえば、英国ポンドは1米ドル以上の価値がありますが、日本円は1米ドルよりはるかに価値がありません。より価値のある通貨は、1より大きいレートを持つ必要があります–この乗数を使用してください。逆に、価値の低い通貨は小数で始める必要があります(例:0.2345)–この乗数も使用します。反対方向のレートしかない場合は、 相互 または 電卓(通常は1 / X)のキーを押すと元に戻ります。たとえば、レートが4.264であるが、自国通貨よりも価値が低いことがわかっている場合、逆数キーはそれを再び0.2345に切り替えます(約)。エラーチェックとして、2つの形式のレートを乗算すると、1にほぼ等しくなります(0.9999、1.0001など)。購入のレートが1つで、販売のレートが逆の場合は、 展開する 未満。



為替カウンターでの為替レートに加えて、 取引にかかるすべての料金に注意してください。固定されているものもあれば、可変で使用されるレートに組み込まれているものもあります。銀行の出納係やオフィススペース(特に空港)の費用は高くなるため、外貨両替の正味費用は、ATMで通貨を取得するよりも大幅に高くなることがよくあります(銀行の手数料がかかります)。




現金は伝統的で用途の広い支払い方法であり、旅行中に必要なほとんどの一般的な商品やサービスの支払いに引き続き使用できます。ただし、すべての購入に現金を使用できるわけではありません。国境を越えた送金や送金にも制限があります(を参照)。 未満).

値が大きすぎるメモは避けてください。あなたのメモが一週間の給料の価値があるならば、いくつかの場所は変化を提供することができます。あなたがあなたの国より貧しい地域を訪問しているならば、驚くほど小さなメモだけが使えるかもしれません。また、豊かな国では、小さな屋台やバスなどは大きなメモを取りたくないかもしれません。あなたが貧弱なプレーをするなら 交渉、支払い時に大きなメモを表示したくない。いくつかの場所では 変更なしのトリック 一般的な詐欺です。

ほとんどの国では、現地通貨での現金が必要です。 ただし、一部の発展途上国では、観光客としてハードカレンシーを使用することが期待されます(を参照)。 未満)現地通貨ではなく、通常は米ドルやユーロ、または地域のハードカレンシーです。一部の観光地、空港、飛行機、および国境地域では、主要通貨または国境を接する国の通貨で通り抜けることができる場合があります。多くの場合、これには為替レートに組み込まれた追加費用がかかります。マカオは実質的にパタカと1対1で香港ドルを受け入れており、小規模な取引では違いは目立ちません。しかし、マカオのお金をマカオの外で香港のドルに交換することは、香港でさえ、不可能ではないにしてもかなりの費用がかかります。マレーシアからシンガポールへの国境を越えた輸送関連の料金は、交換が売り手に利益をもたらすため、1:1ベースでシンガポールドルを受け入れます。逆には機能しません。

すべての購入に現金を使用できるわけではありません。多くのキオスクベースのトランザクション(マクドナルドなど)や携帯電話アプリベースのトランザクションは現金を受け付けません。ほとんどのレンタカー会社はクレジットカードを必要とします。主要なホテルでは、多くの場合、クレジットカードまたは多額の現金保証金が必要です。現金しかない場合は、近所の人が待ち行列を飛び越えて、クレジットカードしか受け付けない待ち行列のないマシンに行くか、途中でオンラインでチケットを購入している間、あなたはそれらの入場券の待ち行列にいます。一部のナンバープレートの通行料はオンラインでカードを使用してのみ支払うことができ、観光客が現金で支払うための実用的な方法はありません。現金ではバイクシェアを借りることはできません ワシントンDC、またはの駅で乗車券を補充する シドニー。北欧の主要なホテルチェーンは、同じ地域の一部の美術館と同様に、もはや現金での支払いを受け付けていません。世界中の公共交通システム–次のような場所を含む マナグア –現金を完全になくし、代わりに特注のカードで支払う必要があります。

現金のもう1つの欠点は 危険。あなたがそれを失うと、あなたはそれを取り戻すことができず、誰かがあなたが多額の現金を持っていることを知った場合、あなたは泥棒や強盗の潜在的な標的になります。いくつかの防御はで議論されています スリ 記事ですが、完全な防御はありません—現金を運ぶことは常にリスクを伴います。 旅行保険 特定の金額までの現金の紛失または盗難をカバーする場合があります。偽造のメモを受け取ったり、ビジネスから間違った変更を受け取ったりした場合、通常はほとんど頼りになりません。

現地通貨を使用するときは、基本的なメモのデザインとそのセキュリティ機能(透かし、ホログラムなど)をよく理解し、偽造通貨や廃止された通貨に注意してください。旅行を始める前に必ず為替レートを調べ、可能であれば毎日それを調べて、それが大きく変動するかどうかを確認してください。あなたがそうするのを忘れて、大まかな球場の数字が必要な場合、空港と銀行の両替所は通常正確な(時には悪い)為替レートを持っています。覚えておいてください:売買レートの違いは彼らの利益です、それでそれが低いほど、レートは良くなります。もちろん、これはすべて、通貨の実際の価値とは関係のない「公式の」為替レートを持つ国、または暴走するインフレを持つ国には当てはまりません。 (ベネズエラ、および2015年までのジンバブエがその例です。)銀行や両替商(オフィスの外で営業し、コートのポケットから現金の札束を点滅させない)はほぼ常に安全ですが、タクシーの運転手や小口のトレーダーは誘惑される可能性があります無駄なメモを手のひらで。疑わしい場合は、なじみのないメモを拒否してください。また、大きな音符はより一般的に偽造されているため、特に疑ってください。


海外で両替する場合は、必ず自国通貨で両替してください。 良好な状態でのみ そして 最新の(再)設計のみ (そうでない限り 本当に 新着)。目的地の銀行は、自国の通貨と同じように、使い古した通貨を簡単または安価に交換することはできません。摩耗した紙幣は、受け入れられたとしても切り下げられる可能性があります。たとえ良好な状態であっても、偽造の懸念により、以前の通貨のデザインが受け入れられない場合があります。海外で米ドルを使用する場合は、受け入れられている特定のシリーズに注意し、鮮明なメモのみを取ります。米国以外の国に持ち込むために米ドルを取得する場合は、銀行または取引所に知らせて、適切なシリーズの新しいメモを提供できるようにしてください。



交換ブース、 チラスポリ
Caution注意: 状況は国や地域によって異なります。ある国で地元の現金を手に入れるための最良の方法は、他の国では最も理想的な方法ではなく、その逆も同様です。以下のヒントは、考えられる一般的な方法です。詳細については、関連する国および都市のガイドを参照することをお勧めします。

多くの国では、 最良のオプション (利便性と通常は良好な為替レートが与えられた場合) 目的国でATMを使用する 交換に多額の現金を持ってくる代わりに。通常、ATMを使用した現金の交換には、手数料が高く、為替レートが低くなります(カードとATMの使用に関する以下のセクションを参照してください)。この規則の例外は、アジアの金融ハブです。 シンガポール、特に大量の両替を行う場合、小規模で独立した両替商が銀行やクレジットカード会社よりも優れた金利を提供することがよくあります。

両替は、あるレートで外貨を販売し、別のレートで購入することに基づいて機能します。あなたが知っていることを確認してください 現在の銀行間為替レート 家を出る前に。より多くの競争がある場合、料金はより良くなる可能性があります。最も便利な交換場所(空港、モール、主要ホテルなど)は、一般的に最低料金です。可能であれば、「売る」と「買う」の違い(またはスプレッド)を確認してください。これが10%を超えると、間違いなく引き裂かれます。ただし、一部の両替商は、ミッドレートのどちらの側でも同じスプレッドを提供しません。観光地では、彼らは購入よりも中間レートからさらに現地通貨を売ることがあります–彼らの取引のほとんどは、現地通貨で使う必要のある観光客とのものであることを知っています。最高の取引所は、ミッドレートから1.5%まで低くなる可能性があります。また、トランザクションごとに追加の固定コミッションがあるかどうかを確認し、それを計算に取り入れます。 「手数料なし」または「手数料0%」のサインに出くわした場合は注意してください。通常、銀行と直接外貨を両替できる可能性があります。あなたは通常、利用可能な最高または最低のレートを持っていない銀行に依存することができます。一部の銀行は、あなたが多額の銀行を持っているか、自国の銀行またはその関連会社に口座を持っている場合にのみあなたを楽しませます。また、他の銀行は、両替機能を両替所に外注しています。もう1つの欠点は、ほとんどの場合、営業時間が限られているため、週末や休日には運が悪いことです。質屋に併設された通貨の屋台は、リーズナブルな料金で試す価値があるかもしれません。一部の機関では、特に多額の場合、通貨を交換する前に身分証明書が必要です。


最近、ほとんどの主要通貨は偽造の対象となっています。外国の通貨のメモを調べて、それがどのように見えるか、どのように感じられるかをよく理解してください。ほとんどすべての通貨は、カラーシフトインク、透かし、特殊な糸、虹色のインク、浮き出し印刷、ホログラム、その他の機能を含む偽造防止技術を採用しています。新しいメモを受け取ったときに、大きなメモからの変更によるものか、両替によるものかをすばやく確認できるように、それらに精通してください。確信が持てない場合は、別のメモを取得したい、または変更のために2つの小さなメモを取得したいということを恐れないでください。 (たとえば、見た目が気に入らない10の変更を取得した場合は、代わりに2つの5を要求します。)偽造品になってしまった場合、それを与えた人から離れた後は補償されません。あなた、そしてあなたはそれを警察に説明しなければならないかもしれません。


一部の国では、公式の為替レートは完全に不合理または非現実的なレートに固定されています。これらの国では、 ブラックマーケット 通貨の価値のはるかに現実的な評価を提供し、実際には避けられません。たとえば、2007年の公式為替レートは250でした。 ジンバブエ 闇市場のレートが600,000:1に達した一方で、ドルは米ドルになりました。

しかしながら、 闇市場取引所のリスクは非常に大きい。何よりもまず、闇市場の取引所は 違法 そして、買い手と売り手の両方が捕まえられた場合、厳しい制裁に直面する可能性があります。売り手は、観光客を罠にかけるために警察官になる(または協力する)ことさえあります。第二に、 詐欺 高い:古い紙幣、偽の紙幣、約束された金額より少ない、またはまったくない可能性があります。バスケットケース通貨を使用している国の企業は、代わりにハードカレンシーを直接受け入れることが多いため(これも違法であることが多いですが)、そもそも交換する必要があるかどうかを慎重に検討してください。変更として必要な現地通貨。


闇市場での取引を成功させるための重要なガイドラインは、お金を受け取ることです。 あなたがあなたを引き渡す前に。メモを数え、注意深く調べ、すでに持っているものと比較し、そして、 その時だけ、あなた自身のお金を売り手に引き渡してください。 しない 彼らがあなたに与えたお金を取り戻すことを許可します。これは、さまざまな手先の早業を引っ張って、正当なバンドルをまったく異なるものに置き換えることができる場所です。


例外は、次のような国で適用される場合があります ネパール そして インド 銀行で合法的な交換を行うと1時間以上無駄になる可能性がありますが、ほとんどのホテルは即座にかなり安全にお金を両替します。レートはそれほど良くないかもしれませんが、便利です。


のsouq(伝統的な市場) チュニス

A 兌換通貨 他の国の通貨に簡単に変換できる通貨です。逆に、 変換不可能な通貨 原産国以外では理論的に価値がありません。のようないくつかの国 キューバ、観光客向けに1つの兌換通貨、地元の人々向けに1つの兌換通貨を発行します。のようないくつかの国では チュニジア そして インド、(変換不可能な)ディナールおよびルピーの輸入または輸出は禁止されていますが、そのような規制が少量で施行されることはめったにありません。それでも、 探し出す 事前の法律と それらに従う.

兌換性は法律によって設定されており、必ずしも完全に現実に反映されているわけではありません。 インド人 ルピーは理論的には変換できませんが、実際にはかなり簡単に取引できます。 スワジ リランゲニは理論的には完全に転換可能ですが、世界のほとんどで売買することはほとんど不可能です。

名前にもかかわらず、変換不可能な通貨はしばしば 購入した それらを保持している人々がそれらを取り除きたいので、原産国の外で割引で。誰かを見つける 購入 それらはより困難です。一部の国の国営店も観光客が生産することを主張します 交換証明書 彼らのお金が公式の(通常は貧弱な)為替レートで地元の銀行のような合法的な資金源から得られたことを証明するために、そしてあなたが国内の不必要なお金を元に戻したい場合にもそのような証明書がしばしば必要です。


リストは優先順に並べられており、実際には、リストの最初の3つは、通常、最も離れた両替所でも交換可能です。上記の8つの通貨ほど広く取引されていませんが、 人民元 中国が主要な経済大国としての地位を高めているため、両替商でより広く利用できるようになっています。


インフレ、不安定、および/または変換不可能な通貨を持つ多くの貧しい国では、外国のハードカレンシーが現地通貨よりも有用であることがわかる場合があります。その価値は変動しますが、通貨の「ゴールドスタンダード」は依然として 米ドル。必ずしも良い為替レートである必要はありませんが、地元の人が直接支払うことを受け入れる場合があります。実際、いくつかの国では カリブ海、南北アメリカおよび 東南アジア 彼らのようにそれを使用してください デファクト –または公式–通貨。ザ・ ユーロ また、少なくともヨーロッパからの訪問者が多い地域ではますます受け入れられており、経済的に強力な隣国を持つ貧しい国も地域のハードカレンシーを受け入れる可能性があります( タイ語 バーツで ミャンマー, ラオス そして カンボジアオーストラリア人 ドル、または時々 ニュージーランド 多くのドル オセアニア南アフリカ アフリカ南部のランドと インド人 ルピー 南アジア)。一部の通貨は、ユーロ、米ドル、または他の通貨に対して固定為替レートを持っています。 1:1で「固定」されているものもありますが(パナマンバルボアから米ドル、フォークランドポンドから英国ポンド)、両方の通貨が同等に受け入れられることを意味することがよくありますが、ボスニアの兌換マルクなどの他の通貨は他の通貨に固定されています。為替レート(この場合は1.95583マークで1ユーロ)であり、交換する可能性が高いです。とはいえ、これらの通貨は、固定されている通貨以外のものと交換するのは難しい傾向があり、場合によっては、その通貨が法定通貨である国でのみ交換が可能です。この「ペグ」は、このお金を発行する政府が現地通貨を買い戻すためのハードユーロ、ドル、またはポンドを使い果たした場合にも壊れてしまう傾向があります。一言で言えば、バルボア、フォークランドポンド、またはボスニアマークは、公式のエリアを離れると、お土産にすぎない傾向があります。


現地通貨の代わりにハードカレンシーを提供することで、地元の人々と交渉するときにハードカレンシーを使用することもできます。コンバージョン率を活用して、ハードカレンシーでオファーを行います。その過程で数米ドルを表示すると役立つ場合がありますが、支払う意思のあるものだけを表示するようにしてください。また、ハグする予定がある場合は、小さなメモを用意しておくと、特に価格を大幅に下げただけの場合は、あまり変更する必要がありません。 5の価値のあるアイテムに対してベンダーに50を与えたくありません。あなたはあなたにもっと多くのものを売ろうとするようにベンダーを招待するでしょう、あるいはさらに悪いことに、あなたがどれだけ持っているかを近くのスリに知らせてください。



ほとんどの場合、国を出た後はコインを交換することはできません。出発する前に交換するか、チャリティーボックスに入れるか、お土産にしましょう。目的国のコインと通貨に精通し、財布やポケットにさまざまな国のコインを混ぜないようにすると、出発前にたくさんのコインを集める手間を省くことができます。そもそも硬貨が多すぎないように、現金取引では(紙幣の代わりに)できるだけ多くの硬貨を使って支払います。一部の国では、比較的価値の高いコインがあります(2ユーロ、5など) スイス フラン、2 カナダ人 ドル、500 日本語 円または5 ボスニア 兌換マルク)、最初に使うことをお勧めします。

米国、英国、アイルランド、カナダでは、 コインスター 多くのスーパーマーケットの機械。これには小さな変更が必要で、一部の店舗ではeCertificateに変換されるか、現在の店舗で使用するバウチャーとして変換されます。店舗での使用バウチャーには10%の料金がかかるため、単に使用するよりも有利ではありません。コインは額面価格で店内にありますが、それでも多くのコインを母国に持ち帰るよりはましかもしれません。


デビットカード、クレジットカード、プリペイドカードを使用して現金を引き出すことができます 現金自動預け払い機 (ATM)、レストランやホテルへの支払い、購入は受け入れられます。

デビットカードは、使用時に銀行口座からお金を引き出すため、「小切手カード」または「銀行カード」と呼ばれることもあります。 ATMカードは、ATMからのみ現金を引き出すことができるデビットカードです。これらはデビットカードと同じ方法でアカウントにリンクされていますが、リスクが異なります。 (以下の「デビットカードとATMカード:リスク/トレードオフ」を参照してください。)






ATMにキューイングし、 アゼルバイジャン。近くにいる人とPINを入力する必要があるATMは避けてください。

ATM(または現金自動預け払い機)を使用することは、任意の通貨を取得するための最も便利な方法です。 あなたが家から離れている間、国内または国際的に。いくつかの国を除いて、Mastercard、Visa、CirrusおよびPlusのネットワークカードは、世界中のほぼすべてのATMで受け入れられています。 ATMまたはデビットカードを使用すると、お金は銀行口座から直接送金されます。これは 通常、地元の現金を手に入れる最も安い方法.

関係する手数料は、銀行、ATMオペレーター、およびそれらの関係によって異なります。 ATMに投稿された情報、または画面に表示された情報は、ATMオペレーターが請求する金額を示します。銀行/カード発行会社が独自の手数料と追加料金を追加する場合があるため、合計手数料はATMに表示されている金額よりも高くなる可能性があります。料金は、使用されているかどうかに応じて価格設定される場合と、固定料金の場合があります。詳細については、銀行/カード発行者の料金を確認してください。欧州連合では手数料が規制されているため、ユーロ口座からのユーロの取得は無料であることがよくありますが、すべてのカードやすべてのATMで利用できるわけではありません。





気づく カードのクローン作成 詐欺の多い国で。泥棒は、ATMのカードリーダーにデバイスを置いてカードの情報を取得したり、レストランや店舗でカードを使用するときにデータを傍受したりして、自分で使用できるカードの複製を作成する場合があります。誰かがあなたのカードを複製するリスクを減らすために、明るい場所で従業員に見える場所でATMを探してください。使用する前に、ATMのカードリーダーを調べてください。形状がおかしい、コンポーネントが緩んでいる、または近くの他のATMと一致しない場合は、 使用しないでください.


  • 中国、UnionPayが推奨されるカードタイプですが、VisaやMastercardなどのよりグローバルなタイプを受け入れる店舗やATMを見つけるのはそれほど難しくありません。



ATMは、多くの場合、できるだけ少ない紙幣(紙幣)を払い出します。たとえば、150ユーロの引き出しでは、おそらく50ユーロの請求書が3つ生成されます。多くの人が高額の請求書からの変更を拒否するため、高額の請求書だけでは作成できない金額を引き出すことをお勧めします。 160ユーロ、少額の購入で20ユーロの請求書を数枚入手できます。 ATMでどのような請求書が作成され、どのように大きな請求書が受け入れられるかは、場所によって異なります。米国では、多くのATMに20ドル札しか装備されていません。


ビジネスによるデビットカードとクレジットカードの受け入れは国や地域によって異なるため、地域のガイドを確認してください。 Acceptance is generally more common in more developed countries, but on the other hand, don't be too surprised if a market stall holder in a the remotest of small towns produces a credit card terminal from under the counter.

By far, the most accepted cards worldwide are Visa and MasterCard. If you are acquiring a card for travel, you should get one of these two brands of cards; most issuers should offer either of these cards by default. American Express and Diners' Club cards have global networks but acceptance varies widely depending by country and merchant. Discover, JCB, China UnionPay, NYCE, Star, MAC, and Shazam are regional. Acceptance outside the region is usually limited to areas catering to visitors.

Discover, JCB, China UnionPay, and India's RuPay have an alliance with each other, which allows any of these cards to be accepted on any of the other networks in the home markets of each issuer. This is purely a network alliance, that largely serves to make Discover more usable in China, Japan, and India. This doesn't mean that if the Ugg boot store in Sydney accepts JCB, that it will also accept Discover. Sales personnel may not be familiar with this, but it will work if you can convince them to try. JCB has a separate network alliance with American Express that operates worldwide.

Even if your card is accepted worldwide, you may come across some points-of-sale (e.g. ticket vending machines) that only accept domestically-issued cards. This is manifested through the requirement to enter a postal or zip code of your billing address. If you don't live in the country you are performing the transaction in, you won't obviously be able to provide the postal code. A similar situation may await you when you try to buy local transport tickets using a transport operator's mobile app (this is more common in the US and when this is the case, such apps are not going to be available on your country's mobile app store anyway); in this case, you will have to use the vending machines or a manned ticket desk and possibly pay only in cash.

Debit/ATM versus credit cards

ATMs in Poznan

Debit/ATM cards are linked directly to a bank, checking or cash account and immediately deduct the amount of the purchase or ATM withdrawal from the account. Credit cards are not linked to an account with funds in it, but instead charge against a credit line, to be repaid later. Debit cards can be used for general purchases and for obtaining currency. ATM cards can only be used in ATMs for withdrawing currency. This means somewhat greater security for the latter, i.e.,

  • If your ATM card is lost or number stolen, thieves cannot use it in any way without its PIN.
  • If card and PIN are compromised, ATMs will dispense currency only in the general locations, dates/times and amount limits you arranged with your bank/credit union before travel.
  • If a debit card number is lost or stolen, thieves can use it (with a "cloned" card and phony identification) anywhere to buy goods or services less than a certain amount (for each use) set by your bank...often $100 (equivalent) or less.
  • If card and PIN are compromised, thieves can promptly empty the entire account, and 五月 gain ability to use or steal other assets by examining account details.

When using any type of card to withdraw cash, your bank may charge a fee of 1–3% on top of foreign exchange, an ATM fee and perhaps others. In addition, most credit card users will be charged a cash advance fee and interest on any cash advance ("loan") from the day you withdraw it from an ATM until the credit card balance is fully paid. Credit cards sometimes also have a higher than normal interest rate applicable to cash advances. In some cases you can use a credit card like a debit card or prepaid card by making a payment into your credit card account in-advance, keeping the balance positive. In this case you can avoid the daily interest charge, but still may face other fees. Your bank may also limit its liability to the credit limit on the card if it is lost or stolen.

  • Such costs will be unlike and separate from those for retail purchases, and the interest rate for cash advances will often be higher than for purchases. In some cases, your bank may limit credit card cash advances or loans to an amount substantially less than your overall credit line.
  • While there is usually a grace period when using your credit card for purchases (you will not be charged interest if you pay off your balance in full within that billing period) there is usually no grace period for a cash advance using a credit card.
  • Your bank's liability in case of credit card or PIN loss 五月 be limited by law, at worst equal to your credit limit and credit balance.

Despite the fees you or the merchant pays, when making point-of-sale purchases, your costs or fees will nearly always be better if you use a credit card than a debit card. If your card is stolen, your liability will usually be limited by law (for U.S. banks, $50 for all misuse), and you can dispute fraudulent charges made by unauthorized users on a credit card. But, a stolen debit card and PIN may be used to empty its account, and require many hassles to re-establish security and (perhaps) regain funds. See "Risks/trade-offs" below for ways to avoid this.

As above, credit card companies will protect you if you are charged more than you agreed to pay, if you pay for something and never receive it (strict deadlines may apply), or if your card is cloned (duplicated) without your knowledge and then fraudulently used without being physically stolen.

Credit cards may also include other benefits such as cancellation insurance for flights (usually only in the case of serious sickness), theft or loss insurance for goods (usually only if stolen within 90 days of purchase and a proper police report is filed), collision insurance for rental cars, and emergency health insurance in certain situations while you are traveling. Your card's issuer should fully describe those benefits and their limits.

Credit cards may also provide rewards programs that give you free flights or cash back after a certain (large) amount of spending. The cards may be linked to a frequent flier or hotel loyalty program. If you have an American Express card, in case of a lost or stolen card, you can obtain cash advances and replacement cards easily, by visiting an American Express office.

There are, however, a few merchants (mostly hotels and rental car firms) who abuse credit card clientele.

  • A hire car firm may attempt to rent you a vehicle with minor windscreen damage or small dents, then accuse you of causing that or more damage when or sometime after you return the vehicle. It may automatically charge claimed repairs to your card at questionable or inflated prices. This justifies action before you accept the vehicle for use, i.e., inspect the car thoroughly, inside and out, for damage or missing items, photograph/document any untoward condition seen, and have the condition noted with an agent's initials/signature on your contract at check-out. Consider taking similar photos as you return the vehicle as proof of its condition.
  • With hotels, examine the details of your bill before you pay and leave. It can be very difficult to get your bank to process a charge-back if you are careless about an overcharge or hidden charges at the time of booking, e.g. resort fees.

Many Visa or Mastercard debit cards (mostly issued by banks in Asia) are not embossed (no raised letters/numbers), hence they are indicated as "For Electronic Use Only." This means that they can't be used for transactions that require physically imprinting on a merchant's charge slip and/or manual authorization. Acceptance of these "Electronic Use Only" debit cards for online purchases may not be guaranteed even with sufficient funds, and may need clarification with the issuing bank. Consult the issuing bank about how to effectively use the card if going somewhere you've not yet used it.

Before you leave home

Payment by card in Taiwan
  • Advise your bank about when and where you are travelling. This can help avoid triggering its fraud monitors that may cause transactions to be rejected, or even freeze your card account. They may also need to get international support specifically activated for your debit or credit card.
  • Make note of what to do if your cards are lost or stolen. Note the numbers of your cards, the numbers to call. If your bank has an app that can freeze your card, download it.
  • If your bank detects fraud, they may try to contact you. Some banks will send you a SMS notification if they decline your card. If you don't have a phone where you can receive a phone call or a SMS, it may result in your transaction being declined or your card frozen.
  • Take a backup card or cards. Keep them separate from your primary cards. Make sure they are also activated for use where you are travelling to. Consider leaving a spare card with someone who could courier it to you in an emergency. Banks can charge large sums for this service.
  • Get a separate PIN for each of your cards, and remember them! You can and should choose PINs that you can remember easily. Choose numbers, as not all ATMs have or accept letters. Don't write any down, or make any obvious (e.g. 1234 and 1111).
  • PIN code lengths vary from country to country, but for maximum compatibility you should try to make each you'll use 4 digits before traveling. If you have a six digit PIN and can only enter four, try the first four.
  • Ensure you accurately enter the PIN when using an ATM. Some ATMs keep your card during your access, and might confiscate it if you make three incorrect PIN entries.

Most banks do not hold you responsible for any transactions made on your card that occur after you report it lost or stolen. So make sure you report any loss or suspected compromise immediately。 Use of credit and debit cards is not recommended in a few countries due to high potential for fraudulent misuse, e.g. Nigeria. Your bank should be able to advise you.

"Chip cards"

A payment terminal which supports both chip and magnetic cards

"Chip cards" are credit and debit cards with an embedded chip in addition to or instead of the magnetic stripe. These cards are ubiquitous in Europe, Africa, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and are being introduced rapidly in the U.S.

A 'chip card' will generally need to be inserted rather than swiped at point of sale. Generally you will enter a PIN (cards with this configuration are called 'chip and PIN' cards), but sometimes the terminal will still generate a sales docket to be signed. In ATMs when you insert your card, there is no change. Some swipe ATMs will ask you to reinsert your card after you have swiped it.

In the U.S., all stores that display the Visa, MasterCard, or American Express logos must also accept the swipe-and-sign version of the credit cards; however, some may initially refuse to do so (be persistent, asking for the manager if necessary). Elsewhere however, with self-service machines such gas pumps and ticket vending machines, you may be out of luck. This is also the case in countries where 'chip and PIN' is the norm where chip cards that do not have a PIN may be declined.

As with all cards, check your statement regularly, and report any instances of unauthorized transactions.

Contactless cards and mobile phones/smart watches

Symbol for contactless payments

Chips on some cards (and passports) include radio frequency identification (RFID), made to be energized by a nearby (authorized) scanner. Often times, a signature and/or PIN are not needed for small transactions done through contactless. Cards that come with this technology and bear the contactless symbol (see the right hand side) and merchants that accept contactless payments will have that decal posted somewhere in their premises (either at the window/door or at the tills). Most of these use an entirely different technology from the debit or credit cards and have inadequate security, e.g. allowing almost any nearby wireless scanner to read data the card/chip holds. That can include personal and financial information, or enough data to gain access to it. This has spawned a small industry in RFID-protected wallets for cards and passports. Learn from each issuer how secure your RFID cards are, and carry and protect them accordingly.

Some mobile phones (notably iPhones released since 2014 and selected Android models), and by extension smartwatches linked to them, have a provision where users can input their debit and credit card information and 'tap' such phones on readers that accept contactless cards (Visa, Mastercard, and AMEX) to pay for a transaction. They work similar to contactless cards but have an added layer of security (e.g. fingerprint verification) before the transaction goes through. Once set up, the device doesn't need an internet connection for use in traditional brick-and-mortar merchants but information about the transaction will only be displayed once an internet connection has been established. Although in theory such technology is supposed to work anywhere with a contactless symbol, it may be difficult to use devices linked to European bank accounts in North America and vice versa due to technical differences between each region. Availability of this technology varies by country and bank. But if this is available to you and contactless is much more ubiquitous than cash in the country you are visiting, you may want to leave your cash and physical cards in your hotel safe.

One disadvantage of contactless technology using the contactless feature of a card or smart device may not be capable of withdrawing cash at cash machines.

Holds on funds

Most large hotels and all car rental companies put a funds "hold" on your credit card for a larger amount than the amount of your pending room or vehicle charge. A $100 car rental can render a card with a $3000 credit limit useless if the car rental agency puts a hold on an excess amount for the full $3000. This usually takes the form of a pre-authorisation, and the "hold" is removed automatically when the final transaction is put through. The "hold" can remain for much longer when the final transaction is never processed, and you have to wait for the pre-authorisation to expire before you can access those funds. This can happen if the hotel doesn't use the pre-authorisation code when you check-out, or if you prepay the hotel bill, and don't incur any charges while staying, there is no final transaction to clear the pre-auth. Usually a pre-auth will expire within 10 days.

"Cardlock" (pay at the pump) fuel pumps will attempt authorization for at least $75–100 on debit cards, even when a lesser amount of fuel is requested. Usually the pump will display the amount. The hold will be released when the transaction is finalized, but you may have to see an attendant if you want to buy $20 of petrol with a debit card with only $20 of funds.

Holds on funds can be more of an issue with debit cards than with credit cards - because your own funds are being held. It's usually best to pay for car rentals and hotels with credit cards where the only hold is on your credit limit.

ATM cards

Anti-skimming device installed on an ATM in Germany

If you appreciate the convenience and increased security of such a card, you can ask your bank or credit union for an "ATM only" card. It should (per your request) be networked with ATMs worldwide and only usable in ATMs (or permitted point-of-sale systems) and only with your PIN.

As long as your PIN is secure, this removes the possibility that your card can be stolen or copied and used without your knowledge. Your "ATM only" card also can't be used for phone or Internet purchases, further minimizing the risk someone can copy your card numbers and make unauthorized purchases.

Prepaid cards

Cards accepted!

It may be possible to get a Visa, Mastercard or American Express-branded prepaid card. This prepaid card works similarly to a debit card except that it is not a bank account. Since it is not linked to your bank account, your maximum exposure is limited to the amount of money you have transferred to that card's balance (minimum top up amounts apply).

Prepaid cards may or may not be capable of being topped-up, depending on the issuer's policies. If so, once the balance is completely depleted, the card can't be used anymore and should be physically destroyed. However for cards that may be topped-up, they can be done so in the issuing banks or online. You do not need to have a bank account with the bank that issued the prepaid card but having one has advantages such as more convenient options to top-up your card (e.g. online, via ATM). There is usually no minimum denominated amount for top-up. Still, you should only top-up the amount you need for a certain number of anticipated uses.

Availability of those cards within each country varies. Some countries like the U.S. have prepaid Visa, Mastercard and American Express available at the counter of pharmacies or grocery stores; they just need pre-payment and activation at the purchase point. Others will allow you to get them from well-known foreign exchange stands (e.g. Travelex). But a few will only make these cards available directly from participating banks.

Generally, these prepaid cards can be used worldwide unless indicated otherwise (most notably, generic Visa, Mastercard and American Express gift cards issued in the U.S.) However online use of prepaid cards depends on the issuer.

Fees can be levied on the card purchase, on top-ups, on withdrawals, on non-use, and on closure. The exchange rates used when converting to a different currency on the card, are ない the standard Visa or Mastercard rates and are determined by the issuer. These can easily be up to 10% from the "mid-rate".

Prepaid cards may or may not allow withdrawals from an ATM (depending on the issuer), and those that do may assess an additional fee on top of the usual fees imposed for withdrawals. That, because using a prepaid card is supposed to encourage electronic point-of-sale transactions.

Prepaid cards often have no PIN and therefore cannot be used for 'cardlock' pay-at-the-pump fuel purchases. They can still be processed manually by the fuel station attendant.

It will usually be cheaper to obtain and use a low foreign transaction fee debit card than a prepaid card for foreign currency transactions. The only disadvantage...you are subject to volatility in exchange rates, as your debit card only stores your local currency.

Specialist travel currency cards and fee-free alternatives

Consider purchasing currency cards such as Cash Passport. These are normally branded in a MasterCard and in some cases a Visa logo, and hence can be used in anywhere where merchants accept those cards. The normal currency cards being offered are denominated in U.S. dollars, euros, pound sterling, Canadian dollars and Australian dollars. You will top up in your home currency and it will be converted into the currency of the card.

Some currency cards are capable of containing multiple currencies at once. In this case, you may be able to change money between currencies offered by that card.

The rates usually fall between 1.0-2.5% of the base rate used by MasterCard or Visa, which is still better than using your everyday debit or credit card directly. In order to take advantage of the best rates, top up online and use the currency card only for transactions in the currencies of the card. When using a currency card having multiple currencies, make sure that the currencies have sufficient balance to cover transactions you wish to make. If you are offered a conversion to your home currency, reject it as well.

In some countries, it is possible to get debit cards that convert your transaction using the SPOT or interbank rate. This means you are going to be charged at or around the same exchange rate that you see on finance websites or business channels. These cards are usually associated with a mobile phone app, which you need to download in the first instance to apply for such cards. These apps can give you your transaction history, allow you to top up funds, convert between currencies, etc. Some cards on the other hand will not require you to top up funds; they will directly charge your "main" debit card or bank account but will use the interbank rate instead of your bank's rate, which may have foreign exchange fees or other surcharges associated with it. Other fee-free services such as Revolut, which is available in dozens of countries, act as virtual bank accounts where the account/card-holder can have accounts in as many currencies as the provider offers. This way, provided that the user tops up and converts local currency into each of his or her foreign exchange accounts beforehand sufficiently, the user will be protected from further fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. Whether these fee-free provisions extend to ATM withdrawals depends on the issuer.

EC Cards

If you have a European euro bank account you can obtain a V Pay card. This can be used as a debit card in shops and restaurants in other euro countries with no additional charge. Can also be used at European (but not worldwide) ATMs.

Card costs

Card usage fees

A self-checkout machine in a ヒューストン supermarket

Transaction fees can be charged by the bank or institution that issues your card, the company that clears or processes the transaction, and the merchant or the ATM-owner where you use your card. These fees can be fixed, a percentage of the amount, or built into an exchange rate - or a combination of these.

Per the above discussion on card types, most card issuers will charge a foreign transaction fee of up to 4% of the transaction amount every time you make a purchase or cash withdrawal in a foreign country. This fee may be charged even if the transaction is in your home currency but with a foreign bank. Be careful purchasing other countries on the web, where the currency amount may be displayed in your home currency, but you still may pay foreign transaction fees. Try to find a card issuer that doesn't charge this fee or has a low fee.

  • In the United States: Capital One, Schwab, Discover Bank, and Varo debit cards. Most travel credit cards.
  • In the United Kingdom: Halifax.
  • In Australia: 28 Degrees or Citbank Plus.
  • In Canada: Home Trust, Scotiabank or Rogers Bank (which charges 2.5% exchange, but provides 4% cash back on foreign transactions).

This can save you a considerable amount on any extended travel. Card issuers may also charge a foreign ATM usage fees as a fixed fee. Check your banks fees well in advance of travel, and consider applying for a new card with lower fees for travel. Allow plenty of time for the application and to receive the card.

The processing company - Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc. - build a small margin into the exchange rate they convert at. You can find the exchange rate that Visa or Mastercard exchange rates on their website. American Express charges an exchange rate that is 0.0% to 0.5% worse than the rate charged by Visa and MasterCard. Generally the rate is 0.5% to 1% from the midrate. The exchange rate applied to a transaction is usually the rate on the transaction processing date, that can vary from the purchase date. Therefore, unless currency rates are fixed, it is impossible to know exactly what exact exchange rate will be charged until the transaction is posted to your account. Any exchange rate fluctuation may be in your favor, or against you.

When paying by a credit/debit card, different exchange rates might be used depending on your bank policies. Check which exchange rate does your bank use, the credit card company rate is usually much more favourable than the bank rate. Usual practice is that if your bank has an exchange rate available for a currency, they use that rate, and if they do not trade this currency, they use credit card company rate. Thus, exotic currencies might be actually cheaper then expected. However, if your home currency is not a first tier currency, the bank policy might be to use their rate to exchange the amount to hard currency, eg. Euros or Dollars, and then use the credit card rate to exchange it to the desired currency, meaning you will pay the exchange rate twice during one transaction. If going for an expensive or long holiday, the exchange rates are likely to be the most most expensive part of card usage costs.

As mentioned previously, some FinTech providers (e.g. Revolut) offer debit cards and virtual bank accounts with no (when the market is open) or lower foreign exchange transaction fees (during the weekend when the market is closed) than brick-and-mortar banks. This way you will be able to convert cash or perform card transactions at the real-time interbank rate.

ATM owners can charge a fixed fee' to use your card at an ATM, on top of what your bank charges you. This will usually be written on the ATM or displayed on the screen. Check for partnerships with your card issuer to reduce this fee; some ATMs may have partnership arrangements with your bank to have lower fees or fee free withdrawals. Consider larger withdrawals to reduce the impact of fixed fees. Before going to some country, get to know the local fees - so you will know that in Thailand it is normal to pay quite a large fee while in Europe this is unusual. If there are multiple ATMs next to each other, you can shop around for the smallest fee. ATMs of a local bank usually charge smaller fee than ATM only companies, such as Euronet in Europe.

Merchants may charge a surcharge or require a minimum purchase。 Local laws can affect how common merchant surcharges are. Merchant surcharges can be a fixed fee or a percentage of the transaction, and they should be advised at point of sale. These can vary between card types, and between debit and credit cards.

Dynamic currency conversion

When you are paying by card for items or services priced in a foreign currency, some merchants will offer to convert your transaction into your home currency. This is called Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC). Unless you prioritise certainty (given that the actual amount in your home currency to be debited is disclosed), if this is offered, you should decline it. Merchants aren't disclosing one key point: their exchange rates are often worse than whatever your card issuer would have provided had you kept the transaction in terms of the local currency – sometimes up to 10% worse.

  • Always check your receipt and card terminal, and if you see anything involving your home currency in a country that doesn't use that currency, ask the merchant to redo the transaction in the local currency. Where DCC is offered, Visa requires the merchant to disclose the fee and must provide the consumer with a choice of getting the bill in the customer's home currency or the local currency.
  • Some credit card terminals will show you an amount in your home currency and ask you to accept or decline the amount. Declining the home currency option will process the transaction in the local currency, which means your bank or card issuer will do the conversion for you.
  • Some cash machines are also known to use DCC, much like credit cards at the point of sale, and should be declined. The machine will ask you if you would like the amount in your home currency or local currency; even though you will always receive the local currency. If you decline (cancel), some ATMs are programmed to automatically cancel the transaction, which is to say that the bank is forcing you to accept DCC. Your best choice is to just find another ATM that doesn't use dynamic currency conversion.
  • Merchants may try to convince you that paying in your home currency will avoid foreign transaction fees. This is not always necessarily true and instead, depending on the issuer, may still end up paying the foreign transaction fee on top of the unfavourable foreign exchange rate used for conversion.
  • Some merchants may force DCC on you. They may claim that the machine does it automatically. Insist that the merchant re-runs the transaction in local currency. If they refuse, clearly write "DCC Refused, Local currency not offered". Then dispute the charge with your bank.
  • Sometimes you may be asked to tick the currency on a receipt. Mark the local currency clearly and (optionally) write "Local currency selected".
  • If you have an American Express card and the merchant accepts it, use it. American Express prohibits DCC.


Travellers cheque

A travellers cheque (or travelers check) is a cheque issued for a fixed amount in a specific currency that you purchase with your funds in advance. Once the most popular way of taking currency overseas, these are declining in popularity due to widespread adoption of payment cards; the number of businesses willing to cash a traveller's cheque is also in decline. There is often a fee (about 1% of face value) when purchasing the cheques at a bank;いくつか automobile associations waive this fee as a service to their members.

Before buying travellers cheques, confirm they will be accepted where you are travelling. As there are many common scams involving forged or stolen cheques, many merchants no longer honor them; travellers buying travellers cheques before a trip sometimes return home having been unable to use them anywhere.

Be sure to get the cheques in the currency of the country to which you are travelling, or (if that's not possible) whichever one gives the best exchange rate there. Travellers cheques are available only in major currencies. For example, if you are travelling to the USA, you could purchase ten US$100 travellers cheques before you travel there, and use them when you arrive. You sign each cheque when you purchase it and again on the same cheque to redeem it.

One of the main advantage of travellers cheques is complete protection against loss or theft. Once you report them as missing, the issuing company will replace them. You must also keep a record of your used cheque numbers。 Most travellers cheque issuers have arrangements to replace them around the world in a short time frame so you are not long left without cash. If you are unsure which cheques you have already cashed and which are missing, your refund may be delayed until the issuer can figure out which ones have been presented.

A second advantage is that travellers cheques in a foreign currency may allow you to lock-in an exchange rate without the risk of cash, or the fees associated with a pre-paid card. If you are travelling from Germany to the U.S. and know you are spending $1,100 to stay at your New York hotel that accepts travellers cheques, you can purchase that value (U.S. dollar denomination cheques) in advance with no risk of exchange movements at the time. That said, should the euro rise in value in the meantime, you paid more than you could have. Thus, it's a trade-off of stability versus possibly a better rate. Just make sure the hotel accepts travellers cheques before you purchase, or you have a way of cashing them elsewhere upon arrival.

Travellers cheques can be exchanged for cash at some banks and exchange bureaus. A hotel may sometimes provide this service to its guests. American Express travellers cheques can also be exchanged at American Express travel centers. Fees for cashing travellers cheques vary by destination and institution. Some banks will cash some brands of cheques free, but this is increasingly rare. American Express will cash their cheques free at their travel centers if they are in the denominated in local currency. More often, fees apply, a sliding scale or a flat fee that may apply only above a certain threshold. If you are cashing travellers cheques into different currency to their denomination, fees may also be charged for the exchange.

Travellers cheques can also sometimes be used for purchases at point of sale, although less widely than credit cards. In general, only the largest stores and hotels will accept travellers cheques for payment.

You will pay a fee to buy travellers cheques. If they are denominated in a foreign currency, this fee may be built into the exchange rate.

あなたが持っている場合 travel insurance, you may care to compare the benefits under your policy. Credit card companies will usually offer a 48-hour emergency replacement or cash advance service for a fee, and these fees may already be covered under your policy. The policies may also cover the loss or theft of cash.

Personal cheques and bank drafts

A personal cheque (または check) issued on a current account with your bank or credit union is not likely to be widely accepted for travel. Acceptance is typically confined to the travellers home country or region in local currencies and the cheque risks being worthless if the underlying account is overdrawn.

A bank draft または cashier's cheque is issued by a banking institution, drawn on its own funds instead of an individual client's account. These are now so uncommon that they are unlikely to be accepted without special arrangements being made. These have been almost completely replaced by telegraphic transfers - funds transfer directly between international bank accounts.

Mobile payments

日本 そして South Korea were the pioneers in mobile payments, with South Korea adopting its first mobile payment system in 2000, and Japan in 2004. The original South Korean and Japanese systems required the use of phones with a special chip installed, making them exclusively designed for the domestic market. Since the late 2010s, mobile payments have taken off in China, which unlike the Japanese and South Korean systems, were QR code based, and only required a smart phone. Today, China leads the world in the adoption of mobile payments, and these are accepted even by many street market stalls, to the point that they often do not have change for customers paying by cash.

Carrying or sending money across national borders

Countries track large movements of money across national borders. This is to help prevent money laundering, tax evasion, and transfers of funds to criminal and terrorist groups. If you transfer money between international bank accounts, or use your credit card in a foreign country, this is reported automatically, but if you carry large amounts of money (typically more than US$10,000, euro, or similar hard currency) you will need to declare it whenever you leave or enter a country. Don't forget monetary instruments such as traveller's checks count as well, as do personal cheques, bank cheques, postal orders or similar monetary instruments that are able to pay the bearer cash. If you or one of your travelling party could exchange them outside the country for cash, you should declare. This typically does not apply if you are abroad, but not the funds or the party to be paid (e.g. domestic online payment, internationally mailing a cheque both drawn and payable exclusively in your home country, etc.) If in any doubt, just declare.

Some countries, such as インド そして 北朝鮮, do not allow the country's home currency to be imported or exported at all. Other countries may have such a low import/export limit in the country's currency that these limits effectively stop you importing or exporting the local currency. This means that you will have to bring all the money you need in a convertible currency and change it to the local currency when you arrive. Likewise, you must change all the local currency back to hard currency before you leave. Often, these laws are poorly enforced. At other times, they can be inconvenient when converting back to hard currency may require a receipt. Check local guides for likely issues.

If you need to use your pre-existing online bill payment from your bank or PayPal while abroad to pay bills back home, let them know a week in advance which countries you will be visiting。 Banking and payment websites are aware of your access from a foreign country because they can track the origin of your Internet IP address, which is country specific. You will likely be blocked from your account to prevent fraud, unless prior arraignments were made.

Getting money in an emergency

You should have a plan for how you will get money in an emergency.

If you have a spare card that you left at home, you can use that card to do things like book prepaid accommodation online through an accommodation booking site. In some countries you can even use a spare card or a friends card to purchase eGiftCards, that give you a number or a bar code you can use at point of purchase in supermarkets, etc.

If you have a premium credit card, or an American Express card, contact their assistance numbers. The credit card assistance lines will often wire you cash as a cash advance on the credit card.

あなたが持っている場合 travel insurance, contact their assistance line. Most insurance companies cover lost cash and cards, but most will have to process a claim before they will help you, which is practically useless in the short term.

If you have someone willing to send you money, there are several options for getting money fast in an emergency。 These include the following:

  • Having someone back home directly depositing money into your bank account. You then use an ATM to make withdrawals. If you both have a PayPal account, this can be done online by computer. It will take a couple days for the money to transfer from your PayPal account to your bank account (longer over weekends and bank holidays), and don't forget to initiate this yourself on the PayPal website as soon as possible. However, if you have PayPal's debit card (MasterCard/Cirrus), the funds will normally be available immediately. (Don't do the aforementioned transfer in this case.) This is not without risk; as Paypal is not a bank and is not regulated as a bank, your recourse is relatively limited if they freeze your account or hold your funds for any reason. There are no fees for funds sent directly from bank accounts of family and friends (i.e. non-commercial transactions), but credit/debit card, and foreign exchange fees apply. Typically, these fees are similar to or somewhat less than what others charge. Although PayPal offers many foreign currencies for sending money, the funds must be in the same currency as your bank account back home. Only if you're relying on a trusted friend abroad, should the funds be sent in a foreign currency.
  • Moneygram is a private money transfer company with many franchise outlet around the world. Someone can pay in money at one office giving the name of the receiver and will be given a reference number. Within an hour you can obtain the cash anywhere in the world if you have the reference number and some form of identification. Fees are higher than interbank money transfer but it has the advantage you do not need an account in the sending or receiving country. There are some dedicated Moneygram shops but in most countries agents are in small supermarkets (often catering for expatriates), newsagents, tobacconists, and some banks, often in areas of high immigrant populations. In the UK and Canada the Post Office is an agent.
  • Get money from a friend via wire transfer services like Western Union。 (similar to MoneyGram). If you know your credit card numbers, you can use it to wire yourself some money. However, this is quite expensive, since it will be treated as a "cash advance," in addition to the hefty Western Union fee.
  • XOOM ("zoom") is now owned by PayPal, and has wire transfer services similar to Western Union and Moneygram. Some countries have cash home delivery available.
  • Sending cash via an overnight courier service (this is reliable, but is sometimes not allowed in the courier company's terms of service.)
  • You could sell personal possessions such as a camera or sport watch.

Your embassy may be able to provide a short-term emergency loan. In many cases, the embassy may only offer help in obtaining a loan from a third party. They will certainly want to see that you have exhausted all other avenues open to you.

See also

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