アラブ首長国連邦 - United Arab Emirates

ザ・ アラブ首長国連邦 (アラビア語:دولةالإماراتالعربيةالمتحدة)または単に エミレーツ ペルシャ湾の入り口にある歴史と文化に富んだ国です。それは旅行のための簡単な出発点になります 中東.


アラブ首長国連邦は7つの首長国連邦です(imarat、 特異な - イマラ):


 アブダビ首長国 (アブダビ そして アルアイン)
 ドバイ首長国 (ドバイ そして 八田)
 シャルジャ首長国 (シャルジャ, ディバ, カルバ そして ホールファカン)
 アジュマーン首長国 (アジュマーン)
 ウンムアルカイワイン首長国 (ウンム・アル・カイワイン)
 ラアスアルハイマ首長国 (ラアスアルハイマ)
 フジャイラ首長国 (フジャイラ)

これらの中で最大のもの はるかに です アブダビ、おそらく最もよく知られているのは ドバイ.


アラブ首長国連邦には、全国に複数の都市、町、村があります。 7つの首長国の7つの首都は、それぞれの首長国の主要都市と交通ハブを構成しています。

  • 1 アブダビ (アラビア語:أبوظبي)–主要な美術館やモニュメントでいっぱいの首都。
  • 2 ドバイ (アラビア語:دبي)–金融資本と商業の中心地であり、アラブ首長国連邦最大の都市です。
  • 3 シャルジャ (アラビア語:الشارقة)–アラビア語とイスラム建築で有名な国の文化の中心地。
  • 4 アジュマーン (アラビア語:عجمان)–最小の首長国、リラックスした雰囲気の静かな目的地の1つ。
  • 5 ウンム・アル・カイワイン (アラビア語:أمالقيوين)–複数のビーチリゾートがある湾に伸びる半島の町。
  • 6 ラスアルハイマ ウィキペディアのラスアルハイマ (アラビア語:راسالخيمة)–アラブ首長国連邦で最も高い山と多くのスリル満点のアクティビティがある、中東のアドベンチャーハブ。
  • 7 フジャイラ (アラビア語:الفجيرة)–オマーン湾で人気のある観光客と滞在カチオンの目的地。ニックネームは 東海岸の花嫁.



  • 1 アルアイン (アラビア語:العين)–かつては小さなオアシスでしたが、現在はオマーン国境の町ブライミに近い主要な町です。
  • 2 八田 (アラビア語:حتا)–かつては山間の村でしたが、現在はカヤックやハイキングの主要な冒険の目的地です。
  • 3 ホールファカン (アラビア語:خورفكان)–複数の歴史的な監視塔と伝統的な金曜日の市場がある絵のように美しい湾にある町。
  • 4 リワオアシス (アラビア語:واحةليوا)–の端にあるオアシスの周りの農場の三日月 ルブアルハリ砂漠。ルブアルハリ砂漠に簡単にアクセスでき、砂丘を越えたオフロードアドベンチャーで有名です。
  • 5 ルワイス (アラビア語:الرويس)–アブダビ首長国の西部地域にある産業とエネルギーの町。


電気220ボルト/ 50ヘルツ(ユーロプラグ、AC電源プラグおよびソケット:英国および関連タイプ、BS 1363)
国コード 971
タイムゾーンUTC 04:00

20世紀に入っても、UAEは誰の観光旅行にも参加していませんでした。しかし、素晴らしい石油とガスの富への投資、そしてイスラム教の比較的自由な解釈(つまり、あなたが裕福な外国人である場合)は、それを大きく変えました-人工島、巨大なモールなど、すべてが提供されているメガプロジェクト十分な大きさの財布のもの、そして世界で最も高い建物はエミレーツの周りにたくさんの話題を生み出しました。 21世紀におけるUAEの航空産業の急速な拡大は、主に ドバイベースのエミレーツと アブダビベースのエティハド航空は、間違いなくUAEを世界の中心に変えました。アラブ首長国連邦のあまり知られていない側面には、の端にある遠く​​離れた壮大な砂漠の砂丘があります ルブアルハリ砂漠 国境を接する北東首長国の畏敬の念を起こさせるワジと山々 オマーン.

しかし、きらめくファサードの下には、ひどく虐待されることが多い移民労働者の広大な下層階級があります。もちろん、誰からも批判を浴びることのない権威主義的な支配家族のセットは言うまでもありません。 。



630年にイスラム教の預言者ムハンマドから使節が到着したことで、この地域の改宗が予告されました。 イスラム教。ムハンマドの後、主要な戦いの1つが ディバ アラビア半島で非イスラム教徒の敗北とイスラム教の勝利をもたらしました。歴史的には、海岸の港町と砂漠のオアシスのコレクションとして、エミレーツはシェイクスによって支配された7つの部族所属のコレクションです。 1つの連邦国家を形成します。さまざまな首長国のシェイクは、組合を結成することを決定し、当時および周辺地域で支配的だった他の部族の膨張主義、特にサウジアラビアとオマーンの膨張主義に対抗するためにその源をプールしました。 7つの首長国のシェイクは、1820年にイギリスの保護領になることに同意し、休戦オマーンとして知られていました。アラブ首長国連邦は1971年12月2日、アブダビとドバイのシェイクが会い、アブダビのシェイクザイードがドバイのシェイクラシッドと組合を結成することを提案したときに、英国からの独立を宣言しました。シャルジャ、アジュマーン、ウンムアルカイワイン、フジャイラは全員、招待を受け入れ、組合に同意しました。ラスアルハイマは、数か月後の1972年2月10日に参加することに同意しました。シェイクザイードはUAEを創設する原動力と見なされ、建国の父として国家が形成されたとされています。シェイクザイードと首長国の残りのシェイクはすべてUAEの創設者と呼ばれています。




エミラティの文化的景観を決定する3つの異なる要因があります。一方では、伝統的な衣料品を含む伝統的なイスラムのベドウィン文化。男性はカンドラと呼ばれる白い服を着、女性はアバヤと呼ばれる黒い服を着ます。それから、ほとんど(完全ではないが)南アジアからの低賃金労働者の移民があり、彼らは社会にほとんど統合されておらず、主流のエミラティ社会からは見えないように扱われることが多い。 3つ目は、特にドバイ首長国連邦とアブダビ首長国連邦が、派手なショッピングモール、隣接するサウジアラビアよりも寛大なイスラムの解釈、そして喜んでお金を払うことができる人のための贅沢。当然、これら3つは衝突する傾向があり、時には明白になりますが、ほとんどの場合、ネイティブのエミラティスは化石燃料の富に参加し、裕福な外国人の最も露骨な「非イスラム」慣行を除いてすべて無視することに満足しています。観光と買い物に行きます。しかし、地元の人々が今でもより伝統的なライフスタイルを送っている、人里離れた場所がもっとあります。

ナイトライフはドバイなどの主要都市で明らかです。国または都市が午後5時または午後7時以降に終了する特定の国と比較すると、UAEのナイトライフはすべての首長国連邦で継続しています(小さな村や町を除く)。街灯、建物、そして全国のライトは、夜も国を照らし続けています。ほとんどのレストラン、小売店、モール、およびサービスは、平日は午後10時頃まで、週末は深夜まで営業し続けます。アルコールは、を除くすべての首長国の多くのレストランやバーで広く入手できます。 シャルジャ。酒屋でアルコールを購入するための免許を取得するという法的な要件がありますが、見過ごされがちです(その数はほとんどありません)。酒類販売免許証は、持ち主が非イスラム教徒であることを証明するものです。パスポートでは不十分です。ただし、空港で免税でアルコールを購入してアラブ首長国連邦に持ち込むことはできます。シャルジャ首長国連邦は完全に乾燥しています。ドバイ、アブダビ、およびアブダビの首長国では酒類販売免許が必要です。 アジュマーン;の残りの首長国 ラスアルハイマ, フジャイラ、および ウンム・アル・カイワイン いかなる種類のライセンスも必要ありません。この要件は、特定の店舗では見落とされることがあります。



アラブ首長国連邦は7つの首長国連邦であり、それぞれが独自のシェイクが率いる絶対君主制です。各首長国はかなりの自治権を保持しており、それぞれに独自の法律があります。各首長国のシェイクは、ネイティブのエミレーツの人口によって崇拝されており(彼がそうでない場合、彼らは確かにランダムな観光客に教えません)、首長国のリーダーであり先見の明があると考えられています。各首長国のシェイクは、その首長国の最もよく知られている属性の原動力です。たとえば、ドバイは進歩的であり、ドバイが観光の中心地になるというシェイクのビジョンの結果として、より国際的で主要な観光地になっています。シャルジャの支配的なシェイクはより保守的で、アラビア語の文学と建築だけでなく教育の大きな支持者でもあります。したがって、シャルジャは複数の大学をホストし、多くのアバシッドとウンマイヤドの建築物があり、アルコールは市内のどこにも提供されていません。アブダビは首長国連邦の首都であり、大統領官邸(カスルアルワタンと呼ばれる)、すべての主要国の国立機関、およびすべての外国大使館があります。アブダビには多くのモニュメントや美術館もあり、より政治的な雰囲気があります。理論的には、大統領と首相は、7つの首長国のそれぞれのシェイクで構成される連邦最高評議会によって選出されます。実際には、アブダビのシェイクは常に大統領に選出され、ドバイのシェイクは常に首相に選出され、ポストを作成します デファクト 遺伝性。



道路やその他の公共施設は、時には非常に混雑している場合でも近代的です。スーパーマーケットでは、ショップに応じて、ヨーロッパやアメリカのさまざまな商品を地元や地域の商品とともに提供しています。 Ikea、Carrefour、Géantなどの主要な国際チェーンには存在感があり、マクドナルドやKFCなどのファストフードチェーン(ほぼすべての主要チェーン)が広く運営されています。一方で、まだいくつかの混雑した伝統的なものがあります スーク 世界中の製品やラグストアでいっぱいです。モールは圧倒的な注目を集める傾向があるため、これらは平均的な旅行者にとって見つけるのが難しい場合があります。スークは通常、最も混雑しているだけでなく、最も文化的に心地よい地域である都市の古い歴史的地区に存在します。


国は非常に乾燥していて、年に数日しか雨が降りません。ただし、水の使用量は非常に多く、主要な公共公園には広い範囲の芝生があり、リゾートやその他の公共の場所では造園が広範囲に及ぶ可能性があります。この水のほとんどは淡水化から来ています。 10月下旬から3月中旬までの天気は非常に快適で、最高気温は約27°C(85°F)から最低気温は約15°C(63°F)です。冬は少し肌寒くなることがあります。暖かいジャケットやセーターが必要な場合がありますが、不快なほど寒いものはありません(ただし、砂漠は凍えるほど寒くなる傾向があります)。ほとんどの場合晴れです。雨は11月から2月の間に降る可能性があり、降ると道路の危険を引き起こす可能性があります。夏になると気温が上がり、湿度がたまりません。 7月の平均気温は34.8°Cから37.2°Cの範囲です。温度は45°Cを超え、極端な場合は50°C(120°F)を超えることもあります。記録された最高気温は51.8°Cで、2017年に記録されました。UAEのほぼすべての場所で、Tabreedと呼ばれるUAE National Central CoolingCompanyによって温度が制御および空調されています。


アラブ首長国連邦に上陸した後、あなたはそれがアラブ諸国であるとは思わないかもしれません。あなたはあなたがいると思うかもしれません インド または フィリピン。ドバイは、石油産業の創設以来、世界中から、特にからの仕事を求めて何千人もの移民を魅了してきました。 パキスタン、インド、 バングラデシュ とフィリピン。今日、インド人とフィリピン人は首長国に影響力を残しています。フィリピン人のスーパーマーケットが成長している間、インド料理店とパキスタンのパン屋はいたるところにあります。ヨーロッパ人(主にイギリス人とフランス人)とスリランカ人が次に大きなコミュニティを形成しています。中国人とインドネシア人の移民が増えています。




ラマダンはイスラム暦で9番目で最も神聖な月であり、29〜30日間続きます。イスラム教徒はその期間中毎日断食し、ほとんどのレストランは夕暮れ時に断食するまで休業します。夜明けから日没まで、何も(水とタバコを含めて)唇を通過することは想定されていません。非イスラム教徒はこれを免除されますが、これは非常に失礼と見なされるため、公共の場での飲食は控えるべきです。企業の世界でも労働時間は短縮されています。ラマダンの正確な日付は、地域の天文観測によって異なり、国によって多少異なる場合があります。ラマダンはの祭りで締めくくります イードアルフィトル、これは数日続く場合があり、ほとんどの国では通常3日です。

  • 2021年4月13日〜5月12日(1442 AH)
  • 2022年4月2日〜5月1日(1443 AH)
  • 2023年3月23日〜4月20日(1444 AH)
  • 2024年3月11日から4月9日(1445 AH)
  • 2025年3月1日から3月29日(1446 AH)

ラマダン中にアラブ首長国連邦への旅行を計画している場合は、読むことを検討してください ラマダン中の旅行.

アラブ首長国連邦での週末は、ほとんどの政府および公共サービスと企業が 金曜日から土曜日;多くの人にとって、木曜日は半日かもしれません(ただし、ほとんどの場合、土曜日は終日働きます)。ほぼすべての都市で、金曜日の朝に商業活動は控えめになりますが、モスクでの正午のサービスの後、ほとんどの企業が営業し、金曜日の夜は混雑する可能性があります。

主な例外は、断食月の間です ラマダン、人生のリズムが劇的に変化するとき。レストラン(観光ホテル以外)は日中は休業しており、ほとんどのオフィスやショップは午前8時から午後2時頃まで営業していますが、通常は午後に閉店し、人々が断食の最後の時間を待つ(または寝る)間です。 。日没後、人々は、として知られている食事で断食するために集まります イフタール、多くの場合、屋外テント(UAEでは珍しくエアコンが完備されていません)で開催されます。これは、伝統的にデートと甘い飲み物から始まります。多くの人が朝遅くまで起きているので、一部のオフィスは午後8時頃に再開し、深夜以降も開いたままになります。日の出直前、 sohoor が食べられると、サイクルが再び繰り返されます。

  • 元旦 (1月1日)
  • 預言者の昇天 (イスラム暦に基づく;日付はグルジア暦で異なる)
  • イードアルフィトル (イスラム暦に基づく;日付はグルジア暦で異なる)
  • イードアルアドハー (イスラム暦に基づく;日付はグルジア暦で異なる)
  • イスラムの新年 (イスラム暦に基づく;日付はグルジア暦で異なる)
  • 預言者生誕祭 (イスラム暦に基づく;日付はグルジア暦で異なる)
  • 記念日 (11月30日)-最初に倒れたエミラティ兵士の日付を記念します。
  • ナショナルデー (12月2日)-アラブ首長国連邦の連合と結成の日付。





湾岸協力会議(GCC)諸国の市民(バーレーン, クウェート, オマーン、そして サウジアラビア)ビザは必要ありません(カタールを除く)。国籍に関係なく、GCC加盟国の非市民居住者にも到着時に短期滞在ビザが付与されます。

特定の国の市民は、到着時にビザなしで、または到着時にパスポートに無料でスタンプされている30日または90日のビザなしでUAEに入ることができます。 30日間のビザは、到着後最大90日間、500ディルハムの手数料で延長できます。 アンドラ, オーストラリア, オーストリア, ベルギー, ブルネイ, ブルガリア, ブラジル, バルバドス, カナダ, 中国, クロアチア, キプロス, チェコ共和国, チリ, コスタリカ, デンマーク, エストニア, フィンランド, フランス, ドイツ, ギリシャ, グレナダ, 香港, ハンガリー, ホンジュラス, アイスランド, アイルランド, イスラエル, イタリア, 日本, ラトビア, リヒテンシュタイン, リトアニア, ルクセンブルク, マカオ, マレーシア, マルタ, メキシコ, モナコ, モンテネグロ, オランダ, ニュージーランド, ノルウェー, ポーランド, ポルトガル, ルーマニア, ロシア (到着後最大30日間延長可能)、 サンマリノ, セイシェル, シンガポール, スロバキア, スロベニア, 韓国, スペイン, スウェーデン, スイス, イギリス (BN(O)パスポートを除く)、 アメリカ そして バチカン市.


ビザを免除されていない他のすべての国籍は、事前にビザを申請する必要があります。ビザを申請するには、エミラティの航空会社、ホテル、またはツアーオペレーターによるスポンサーシップが必要です。アラブ首長国連邦の各航空会社は、一緒に飛行機を利用するときにビザサービスを提供しています。それとは別に、旅行代理店やホテルもあなたのために観光ビザを手配することができます。 2015年現在のビザの費用は、250ディルハムと30日間のシングルエントリーの旅行代理店手数料であり、延長は利用できなくなりました。新しいビザの関税と規則は、観光客がアラブ首長国連邦で仕事を探すのを避けることです。航空会社が96時間後援するトランジットビザの場合、トランジットは100ディルハムです。





非イスラム教徒の大人はそれぞれ持ち込むことができます アルコール4品、例:ワイン4本、スピリッツ4本、またはビール4ケース(アルコール含有量に関係なく)。

アラブ首長国連邦は悪名高い厳格なラインを取ります 、多くの一般的な薬、特に含有物を含むもの コデイン, ジアゼパム (バリウム)または デキストロメトルファン (ロビツシン)あなたが持っていない限り禁止されている 公証および認証 医師の処方箋。アラブ首長国連邦、特にドバイは、麻薬密売人が東から西に麻薬を出荷するための玄関口として使用しているため、麻薬の所持または使用に関する法律は厳格です。規則に違反した訪問者は、不注意でさえ、国外追放または投獄されていることに気づきました。ザ・ アラブ首長国連邦の政府オンラインポータル 指示、アドバイス、および禁止されている規制物質のリストを維持します。

近隣諸国で使用および許容される薬物も禁止されています。他の近隣諸国(特に イエメン)も非常に違法です。大麻およびCBD関連製品も違法と見なされます。





  • エアアラビア にハブを設置しました シャルジャ 空港(ドバイに非常に近い)、そして多くの都市からそこに飛ぶ アフリカ , ヨーロッパ, 中東 そして インド.
  • セブパシフィック航空 ドバイから飛ぶ マニラ フィリピンでは150米ドルからの運賃です。
  • フライドバイ ドバイから中東、ヨーロッパ、アフリカ、インドに飛ぶ。
  • ペガサス航空 ドバイからヨーロッパの多くの都市に飛ぶ。
  • ウィズエアー ドバイからヨーロッパの多くの都市に飛ぶ。
  • スマートウィングズ航空会社 ドバイからヨーロッパの多くの都市に飛ぶ。
  • ノルウェー語 ヨーロッパの多くの都市に飛んで、 北米



アブダビとドバイの道路では、複数の電子料金所システムが使用されています。ドバイのサリック料金所を通過するには、AED4の料金がかかります。これにはプリペイドのサリックタグが必要です。首都アブダビのアブダビ島にアクセスするには、ラッシュアワーにAED 4、オフピーク時にAED2を請求する料金所システムも必要です。


から週2回のフェリーサービスがあります バンダレアッバースイラン イランの海運会社Valfajre-8によってシャルジャの港へ。日曜日と木曜日の夕方に出発する、10〜12時間かかる一晩フェリーです。エコノミークラスの価格は160ディルハムからです。

通常のサービスとは別に、伝統的な大規模なネットワークがあります ダウ船 湾全体、さらには インド。これらのボートの1つで通路を購入することが可能かもしれません。最終的にどのダウ船に乗るかによって、ドバイやアブダビを含むアラブ首長国連邦のすべての沿岸都市に電話をかけることができます。





アラブ首長国連邦のすべての都市で、タクシーは広く利用可能で、比較的手頃な価格です。 UberやCareemなどのローカルライドシェアアプリもUAEで一般的ですが、価格はタクシーと比較して比較的同じであり、異なる市場競争価格を生み出しません。ハイパーループシステムは、アラブ首長国連邦内のすべての都市を接続するための将来のプラントで開発中です。ハイパーループが開始されると、アブダビとドバイ間の移動時間は、通常の1時間45分の車での移動時間から6〜10分に短縮されると予想されます。



アラブ首長国連邦には、右側通行の近代的な道路インフラがあります。レンタカーを借りたり、アラブ首長国連邦で運転したりするには、国際運転免許証が必要です。これは、標準の免許証を翻訳したもので、地元の自動車協会で取得できます。居住者の場合、国際運転免許証の使用はできませんので、現地の運転免許証を取得する必要があります。別の国の運転免許証をお持ちの場合は、エミラティの運転免許証と交換できる場合があります。これは単純なプロセスであり、20分で実行できますが、特定の国のリストに属している場合に限ります。免除されていない国から来た場合は、地元の自動車教習所で40のクラスを受講し、かなり厳しい免許試験を受ける必要があります。ただし、これは変更されており、ライセンス交換はまもなくすべての国籍に適用される可能性があるため、 アラブ首長国連邦政府の公式オンラインポータル-交通機関 あなたの国があなたの外国人運転免許証を変換する資格のある国の中にあるかどうかを確認します。レンタカーは北米より少し安いです。車のサイズに応じて、1日あたりのレンタカー料金は一律です。ガソリン(ガソリン)は、国際基準では安価です。道路システムはヨーロッパの基準に基づいており、多くのラウンドアバウトと高度にチャネル化された交通があります。標識はすべてバイリンガル(アラビア語と英語)であり、すぐに理解でき、ほとんどの場所で明確で一貫性があります。制限速度はすべて西アラビア数字で文書化されています。ガソリンスタンドは、高速道路のいたるところだけでなく、市内でも利用できます。テスラのスーパーチャージャーも利用可能であり、その数は増え続けています。




アラブ首長国連邦で3番目に高い死因は交通事故によるものです(1つ目は心血管疾患、2つ目は癌です)。アラブ首長国連邦のドライブの人々 非常に 高速で、完全に無謀なものもあります。その結果、ほとんどの道路は厳格な制限速度法を順守しています。制限速度には時速約20kmのマージンがあります(アブダビを除き、書面による制限速度を超えるとチケットがもらえます)。ほとんどの道路はリモートレーダーシステムによって監視されており、停止することなく罰金を科せられます。警察官があなたにチケットを書くためにあなたを横に引っ張ることを期待しないでください。あなたはあなたの電話のメッセージを通してチケットを受け取ります(あなたの電話が登録で車に結び付けられている場合)そしてあなたはUAEを去る前にあなたが遭遇するすべての交通罰金を支払うことを要求されます。ドローンは地方の高速道路や道路も監視しているので、トラックの運転手は注意を払う必要があります。ドローンは通常、特定の車線に従わない、または設定された速度よりも速く運転するトラック運転手を撮影します。


砂漠のサファリと砂丘のバッシングは、すべての首長国連邦の近くで良いアトラクションですが、ハイヤーを選ぶ際には細心の注意を払う必要があります。それは四輪駆動でなければなりません。砂漠のサファリも一般的に旅行代理店で設計されており、量的にもかなりの量を与えることができます。 1台の車または一人で砂漠に入ろうとしないでください。一般的な経験則として、2台以上の四輪駆動車が一緒に砂漠に入り、一方が動かなくなった場合にもう一方がそれを引き抜くことができるようにする必要があります。砂漠での運転は学ぶのが難しいスキルです。サファリやツアーグループは通常、砂漠のサファリに連れて行ってくれます。必要に応じて、砂丘でバッシングすることもできます。



公用語は アラビア語、人口の大部分は駐在員であり、それを話しませんが。 Expatriates from Iran, India, the Philippines and Western countries outnumber the native Arabs, particularly in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah. 英語 それは lingua franca, and the great majority of Emiratis know how to speak it. All traffic, shops, and destination signs are written in both Arabic and English. Speaking in English to anyone in the Emirates should be fine, and you will not have to learn any Arabic to get around. That said, if you can learn to speak some Arabic, it will certainly impress the locals.

As Arabic is the official language, government documents may be written in Arabic only, though English translations or versions are common. The only place where Arabic is used almost exclusively is within the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces buildings and headquarters.

The UAE has a very diverse population; many languages and communities exist. Languages widely spoken in the UAE include Hindustani (Hindi & Urdu), Malayalam/Tamil, Farsi (Persian), and Tagalog (Filipino). Most people with secondary education possess at least a basic command of English, though it is not uncommon to meet people whose English is limited. As a major hub for Arabs, Middle Easterners, and Asians who do not speak the English language as a mother language, expect their English to be in a beginner or an intermediate level. In this Muslim-majority country, expect to be greeted with the Arabic phrase of "Peace be upon you" - as-salām `alaykum - even if you are not a Muslim. The proper response would be to state "Peace be upon you too" - wa-`alaykumu s-salām.


Qasr al Sarab in Liwa Oasis.
Jebel Jais in Ras Al Khaimah.

There's plenty of things to see in the United Arab Emirates, both in terms of the Earth's natural wonderful landscape as well as the best of human's constructed attractions. From the world's largest tower in Dubai to the world's largest contiguous sand desert in the world in Liwa Oasis (which was the film set of planet Jakku in Star Wars: The Force Awakens). Most of the United Arab Emirates lies on the coast of the Persian Gulf, except for Fujairah which lies on the Gulf of Oman, offering both experiences of beautiful beaches in both gulf waters. The western side of the UAE's landscape is a sand terrain, with the Empty Quarter desert forming the south side of the UAE and containing some of the largest sand dunes in the world. The golden sand dunes form a wonderful sight and offer great adventurous safari rides into the wilderness of the desert. The northeastern side terrain is mountainous, offering mountain climbing activities in Ras Al Khaimah as well as the world's longest zip line that shoots from the tops of a mountain.

The UAE was initially a collection of small fishing villages with Eastern Arabian culture which has boomed significantly after the unification of the seven emirates. Hence, in every emirate's capital you will find an old district with old buildings consistent of mostly windcatchers and military forts that were common in the region then, and more progressive glass skyscrapers that signify the advanced progression of the emirates. Archealogical sites from the Umm Al Nar period are scattered across the emirates, with distinctive cultural variations found in the Hajar mountains in the northeastern emirates. In the western side of the UAE, oases are common across vast majority of desert landscape as they formed the major population centers in these areas such as Al Ain city (once only an oasis, now an entire city) and Liwa Oasis. Although outdoors in UAE may seem dull and uninteresting to the knowledgeable traveler, there are actually amazing natural destinations in the UAE - the difficulty is in knowing where to find them! There are pristine waterfalls, cliffs lined with fossils, even freshwater lakes.

Other than the natural beauty of the Arabian desert and mountainous regions of the Al Hajar mountains which may seem dangerous due to the rough surrounding environment, the UAE offers tourists a whole new experience in terms of comfortable living with tall skyscrapers and skylines and enormous malls and huge indoor theme parks as well as an entire indoor ski resorts in the middle of the desert!

There's also multiple islands around cities in the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, is surrounded by natural islands with green mangroves surrounding the city. The water surrounding Abu Dhabi is light blue in color and is considered one the biggest coral reefs in the entire Persian Gulf region. In Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah, there are man-made islands that extend from the desert into the sea such as Palm Jumeriah and Murjan Island, allowing people to live in close proximity to the sea and green landscape while surrounded to a rough desert in Dubai and rough mountains in Ras Al Khaimah just south of these two respective cities.


Dubai's skyline

Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa is the world's largest skyscraper since 2009 extending to 828 meters and is located in Dubai. It is the easiest sighted landmark once you land in Dubai and a major tourist attraction site. You can see the vast desert outside Dubai and the sheen and progressive buildings that form Dubai from the top. You can also see planes flying from the top!

Grand Sheikh Zayed Mosque

Grand Sheikh Zayed Mosque is one of the most beautifully created mosques in the world. The architecture and designs of the mosque is a marvel and attracts tourists from all over the world to this magnificent religious site. The mosque is open to non-muslims and allows people of all faith to visit and explore the structure.

Hajar mountains

In the south, the Hajar mountains are easily distinguished by the rough and rugged landscape that pop out of suddenly from the desert. Jebel Hafeet in Al Ain is an accessible peak that is considered the outline of the Hajar mountains. The rough mountainous landscape forms a major hiking, trekking, and bird-watching opportunities, while the vast amount of picturesque wadis in the area are fun to explore. It offers a different landscape than just the desert found mainly in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.


From Islamic museums in Sharjah to international and global musuems in Abu Dhabi, the UAE offers voyagers a great deal of museums that dig into the area's historical past as well as displays the historical artifacts of the empires surrounding the region. Most popular museums are the Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi, the Sharjah Arts museum, and the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation. Of course, each emirate has its own national museum which showcases the emirates original history and displays iconic eastern Arabian items such as dhows, khanjars, and other aspects of earlier life such as clothing and vocation.

Jebel Jais

Jebel means mountain in Arabic. Jebel Jais is located in Ras Al Khaimah and is the highest accessible mountainous peak in the UAE and is a great site for camping in the winter. Similarly to the Hajar mountains, Jebel hafeet is a great location for major hiking, trekking, and mountain climbing.

Al Bidyah mosque

This is the oldest mosque found in the UAE and it is located in Fujairah. The mosque and its surroundings are a major archaeological site. This is a great attraction for history and archaeology fans. Although the mosque is very simple and modest in size, many excavations of pottery and metal artifacts are found in this area.


The turquoise waters surrounding the Islands of Abu Dhabi along the Corniche.
Fujairah fort in Fujairah.

One of the main focuses of tourist life (other than shopping) is the beach。 The waters of the UAE, although cloudy due to heavy coastal construction, are still, for those from less torrid climes, remarkably warm, clean, and beautiful. There are long stretches of white-sand beaches, ranging from completely undeveloped to highly touristed (even in cities like Dubai). The snorkeling and diving can be magnificent, especially along the eastern (Indian Ocean) coast. Vast swaths of desert stretch to the south of the major urban areas, offering dramatic views and terrifying rides in fast-driven safaris. The mountains are dramatic, steep rocky crags, and a visit to them (for example, the town of Hatta) is well rewarded with amazing views. Women wearing bathing suits will draw unwanted attention at the public beaches; it is advisable to pay for a one-day entry pass to a private beach at a hotel.

There are plenty of man-made wonders to enjoy as well. Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi is the world's largest indoor theme park, and as the name suggests, is centered around experiencing the world of Ferrari and includes the fastest rollercoaster in the world, accelerating from 0 to 149 mph (240 km/h) in 4 seconds. This is alongside the Yas Marina Circuit, which hosts the Abu Dhabi Formula One Grand Prix. The Yas Marina Circuit is widely known as the most technologically advanced circuit on the planet, and, along with Formula One, hosts various national and international racing series, including the GP2 and GP3 series, and V8 Supercars. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world, and visitors can travel up it to a viewing station situated near the building's peak to enjoy stunning views of the city and beyond. Wild Wadi and Aquaventure are two world class water parks that cater to the whole family. Those looking for proper retail therapy can visit Dubai Mall, one of the largest shopping malls in the world, and also the location of the world's largest dancing fountain, with multiple shows starting after sunset, and one of the world's largest indoor aquariums, Dubai Aquarium.

Ski Dubai in Dubai Emirates Mall is the world's third largest indoor ski slope, measuring 400 m and using 6000 tons of snow. Ski Dubai resort is the first UAE indoor ski slope to open, and more are planned. All equipment, except for gloves and a hat, are provided—skis/snowboards, snowsuits, boots and socks are all included in the price (the socks are disposable). The adjoining ski store sells equipment, including gloves. A ski slope in Ra's al Khaymah is also in the works.

"Desert safari" trips can be a fun experience for tourists. They can be booked ahead, but can often be booked as late as the day before, and most hotel receptionists can arrange this for you. Trips normally start late afternoon and end late evening. You will be collected from your hotel and driven to the desert in a 4x4 vehicle. Most packages include a heart-pumping drive over the dunes, a short camel ride, an Arabic buffet and a belly dancer. Another option would be renting/buying a 4x4 and joining the many growing 4x4 clubs in the UAE, which are varied and each carry their own different flavour: ad4x4, uaeoffroaders, emarat4x4, etc. They offer a free learning experience for all newcomers with scheduled weekly trips to suit all levels of driving skills. Some of them have over 2,000 members from many nationalities.



Exchange rates for Emirati dirham

As of January 2020:

  • US$1 ≈ 3.67 (fixed) dirhams
  • €1 ≈ 4.1 dirhams
  • UK£1 ≈ 4.8 dirhams

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available from XE.com

The currency is the United Arab Emirates dirham demoted by the symbol " د.إ" or "dh" (ISO code: AED)。 It is pegged to the US dollar at 3.67 dirhams for $1. Notes are in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 dirhams. There is a one dirham coin with sub-units of 25 and 50 fils coins (100 fils = 1 dirham). There are 5 fils and 10 fils coins but these are rarely seen (and provide an excuse for traders to 'short change').

Cash and travellers' cheques can be changed at exchanges located at the airports or in all the major shopping malls. ATMs are numerous and generously distributed. They accept all the major chain cards: Visa, Cirrus, Maestro, etc. Credit cards are widely accepted.

If you pay with an overseas credit card, most merchants will attempt to apply dynamic currency conversion, charging several percent more than the issuer conversion would have cost. The credit card terminal will offer the choice of whether the conversion should be accepted. The merchant will ない ask you about this, and will choose to accept the conversion. If you pay attention, you can intervene and ask for "No" to be answered. If you ask upfront, some merchants will have no idea what you mean, but many will.


Basic commodities used to be cheaper than in most Western countries, although this is changing rapidly (Dubai has moved up the ranking to be the 25th most expensive city to live in; Abu Dhabi is close behind). Hotels rates are not cheap—there is a shortage of hotel rooms available, especially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which keeps the hotels often at above 90% occupancy. Vast numbers of new hotels are scheduled to come on line during the next five to ten years, but as tourism is on the rise, it is unlikely that prices will come down. All things touristy also tend to be rather expensive. Rents in Dubai are starting to compete with cities like Paris or London, and other prices tend to follow. Some places have shared accommodations available and are quite reasonable.


One of the things the UAE is most famous for is shopping. There are no sales taxes in the UAE, but it is very difficult to find any real bargains anymore as inflation is at an all-time high. If you are interested in shopping, you can't leave the UAE without visiting Dubai. Dubai boasts the best places for shopping in the whole of the Middle East, especially during the annual shopping festival, usually from mid-January to mid-February.


参照: Middle Eastern cuisine
Popular Emirati dessert called Lugaimat.
A fancy Arabic-cuisine mixed grill. Clockwise from top: lamb kofta, chicken shish tawuk, beef shish kebab, pilaf (Arabic rice), vegetables.

The UAE's traditional cuisine is the Emirati and Eastern Arabian cuisine, however the country also offers a global cuisine. The more than 165 nationalities residing in the Emirates have made the country a destination which offers and caterers to all cuisines or religious compliant food for everyone.

Eastern Arabian cuisine

Eastern Arabian cuisine forms the major traditional food in the UAE. Emirati cuisine is sampled and widely marketed as the traditional food of the state. However, traditional Emirati cuisine is somewhat difficult to find due to the minority presence of Emiratis in their own country. Al Fanar restaurant is a famous and common Emirati-styled restaurant that was established to offer Emirati food and atmosphere for foreigners wishing to experience the country's traditional food. Emirati food is commonly platters of fragrant rice topped with lamb, camel meat, chicken or fish that has been slow-roasted in a pit. If you have Emirati friends, being invited to their homes would generally be the best chance you have to sample the local cuisine. Arabic coffee, camel milk, and dates form the staple food of which the Emiratis have lived on for generations. Camel milk is widely available in supermarkets and is a common sight to see in an Emirati grocery store. There's even flavors of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry camel milk. Camel milk or Date flavored milkshakes are commonly found. Chocolate made of camel milk is also available. The UAE has established companies that use camel milk and camel meat as a major alternative to the regular chicken, lamb, and cow meat that are commonly available worldwide. Camel milk and camel meat is commonly available in the UAE and is a great chance for tourists and visitors to experience a new type of delicacy for an inexpensive price. Another famous Emirati dessert is Luguaimat (called Luqaimat in standard Arabic). The dessert is widely available and offered in almost all Emirati gatherings and is sold in a lot of restaurants and outlets as well. Ramadan is a great time to be invited to an Emirati house to experience a lot of their traditional foods.

Tourists in Dubai being presented with Emirati food and taught about the eating etiquette.

Global cuisines

Abu Dhabi そして Dubai and, to a lesser extent, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah、および Fujairah all offer a vast spread of food from most of the world's major cuisines. By western standards most restaurants are quite affordable although it is easy to find extremely expensive food too. Most upper-end restaurants are located in hotels. South east Asian cuisine such as Indian and Pakistani restaurants are also widely available and can be found in every corner. Arabic cuisine such as Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian cuisines are also available. Persian cuisine is proudly marketed around the country due to the proximity of Iran. Persian restaurants proudly present Persian atmosphere; both Islamic Persian design, Persian Empire-styled, and even Imperial Iran atmosphere with pictures of the Shah and Imperial Iranian flag adorning the restaurant depending on the Iranian owner's fidelity. The Iranian Club in Dubai proudly caters to Iranians and is funded by the Iranian government and is run by the Iranian community in Dubai. If you have an Iranian friend its a great opportunity to be invited to experience the Persian cuisine in the Iranian Club. Since the UAE forms the home of major Middle Eastern, south east Asian, and western communities its safe to say that almost every cuisine exist around the country. South African, Nigerian, and Ethiopian restaurant are few but are still present. Chinese restaurants are also increasing in number due to the increasing Chinese community in the country. There's even a famous North Korean restaurant in Dubai. All types of cuisines African, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, European, and American cuisines are all widely available. Finding a favorite restaurant chain should not be a problem. There's also a lot of local chains and business start ups which offer different types of food which you may have not experienced. Pork is also available and is sold in supermarkets, albeit in a specifically designated location marked "For Non-Muslims".


Famous restaurant chains have also established branches in the country. Restaurants by the world's most famous chefs such as Gordon Ramsey, Gary Rhodes, Guy Fieri, Nobuyuki Matsuhisa, and Salt Bae all operate restaurants around the country. In fact, some of the world famous chefs, such as Salt Bae, primary restaurant and base of operation is in Dubai such as Salt Bae's Nusr-Et restaurant in Four Season Hotel in Jumeriah (Visited by Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, among others). Other international food chains such as Cheesecake factory, Texas Fried Chicken, Red Lobster, PF Chang's, Chili's and many more all operate branches throughout the country. Fast food is also common, with many chains such as McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Popeye's, Hardee's, and Wendy's are almost found everywhere. The major ice cream chain is Baskin Robbins, but other ice cream brands such as Cold Stone Creamery, Marbles Lab, Moishi, and Amorino are all available. Local branches of gelato and other desserts are also common. Pakistani and Indian restaurants are also very common. South Asian food in the UAE is more authentic than the food found in Europe or elsewhere due to the proximity of India and Pakistan to the Emirates. Indians, Pakistanis, Malayalis, Malabaris and Sri Lankans can be found everywhere and form the majority of the population in the Emirates. The UAE is a favorite destination for Keralites outside of Kerala, and proper authentic eastern Asian restaurants are found all over the Emirates.


An Emirati Majlis. A majlis can be way larger depending on the event or who's invited.

In public, general global and mostly western etiquette is required to be adhered. If you are invited to an Emirati's house for food, it depends on how cultural the family is. You may be required to sit on the ground, eat with your hands, or share the same plate with everyone. It is not uncommon for Emiratis to present a feast in one big platter, and everyone sits around it and eats with their hands. The key thing to remember when doing so is to use only your right hand, as the left hand is traditionally reserved for handling dirty things. Being invited to break bread or share a platter with Emiratis is a considered a huge sign of respect and fondness. Young Emiratis are however, very understanding if you choose to have your own plate or eat with utensils, and some of Emiratis don't even adhere to the traditional floor sitting and eating with hands style of cultural eating etiquette. A more modern etiquette is to sit on the ground with everyone having their own plate, spoon, fork, and knife while eating the food in front of you or politely asking someone next to you to serve the food away from you. Do not get up and attempt to move to the place where a certain type of food is put.

If you are invited to a Majlis (a traditional and common gathering commonly men-only or women-only), you will be presented with dates and Arabic coffee (called gahwa). The majlis is a big room or a tent with places to sit where people talk and converse. A person will rotate around the maljlis and offer you dates, dessert, or Arabic coffee. If you eat dates, remember to take them in odd numbers (1 or 3, etc..). Taking dates in even numbers is not a problem but its preferred to take them in odd numbers to adhere to the Arabic culture. If you are presented with Arabic coffee the person who rotates to pour the coffee will continue to pour you coffee until you shake the cup while presenting it to him. This signals that you do not want more coffee and he will take the cup from you. In a traditional setting, if you are entering a majlis you'll be required to move to the chair closest to your right and shake hands with the person starting from there until you shake hands with everyone. If you're sitting in a chair and someone is coming to greet you, you will be required to stand up and shake hands with that person before sitting down. If there is a Sheikh in the majlis, its customary to greet him first before going back and shaking hands with everyone else. Arabic men from the same tribe perform a nose kiss (also called Eskimo kiss). It may also be performed by very close friends. In an nontraditional majlis, its not customary to do any of that and simply going in and goofing around with your friends is totally fine.

If you are presented with food in an Emirati house, its customary to eat. Its considered disrespectful if you do not eat anything. If you're full, eating small amounts is better than rejecting the food entirely. You will be presented with a lot of food if you visit an Emirati house for lunch or dinner, as Emiratis consider generosity a virtue and you'll be disrespecting them if you don't eat or touch any food they present you with.

Religious diets

All food in the UAE is Halal. Kosher food is also increasingly available. Companies and restaurants such as Kosher Arabia and Eli's Kosher Kitchen, which is supervised by Chief Rabbi of the UAE Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, are also available. Vegetarian restaurants are also widely available due to the major presence of Hindus in the country. Finding your local or favorite or religiously compliant cuisine should not be a problem in the Emirates.


Fast Track Lobby Bar at the Radisson Blu Hotel in the capital Abu Dhabi.

Dubai has a burgeoning nightlife scene and even formerly straitlaced Abu Dhabi has loosened up and tried to catch up. Alcohol is available in alcohol stores, 5-star hotel restaurants and bars in all emirates except Sharjah, where you can only drink in your home or in an expat hangout called the Sharjah Wanderers. As a tourist, you are permitted to buy alcohol in bars and restaurants to drink there. If you are a resident, you're supposed to have an alcohol license (never asked for in bars) which also allows you to buy alcohol at alcohol stores (they do check).

During Ramadan, no alcohol is served during daylight (fasting) hours. Dubai and Abu Dhabi permit bars to serve alcohol at night, but bands stop playing, background music is off or quiet, no dancing is allowed and nightclubs are usually closed. On certain holy days in the Islamic calendar, no alcohol is served publicly in any of the UAE.

行う ない under any circumstance drink and drive in the UAE. If by chance you are in an accident, this becomes a card for going directly to jail — especially during Ramadan. Taxis and ride-share apps such as Uber are widely available if you have been drinking and are a much safer and wiser option given the insane driving habits in the region.


Palm Jumeriah in Dubai

For the visitor, the UAE has one of the most spectacular ranges of tourist accommodations in the world. There are staggeringly beautiful, modern hotels, which can be expensive. However, more modest housing is also available. Hotels and accommodation in the Emirates are always available - in fact, hotels are a major revenue source for investors in the UAE. The hotels and accommodation throughout the Emirates are stunning and extraordinary luxurious due to the fact of the high luxury standards in the Emirates (particularly in Dubai) as well as the relatively new buildings and skyscrapers. Some of the most famous lodging destinations that are famous for being portrayed in movies are the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi and the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi also serve as a lodging destination for foreign head of states or diplomats visiting the capital city Abu Dhabi.

Almost all hotels serve alcohol with the notable exception of hotels in Sharjah. Most hotels also have various bars, night clubs, and meeting hot spots. Most resorts are built on artificial made islands such as the Palm Jumeriah in Dubai and Al Marjan Island in Ras Al Khaimah. Beach access and amenities are a given when booking a resort or a hotel on a beach.


University City Hall in University City, Sharjah.

Per the Times Higher Education (THE) and the QS World University rankings in 2019, the highest ranking universities in the UAE are:

  • 1- Khalifa University
  • 2- United Arab Emirates University
  • 3- American University in Sharjah
  • 4- American University in Dubai
  • 5- University of Sharjah
  • 6- Abu Dhabi University
  • 7- Zayed University
  • 8- Ajman University

The UAE has government-sponsored universities that are limited only to citizens or high achieving non citizens only. The four local government-sponsored universities are Khalifa University, the United Arab Emirates UniversityAl Ain, the Higher Colleges of Technology with various campuses throughout the UAE, and Zayed University with campuses in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

In addition to the local universities, the UAE also hosts branches of several well-known American and European universities. These are primarily concentrated in the cities of Dubai そして Abu Dhabi。 Examples of global universities with campuses in the UAE include New York University Abu Dhabi, Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, London Business School, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and University of Exeter.


You will need a work visa to be allowed to work in the UAE, and receiving one requires a local company or sponsor to apply on your behalf. A 10-year, 5-year, and 6-month visa schemes are also available for investors, entrepreneurs and outstanding students.ザ・ UAE government official online portal has all the details to apply for visas or long term visas.

Qualifying investors, entrepreneurs, professional talents, researchers in various fields of science and knowledge, and outstanding students are offered a permanent residency scheme called the Gold card.

Obtaining UAE citizenship is only possible for foreign women who are married to Emirati men (but ない for foreign men married to Emirati women), but is otherwise next to impossible for other foreigners. A foreign woman must be married for 7 years with at least one child or 10 years with no children to be eligible for citizenship. Citizenship may also be granted by a decree from the president if a person has done extraordinary accomplishments for the country.


Emirati men wearing traditional attire and performing an Emirati weapon dance called Razfah.

Emiratis are proud but welcoming people and, when not in their cars, are generally extremely civil and friendly. Like most peoples of the world, they welcome visitors who are willing to show some amount of respect and can be extremely generous. (Some expats and visitors do not understand that revealing clothing can be quite offensive to some people, even if nothing is said to the offenders.) Their culture is unique and can be highly conservative, but overall they are quite attuned to the ways, customs, events, media, and manners of the world.

Local men usually wear a "Kandoura", a long robe (typically white), and ghutra, a red-checked or white headdress. Local women wear a black robe-like garment (abaya) and a black head scarf (shayla).

The UAE is more conservative than most Western societies, though not as much as some of its neighbors. Travelers should be aware and respect the more traditional outlook in the UAE, as there are behaviors typical in the West (for example, making "rude and insulting gestures") that will result in arrest in the UAE. On the other hand, Western travelers will find most of the UAE quite comfortable.

Although women are not legally required to wear the hijab, revealing fashions such as tank tops and shorts are discouraged. Hijab and modest clothing are necessary to visit mosques or religious sites. Some mosques such as the Sheikh Zayed mosque in Abu Dhabi provide modest clothing for tourists visiting the site. Short skirts and shorts are acceptable, although you might incur stares. However, there are quite a few tourist or expatriate-dominated zones where even "provocative" dress may be seen, although not necessary respected. Bikinis and other type of swimwear can be worn there. These include many areas of the Emirate of Dubai and, for example, beach resorts in Ajman or Fujairah. Public nudity anywhere is strictly forbidden and is considered a crime. Sharjah is the most conservative of the Emirates with public decency statutes (i.e., forbidding overly revealing clothing or certain kinds of beach wear), but few of them are enforced (although that varies).

The Emirates are not gay-friendly, and consensual homosexual activity is potentially subject to the death penalty (although never carried out in the history of the country). However, discretion is the key: like many things in Emirati society, what happens behind closed doors is - well - what happens. Public display of affection is considered impolite or ill-mannered to the Emirati population. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for Emirati men or women to show physical affection but not across gender; Emirati men often kiss one another's noses in greeting and women greet one another with cheek kisses and may hold hands or link arms.

Don't tell locals that the UAE is part of Saudi Arabia. Don't compare it to Bahrain, Oman or Qatar either. Many locals and expats are proud of their country and culture so some would be deeply offended. Don't discuss the crisis between the Emirates and Qatar either as it is a touchy topic to the locals.


Dubai Police uses a fleet of super-cars. The super cars police patrols are found in tourist hot spots and allows tourists to take pictures with the officers.

The UAE is exceptionally safe. The country is considered one of the safest places to live. Abu Dhabi is ranked as the safest city in the world in 2019, while Dubai was ranked the 6th safest city in the world.

Visitors should be less concerned about crime, than the harsh law enforcement. Homosexuality is a crime that may carry the death penalty in the UAE (although never enforced in the history of the country), so gay and lesbian tourists should be discreet. Same-sex public display of affection is illegal and punishable by fine or jail.

Sex outside marriage is also illegal but not enforced unless it results in pregnancy. Public sex, nudity, and any form of sexual activity conducted in public is illegal. Caution is definitely advised.

There are a couple of things you should be aware of to do with drug laws in the UAE. Some common painkillers in western countries are illegal narcotics in the UAE like codeine. Don't bring any with you unless you carry a copy of your prescription or you may join others who have received jail sentences. In contrast, antibiotics are freely available over the counter at pharmacies. If you receive a prescription for controlled drugs in the UAE, such as some painkillers and antidepressants, be sure to keep the copy of the prescription with you when traveling out of the country.

Another trap for the unwary is that if you are suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a blood test can be taken, and if it shows evidence of substances that are illegal in the UAE, then you will probably end up in jail even if the substances were ingested in the country that you were previously in. In addition to testing your blood, they will likely check your belongings. People have been jailed for possession for finding microscopic specks of drugs on them with highly sensitive equipment.

Under cyber-crime laws if a person makes a defamatory statements about someone in the UAE on social media, even if a number of years ago in another country, they can be jailed or fined.

Another cause for concern is the very high rate of automobile accidents: besides due care while driving a vehicle, crossing the road on foot can be quite dangerous as well.

Stay healthy

一般 medical care in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah is quite good, with clinics for general and specialized care widely available, including some which are now open 24 hours. Hospitals in the major centers are well-equipped to deal with any medical emergencies. There is an ambulance system in all major population centres; however, coverage can be patchy in the more remote areas. Ambulances are designed for transportation rather than providing care as first responders, so don't expect top-flight on-site care.

The main government hospital in Abu Dhabi is quite good; as is the Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, now managed by Cleveland Clinic.

In Dubai, the government hospitals are Rashid hospital, which has a new Trauma Centre and Dubai Hospital which are very good. Welcare Hospital International Modern Hospital American Hospital Zulekha Hospital NMC Hospital, and Belhoul Hospital in the private sector all have a good reputation. The country is free of malaria and prophylaxis is not needed. In Sharjah, the Kuwaiti (Goverrnment) Hospital accepts expatriates. The private hospitals in Sharjah are the Zahra hospital, Zulekha Hospital and Central Private Hospital. Prices including healthcare are generally cheaper in Sharjah and although all hospitals meet the Ministry of Health standards the Central Private Hospital and Zulekha Hospitals are considered more affordable.

Al Ain is served by modern hospitals and care centers: Tawam Hospital, now managed by John Hopkins, and host to the UAE University Faculty of Medicine and Health Science; Al Ain Hospital (also called Al Jimi Hospital as it is in the district of Al Jimi), now managed by the Vienna Medical University; and the private Oasis Hospital, previously known as Kennedy Hospital, which was founded and run by Christian missionaries, and which was the first hospital in the city.

ザ・ water is safe to drink in the UAE, although most people prefer bottled water for its taste. The food is clean and in most restaurants is served to Western standards, particularly in tourist areas; however, hygiene can be an issue in some establishments outside, particularly roadside stalls. That said, food poisoning does happen, so use your common sense!

ザ・ heat in summer can reach 50°C (122°F), so avoid outdoors activity at the height of the day and watch out for signs of heat stroke. Be sure to drink lots of water as dehydration happens easily in such heat. If travelling off road (most of the country is desert), ensure you carry sufficient water to allow you to walk to the road should vehicles become bogged.

Although the UAE is somewhat more accommodating to travellers with disabilities than other countries in the Mideast, it would nonetheless be a difficult country to navigate in a wheelchair. Curbs are high and there are few, if any, ramps or other accommodations. This includes an almost complete lack of handicapped-friendly bathrooms.


As of July 2019, free prepaid SIM cards - loaded with a three-minute talk time, five SMS and 20MB mobile data - would be given to tourists upon their arrival at any of the UAE's entry points as per the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) initiative to welcome new tourists.

Landline area codes

The country's international calling code is 971 in reference to its independence year (1971)

  • 01 - was intended to be used by the planned capital 'Al Karama' but never put in use.
  • 02 - Abu Dhabi area code
  • 03 - Al Ain area code
  • 04 - Dubai area code
  • 06 - Sharjah, Ajman, Um Al Quwain area codes
  • 07 - Ras Al Khaimah area code
  • 09 - Fujairah area code

Calling internationally, 971 (the second number of the area code) followed by the number calls a specific landline in that area.

By phone

The country code is 971. The mobile phone network uses the GSM technology (as in ヨーロッパ そして Africa) and use is widespread. The format for dialing is: 971-#-### ####, where the first "#" designates the area code. Key area codes include Dubai (4), Sharjah (6) and Abu Dhabi (2). Calls to mobile phones use the operator's area codes: (50/56/58) for Etisalat and (52/55) for Du. Like other countries, when dialing locally, "00" is used to access an international number (and followed by the country code) and "0" is used to access a national number (followed by the area code).

By internet

Internet cafés are fairly common in the larger cities, and web censorship is at times odd, but rarely obtrusive. Instant messaging and voice-over-IP services like Skype sometimes work. The government owned telecommunications operator blocks access to these services to varying degrees. The blocking does not always stop calls and may vary depending on the network used. It also appears to be able to block Skypeout calls whilst allowing Skype-Skype calls. Even if the services are not blocked, connection speed can be an issue. Most people use a VPN service to bypass local Internet restrictions.

Etisalat and Du both provide USB Internet connections.

By post

A postal stamp from Abu Dhabi in 1967.

The United Arab Emirates has a fairly efficient postal system run by the Emirates Post Group。 There are dozens of post offices scattered across the major cities. It costs 4.50 dirhams at standard rates to send a standard letter weighing 29-30 gr (1 oz) locally and between the emirates within the country; 5 dirhams to neighboring Gulf states (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain); 9 dirhams across the gulf to Iran; and 11 to 13 dirhams to most other countries. Mailing to nearby conflict zones (Iraq, Syria, Yemen) can only be sent on the premium rate starting at 165 dirhams. Sending parcels can get costly, being counted per kilogram and by distance. A full list of rates and branch locations can be found on the Emirates Post Group website[リンク切れ].

All mail sent within and to the country are sent only to PO Boxes without zip or post codes. Therefore, address should be formatted as:

Name of recipient
Name of company or organization if relevant
PO Box xxxx

Such as:

John Doe
Raffles World Academy
PO Box 122900

If sending by private courier (DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc) to a physical address be sure to confirm the delivery address with recipient and provide the recipient's telephone number on the package so that the delivery driver can call to clarify the location if necessary as physical addresses are vague and inconsistent. Such as:

John Doe
Raffles World Academy
Al Marcup Street، Umm Suqeim 3
Jumera 3

Many expats working in the UAE typically use their employer's PO Box to receive personal mail. But, there is no concept of 'privacy' and mail can be opened by the employer, especially after the employee has left the company. Therefore, it is recommended that anybody staying long term to establish their own mailing address than to have personal mail sent to them via their employer.

This country travel guide to United Arab Emirates概要 より多くのコンテンツが必要になる場合があります。テンプレートがありますが、十分な情報がありません。都市があり、 その他の目的地 リストされている、それらはすべてではないかもしれません 使える ステータスまたは有効な地域構造がない可能性があり、ここに到達するための一般的な方法のすべてを説明する「入場」セクションがあります。思い切って成長するのを手伝ってください!