ダナン - Da Nang


ダナン[リンク切れ] (ĐàNẵng)は ベトナムの5番目に大きな都市。入った セントラル 南シナ海沿岸のベトナム、中間 ハノイ そして ホーチミン市.

ハノイの雰囲気もホーチミン市の喧騒もありませんが、観光スポットが多く、魅力に近い街です。 ホイアン との帝国の首都 色相、ベトナム中部のアトラクションを探索したり、街のビーチでぶらぶらしながら日光浴をしたい人に人気の休暇スポットになっています。


ダナン周辺地域(私の息子, クアンナム)は、おそらく3、000年前にチャムヒンドゥー教徒によって設立され、ヒンドゥーチャンパ王朝の首都および中心地として機能していました。 17世紀にベトナムがこの地域に侵入したことで、チャムの開発は大幅に停止しました。




の残骸がたくさんあります 「アメリカ戦争」 ダナンに残った。戦争中、多くの記念碑や建物が破壊されました。ミーケービーチに向かう途中、軍事基地の廃墟はヘリコプター格納庫の形で残っています。ただし、これらは現在、民間便と軍用便の両方を提供する空港でより簡単に見つけることができます。




降水量 合計(mm)
ソース: w:Da_Nang#Climate
降水量 インチ単位の合計





現在、多くの訪問者は、ベトナム中部の世界遺産への玄関口と見なされているダナンに滞在することを選択しています。 ホイアン (25〜30分、15米ドル)または 色相 (2時間、車のサイズに応じて40〜45米ドル)、私の息子(1〜1時間半)。ダナンのホテルとリゾートには、それらの目的地への半日または日帰り旅行を提供する独自のトラベルデスクがあります。残念ながら定価のタクシークーポンシステムがなくなりました。 値切る ばかげた価格を尋ねるが、上記の金額まで交渉することができる外部のドライバーと。おそらく、コストを分担するために他のいくつかを見つけるでしょう。市内またはその近くの目的地に行く場合は、事前に価格を設定するという申し出を無視し、メーターの使用を主張してください(ドライバーは、Tetなどの休日の時間帯にのみ事前に設定された運賃を受け入れることができます)。深夜のフライトに到着すると、メーターが速い悪意のあるタクシー運転手に出くわすかもしれませんが、通常、Mai Linh、Taxi Xanh、SongHanなどの信頼できるタクシーや会社がたくさんあります。特に夜間は空港タクシーを避けてください。市内中心部までの平均メーター料金は約70,000ドンです。特に遅いフライトの到着(VietJetなどの一部の低価格の航空会社は朝または夕方のフライトを深夜の到着フライトに遅らせることができます)の場合、より安全ですがより高価なオプションは、ドライバーを雇うことです。これには、いくつかの旅行代理店を利用できます。ホイアンにとって、典型的な価格は約35万ドンです。



Reunification Expressはダナンに停車し、フエまで約2〜2時間半かかります。駅の外にはたくさんのタクシーがあります。到着予定時刻と出発時刻は大まかに守られています。フエに行きたいだけなら、遅いローカル列車に乗ることもできます(ダナンからフエまで約4時間から4時間半、途中でいくつかの停車駅があります。車またはタクシーは2つで行きます) 、しかし安い(食事を含めて25,000ドン)そしていくつかの壮大な海岸の風景を通り抜けます。駅の外にあるバイクタクシーは、通常のタクシーと同じかそれ以上の価格であることが多いため、避けるのが最善です。




あなたは多くの場所で、特にタインケー地区のバックパッカーエリア(トランカオヴァン)の周りであなた自身のバイクを借りることができます。 110,000ドンはあなたにまともな100-110ccのバイクを手に入れるはずです。バイクの2つの主要なカテゴリがレンタル可能です。スクーター(オートマチックトランスミッション)。左足でギアを変える4速バイク。ユビキタスなホンダスーパーカブは、セミオートマチックギアボックスを備えた、つまりクラッチがない、比較的運転しやすい一般的な4速バイクです。他のモデルは完全に手動である可能性があるため、左手でクラッチを操作する必要もあります。これには多くのスキルが必要であり、ウィリーをオーバーレブして引っ張ったり、エンジンを失速させたりするのは簡単です。そのような自転車になってしまった場合は、道路にぶつかる前にクラッチを静かに解放する練習をしてください。レンタルエージェントは、マニュアルギアを備えたバイクの乗り方がわからないという(もっともらしい)仮定に基づいて、可能であれば外国人をスクーターに向ける傾向があります。 175 cc以上のオートバイは、ベトナムのオートバイクラブと関係がある場合にのみ乗ることができます。


参照: ベトナム#車で




いくつかのバスパスサービス(「SinhCafe」と「CucTung」を含む)がダナンに停車し、どちらからでも利用できます 色相 または ホイアン またはさらにいずれかの方向に。から 色相 旅行は途中で1つのリフレッシュストップ(50,000ドン)で約3時間かかります。バスはトンネルを使用しているので、ダナンとフエの間の壮大な峠を越えません。

から ホイアン、ダナン行きのローカルバスに乗車できます。正面の窓に「ホイアン-ダナン」の標識がある黄色いバス路線番号01です。運賃は18,000ドンです。 ホイアン#バスで 停車場所と運賃での詐欺を避けるために。バスは日中およそ20分ごとに運行しており、ホイアンからダナンまでは約45〜55分かかります。


  • ザ・ ベトナム北部 (08:30および14:30):フエ、クアンチ、クアンビン、フォンニャ、ニンビン、ハロン湾、ハノイ(バスは出発 ハノイの午後のGiapBat駅は、380,000ドン(2012年)を請求し、約14〜16時間かかります。)
  • ザ・ ベトナム南部 (16:30と19:00):クイニョン(200,000ドン)、ダラット(300,000ドン)、ニャチャン(250,000ドン)、ファンティエット、ブンタウ、ムイネー、 ホーチミン市 (バス会社にもよりますが、約40万ドン)。
  • ラオス (毎日06:00):Pakse、Vientiane、Champasak、 サワンナケート (約80万ドン)(2015)。
  • にいくつかのバスがあります プレイク、そこからあなたはに行くことができます ラオス そして カンボジア。スリーパーバスはダナンを20:00〜20:45頃に出発し、22万ドンから23万ドンを請求します(2012年)。

Da Nang Intercity Bus Station、旅行代理店、および一部のホテルでチケットを予約できます。週末やお祭りの期間中の旅行のために、少なくとも1日前に座席を予約することをお勧めします。

  • ダナンバスステーション. 市内から数キロ離れていますが、町の中心部に行く#2やホイアンに行く#1などのローカルバスが運行しています。


  • 2 ダナン港. ベトナムで3番目に大きい港で、主に貨物船に使用されますが、人の輸送にもあまり使用されていません。 ウィキデータのダナン港(Q2636675) ウィキペディアのダナン港
  • カルマウォーターズ, 47 Cua Dai St、ホイアン, 84 510 3927632. 持続可能なツアーオペレーターとベジタリアンレストランは、ダナンホイのボートツアーとシャトルサービスを運営しています。





ダナンのタクシー料金は非常にリーズナブルで、詐欺はそれほど一般的ではありません。 ハノイ または ホーチミン市、しかし、面倒を避けるために評判の良い会社に行くほうがいいです。

  • マイリン (ほとんどが緑色で白い文字が付いていますが、緑色または銀色の場合もあります), 84 511 356 5656.
  • ビナサン (緑と赤のレタリングと白), 84 511 368 6868. 市内には大規模なフリートがあり、一般的に正直で信頼性が高く、タクシーが約5m移動するとメーターが自動的に起動します。

空港では、マイリンのタクシー監視員は緑色のネクタイが付いた緑色のシャツを着ており、ビナサンは栗色のネクタイが付いた濃い緑色のシャツを着ています。これらの監視員はあなたのためにタクシーを無線で送ることができます。一部の旅行者は ソンハン■黄色いタクシーもかなり信頼できます。ライドシェアリングアプリ「グラブ」が一般的で、タクシーやその他のライドの手配に使用できます。

報告によると、USD10はに行くための標準料金です ホイアン。駅でタクシーの運転手と交渉して、10米ドル(22万ドン)の運賃で合意することができます。















ハイヴァン峠を通り抜ける以外に、ダナンでの象徴的なオートバイの乗り物はモンキーマウンテンです。多くの人が、インターコンチネンタルリゾートに続くビーチのそばの道を上り、次に北側に沿って西に向かい、最後に山を下りてダナン港の近くに出ます。テネシー州とノースカロライナ州の11マイルの「Tailofthe Dragon」に似た乗り物ですが、勾配が急で、曲がり角がどんどん鋭くなり、東[ベトナム]海の素晴らしい景色、野生のサルがいます。制限速度を超えています。週末を除いて、乗車中ずっと他の人が山を離れるのを見ないのが一般的です。日の出の直前に行くと、北側に向かい、静かに、赤いシャンクまたは灰色のシャンクのドゥクモンキーが見えるかもしれません。ベトナム語と英語で書かれた軍事施設と標識であるいくつかのよく投稿されたエリアがあり、入場したり写真を撮ったりしないように警告することは尊重される必要があります。道路はよく整備されていますが、大きな岩がほとんどの場合通路を塞いでいるのに遭遇することは珍しくありません。 2019年に開始される予定の建設プロジェクトは数多くあり、ホテル、コンドミニアム、ツアーバスなどの自然の景色の一部を永久に置き換えることになります。夜は乗らないことをお勧めします。


旅行にバイクを借りる ホイアン ダナンからの費用は、ダナンのほとんどのホテルやレンタル会社から1日あたり約80,000〜150,000ドンです。地元の人々は約50,000〜100,000ドンを支払います。一度に1週間または1か月の少しの交渉と賃貸で、あなたはおそらく価格を下げることができます。口論して、道端でのサービスが含まれているかどうかを尋ねます。ホイアンまでの距離は約28kmで、所要時間は約45〜60分です。ルートはかなりシンプルでわかりやすく、ダナンの海岸線に沿って行くことができ、ホイアンまでのビーチに沿った素晴らしい体験と景色を楽しめます。交通量は少ないです。街の外に出たら。海岸線の気温は少し低くなることがあるので、秋と春にはウインドブレーカーやセーターを必ず持参してください。 9月下旬から1月までの冬や梅雨は風が強く雨が多いので注意してください。夜間は主要道路を避けてください。








引っ張られた場合は、落ち着いて、笑顔で、敬意を持って謝罪してください。バイクの鍵を持ってポケットに入れ、パスポートなどの価値のあるものを警察に渡さないでください。一部の人々は、彼らがあなたに疲れて他の誰かに賄賂を要求するように、笑顔と敬意を払い続けながら、英語以外のベトナム語以外の言語で彼らと話すことを勧めます。ベトナムの警察は、多くの警察が西側にいる可能性があり、英語を上手に話せない可能性が高いため、対立的ではありません。 IDPまたは地元の運転免許証とバイク登録カード(別名「ブルーカード」)を提示します。バイクをレンタルした場合は、レンタルショップに登録カードがあり、電話をかける必要があります。ほとんどのレンタルでは、キーチェーンにショップの電話番号が記載されています。役員があなたをどうするかを決定する準備ができたら、それはあなたを手放したり、賄賂、別名「コーヒーマネー」を要求したり、バイクを押収したり逮捕したりする可能性が低いことから何でもかまいません。賄賂のサイズを制限するために、財布に200,000ドンが見えない状態で乗るのが役立つと感じる人もいます。賄賂を提供するのではなく、賄賂の要求に応じてください。自国からのオートバイの承認を受けたIDPおよび/または運転免許証を持っていない場合は、200,000ドン以下の賄賂を求められることがあります。何人かの無知な外国人は、根拠のない恐怖のためにのみ起こる数百万までの賄賂を支払います。




  • 1 バナヒル駅 (バナナ) (西約40km), 84 236 3791 999. バナール族は、チュオンソン山脈の海抜1,487mです。以前は1920年代のフランスのリゾートで、かつては200のヴィラ、レストラン、クラブがありました。ベトナム中部では2番目のダラットまたはサパとして知られています。その温暖な気候、手付かずの森、そして南シナ海とラオスの山々の壮大な景色は、バナール族をフランス人と裕福なベトナム人の両方に人気のある隠れ家にしました。 2009年にオープンし、高さと長さで2つのギネス世界記録を樹立したケーブルカーシステムのおかげで、今日でもこの地域は地元の人々や観光客を魅了しています。上からの眺めは素晴らしいですが、宿泊施設の選択肢が粗末で高額(1泊80〜150米ドル)であるため、一晩滞在するのは本当に無意味です。 スオイモ駅までタクシーを利用し(ダナンから片道25米ドル)、大人1人あたり550,000ドン(身長1〜1.3 mの子供は250,000ドン、身長1 m未満の子供は無料で入場できます)のチケットを支払う必要があります。ケーブルカーとファンタジーパーク.
  • 2 ドラゴンブリッジ (CầuRồng). ドラゴンの形をした2013年の橋で、毎週土曜日と日曜日の夜21:00に火と水を吹きます。 ウィキデータのドラゴンリバーブリッジ(Q5305270) ウィキペディアのドラゴンブリッジ(ダナン)
  • 3 漢江遊歩道, バッハダン通り沿い (ドラゴンブリッジとダナン港の間). 漢江の美しさは、ダナンの歴史を通して詩人や作曲家に影響を与えてきました。地元の人なら誰でも、おそらく数行歌うことができるでしょう。 SôngHànTìnhYêuCủaTôi (漢江、私の愛)彼らが水の端を散歩しているとき。川の西岸にある遊歩道は、南のドラゴン橋から北の市の港まで伸びており、よくできています。遊歩道は、1990年代後半に建設された有名なハン川橋の下を通ります。ここから垣間見ることができるハン川を渡る4つの橋の1つです(他の橋はトゥアンフォック橋、ドラゴン橋、トランティリー橋です)。すべての橋は夜にカラフルなパターンで照らされ、川沿いの散歩を楽しい(そして確かにロマンチックな)エスケープにします。地元の人々は、水を見たり、ハッキーサックをしたり、子供たちを走らせたりするために、夜にここに集まることがよくあります。テトのシーズン中、遊歩道は彫刻や芸術で飾られます。毎年恒例の花火大会もここを拠点としていますが、混雑する傾向があるので、遠くから見た方がいいです。
  • 4 リンウン寺院, ホアンサロード (バイしかし、ソントラ半島). 海、空、海に面した高さ67mの「観世音像」の見事な景色。パゴダは2010年に建てられました。
  • 5 マーブルマウンテンズ (ングハンソン) (ダウンタウンから南に9km、多くの大きなビーチサイドリゾートの向かいにあります。), 84 511 961114. このグループには、キム・ソン(金属の山)、モック・ソン(木の山)、トゥイ・ソン(水の山)、ホア・ソン(火の山)、トー・ソン(地球の山)が含まれます。洞窟や洞窟にはいくつかの仏教寺院が建てられており、人気のある巡礼地です。しかし、本当の楽しみは アムプー 承認された神聖な画像に囲まれた、光と山の頂上からの眺めに向かって急な上り坂を作ることができる洞窟。または、物理的および精神的に反対方向に向かい、適切に不気味な照明を使って、下の洞窟で期限を迎える罪人のヒエロニムスボッシュ風の粗野な彫像に向かいます。いずれにせよ、ウォーキングシューズまたはクライミングシューズを履いてください。オープンツアーバスはここに停車しますが、急いで行きます。ダナンのバイクタクシーまたは ホイアン 喜んでご案内し、スケジュールを設定させていただきます。ガイドが利用可能です。外の貪欲な彫像売り手に気をつけてください。 40,000ドンですが、08:00より前に到着した場合は無料で入場できます.
  • 6 チャム彫刻博物館 (BảoTàngChăm), #2、9月2日ロード (Trung NuVuongとBachDangStの角にあるラウンドアバウトの近く). 1915年にエコールフランセーズデクストレムオリエントによって設立され、西暦1千年紀から約14世紀にかけてベトナム中部の大部分を占めていたヒンドゥー教のチャム文明からの石の彫刻のコレクションが収められています。博物館は約1時間で見学できます。彫刻はほぼすべて砂岩でできており、何世紀にもわたって風化がひどいものもありますが、シヴァ、ガルーダ、ナーガ、ライオン、サル、象など、芸術的な素晴らしさを今でも味わうことができます。コレクションには、古代ヒンズー教の出産の象徴の印象的な例も含まれています。胸の列で側面の周りに飾られたリンガの祭壇です。彫刻はほとんどチャム遺跡のファサードや内部から削除されました(そうでなければ略奪されていたでしょう)。近くのマイソンなどの遺跡自体は、レンガの山が崩れ、やや失望する傾向があり、壮観な感覚をほとんど与えません。チャム文明によって制作されたアートワーク。私の息子への訪問は、チャム博物館への訪問と組み合わせる必要があります。このコレクションは、バリの彫刻やカンボジアのアンコールワットの初期のヒンドゥー教の段階と比較するのにも興味深いものです。ただし、土産物店やカフェは2019年12月をもって休業となります。 40,000ドン.


  • リンウンパゴダ、Ling Ungには、Thuy Son山(水山)にあった3つの塔が含まれています。 Linh Ungパゴダには20ヘクタールの広場があり、Quan The Am BoTatの大きな像で観光客を感動させます。リンウンパゴダダナンバイしかし、ダナン市の中心部からビエンドンパークから北東に約10 kmの場所にあり、チュオンサ通りに沿ってリンウンパゴダまで洗っています。
  • チャム島ツアー, 84 510 8505605. 07:00にホテルで受け取り、エアコンバスでクアダイビーチハーバーに移動します。 08:00にチャム諸島のボードにクルーズし、木製ボートで1時間半、またはスピードボートで30分移動します。到着すると、バイランの地元の市場であるボートシェルターであるハイタンパゴダを訪れ、島の地元のレストランで昼食をとる前に、サンゴ礁を見るために水泳やシュノーケリングのためにバイチョンにクルーズします。昼食後しばらくリラックスして、クアダイビーチ港に戻るクルージングの準備をしてください。出発は15:00で、ホテルに戻ります。 木製ボートUSD27、スピードボートUSD89.
  • 1 バイクに乗ってモンキーマウンテンを登る (ソンチャ山) (Hoang SaRdに従ってください。山に向かって). 素晴らしい景色を眺めながらライドしたい場合は、バイクを借りて、アメリカ軍の基地があったモンキーマウンテン(別名ソンチャマウンテン)の側を上ってください。基地へのアクセスは閉鎖されていますが、Hoang SaRdをたどることはできます。太平洋の広大な景色を眺めながら山腹を抱きしめるこの道の美しい景色に、距離を置いて迷子になって楽しんでください。途中でLinhUng Templeに立ち寄って、敬意を払うこともできます。 観世音 そして素晴らしい景色を楽しむために。
  • 2 ミーケービーチ, ホアンサロード. 市内中心部から漢江を渡ったところにあるミーケービーチは、その美しさで長い間知られている広い砂浜です。地元の人々は、朝早く05:00にここに集まり、太陽が海に昇る間、サーフィンを楽しむことがよくあります。観光客は、地元の人々がすでに一日を始めているときに、後で到着することがよくあります。おそらく、09:00または10:00までに、ビーチはほとんど人けのない場所になっていることに気付くでしょう。ビーチは急ではありません。つまり、遠くまで泳いでも、足が底に触れているのを感じることができます。忙しい時期には、ライフガードがコラクルボートに乗って浮かんで、遠くへ出かけようとする人々に口笛を吹きます。モンキーマウンテンの遠くにあるリンウン寺院にある「クアンザアム」の巨大な像を見ることができます。水に出入りする際に使用できる更衣室と公共シャワーのほか、小額の料金でバイクの駐車場があります。
  • 3 ハイヴァン峠までバイクに乗る (ハイヴァン峠) (Rd1Aに到達するまで海岸道路Nを進みます). ハイヴァン峠は、ダナン(またはホイアン)からの素晴らしい日帰り旅行です。この道路は、BBCショーで「完璧の捨てられたリボン—世界で最高の海岸道路の1つ」と呼ばれていました。 トップギア。トンネルが開いて以来、ほとんどの交通量が峠から迂回し、乗り心地がはるかに安全になりました。生きた動物や危険物を運ぶトラックに出会うだけでなく、かなりの数のバイクに乗る人が景色を楽しみに来ます。パスの北側を下って行くのを忘れないでください Lang Co 山を背景にしたラグーンの眺めをお楽しみください。そこにはガソリンがないので、パスにぶつかる前に必ずタンクを満タンにしてください(道路が登り始める数キロ前にガソリンスタンドがあります)。
  • 4 サムレススパガーデン (セーラムスパ支店2), 528、2 / 9 Str、ハイチャウ地区, 84 511 363 8888. 09:00 - 22:30. セーラムスパガーデンの建設面積は1000㎡で、45のベッドがスパの標準に従って設計されており、さまざまなタイプの部屋を備えたエコロジースペースがあります。 15〜30米ドル.
  • 5 Cham Spa & Massage, 05 Lê Quang Hòa Hòa Xuân, Cẩm Lệ, Đà Nẵng, 84 236 650 6677, .


It is difficult to learn Vietnamese in Da Nang as the expat community is small and the demand for language learning is not great. You will be able to find many people who are willing to do language exchange with you and there are a number of qualified Vietnamese teachers. The rate is about USD5/hour.

The Da Nang dialect of Vietnamese is distinct from both Hanoi and HCMC versions, although closer to HCMC than to Hanoi. If you learned your Vietnamese in Hanoi, many ordinary people in Da Nang will have some difficulty understanding you until they realize you are trying to talk like the presenters they see on TV. Even trained teachers will tend to teach you to speak like a Da Nang person unless you emphasize that you want to learn Hanoi dialect, which is understood {eventually} throughout the country as it is the official version and that used on TV. If you spend a fair amount of time in Da Nang, either employed or as a volunteer, it is fairly easy to find recent English graduates, or students studying English at the College of Foreign Languages of the University of Da Nang who will happily work through a Vietnamese textbook with you for a lot less than USD5/hour, and this is probably as good a way as any to acquire some Vietnamese. There are Vietnamese course books for foreigners: Teach Yourself Vietnamese (Huong Dan Tu Hoc Tieng Viet, a Complete Course for Beginners) by Dana Healy is one of the best; Jake Catlett and Huong Nguyen's Vietnamese for Beginners is easier and less comprehensive; Nguyen Anh Que's Vietnamese for Foreigners is good and has a lot of material and vocabulary.


There are a number of schools (ILA, Apollo, Academy English Center, and the University of Da Nang) where qualified teachers can teach English. The salaries are many times above the average national wage.


Shops often operate from the ground floor of their homes, selling any number of things: coffee, bánh mì sandwiches, dry goods, clothing, SIM cards and more. Walk a little farther and you'll eventually come across a neighbourhood market where people sell fresh foods like fruits and vegetables, eggs, meat, and fish. You can do a lot of shopping but be aware that, as a foreigner, you're likely to be overcharged unless you haggle. There are an increasing number of supermarkets appearing where prices are fixed.

Han Market


  • 1 Big C supermarket, 255 Hùng Vương (corner of Hung Vuong and Ong Ich Khiem). Large supermarket complex with a mall beneath it and food court above. There is also a CGV cinema on the top level. The Western-style supermarket is on the third floor. The parking entrance is on Ông Ích Khiêm.
  • 2 Han Market, 119 Tran Phu St (corner of Tran Phu & Hung Vuong). 06:00-21:00. A typical Vietnamese market, with vendors selling everything from shoes to silk and souvenirs, candles to coffee, and candied plums. The upper part of the building is mainly dedicated to clothing, accessories and silk, while the lower part is mainly dedicated to foodstuffs. There's an extensive fruit and vegetable market on the side that's closest to the river, from which you can access the Han River promenade. Be prepared to haggle for prices, like at any neighbourhood market.
  • 3 Lotte Mart shopping centre. Large shopping complex with cinema[リンク切れ] on top level.
  • 4 Metro Cash & Carry, Cach Mang Thang Tam St (Near Hoa Xuan bridge), 84 511 3644933. 06:00-21:00. An international chain of cash & carry supermarkets, Metro carries most of the things you'd expect to find in Western supermarkets: a variety of groceries (including fresh, fully refrigerated meat, if you're squeamish about buying meat at the open market), clothes, home and office supplies, electronics, and more. It's a little far from the city centre, but it's easily accessible by taxi, so you can stock up and carry all your bags home easily. You can also arrange for delivery at a nominal cost. Metro requires a membership similar to other membership-only retail warehouse clubs. Also similar is that many times they will extend a one day membership upon request.
  • 5 Oceans Western Goods (Blue Ocean [Market]), 30/7 Trần Phú, Hải Châu (Between Lê Duẩn and Quang Trung), 84 90 5 60 50 50 (mobile). A small shop that specializes in Western goods, featuring things that are hard to find elsewhere, whether at Big C or Metro: spices, oatmeal, Nutella and baking supplies. If they don't have it, there's a good chance they can order it. Fixed (though expensive) prices for everything. Indispensable if you're spending any length of time in Da Nang.


  • 6 Danang Souvenirs & Cafe, 34 Bach Dang St (Next to Novotel), 84 511 3827 999. 07:00 - 20:30. Specialises in tourism souvenirs and gifts about Vietnam and Da Nang. They design their own products, and there is a wide range to choose from, including such typical souvenir products such as t-shirts, teddy bears, key rings and magnets.


Mì Quảng, a regional specialty

Although not a culinary capital like the ancient imperial capital Hue, Da Nang still has more than enough variety to keep you well fed throughout your stay. Seafood (hải sản) is popular, so you shouldn't be surprised to see plenty of fish (), shrimp (tôm), squid (mực), clams (nghêu), snails (ốc), the list goes on. There are many vegetarian restaurants which are listed as "Quán chay" ("vegetarian") or less frequently "Quán ăn chay" ("vegetarian restaurant"), and most are vegan. The vegetarian restaurants have a wide selection of dishes and are generally cleaner than places that are not vegetarian.

Then there are regional specialities like mì Quảng, or Quang Nam-style noodles, featuring chicken, shrimp, quail eggs, peanuts and rice crackers in a turmeric-spiced broth; bún chả cá, or rice vermicelli with fish sausage;そして bún mắm, or rice vermicelli served with a strong fish sauce that's not for the weak of palate. Central Vietnamese love their food to be spicy, so be warned that the chili peppers (ớt) can be strong even if small.


Bún bò Huế ở Đà Nẵng. The local version of the classic dish from Quán Thảo.
  • 1 Bánh Mì̀ Bà Lan, 62 Trưng Nữ Vương, Bình Hiên, Hải Châu, 84 93 564 62 86. 16:00-19:00. One of the most famous sandwich carts in the city. Try their bánh mì que which is a string baguette filled with a pork pâté. USD1.
  • 2 Quán Thảo, 135, Dương Trí Trạch, An Hải Bắc, Sơn Trà (take Phạm Văn Đồng (heading towards the beach), left on Lê Minh Trung, right on Morrison and a quick left on to Trí Trạch; Quán Thảo is on the right). 06:00-10:00. Traditional street food establishment frequented mostly by locals for breakfast, on a quiet side road. While Ms Thảo serves Mì Quảng or [Province of] Quảng style noodles, she's known for her bún bò or beef noodle soup. Some like to add a baguette for an additional 5,000 dong. 20.000d.
Mỳ quảng cá lóc ở Đà Nẵng at Quán Dung Mỳ Quảng, Tp. Đà Nẵng. Quảng Province style noodles with snakehead fish.
  • 3 Quán Dung Mỳ Quảng, 99 Nguyễn Thị Định, An Hải Bắc, Q. Sơn, 84 122 727 4421 (mobile). 06:00-21:00. Well known for their mì quảng cá lóc, the best known noodle dish of Đà Nẵng, served with broad rice noodles, fresh greens, a broth seasoned with turmeric, shallots and garlic topped and with peanuts. It is served in a shallow and pungent pool of broth unlike its better known cousin phở, which is milder and fills the bowl. Cá lóc is snakehead fish; when prepared correctly, which this place is known for, has a mild flavour and very light texture. Take some of the fresh greens and stir them into the broth to give them a bit of warmth and flavour making this dish half salad and half soup. Menu with prices are on the wall. As the restaurant faces west, if you go around sunset, you'll have a pleasant view. Plenty of parking. The cleanliness of Quán Dung Mỳ Quảng is to Western restaurant standards. 20,000 dong.
Bún mắm thịt heo luộc ở Đà Nẵng from Bún Mắm Vân, Đà Nẵng. Rice noodles served with boiled pork and a strong, fermented shrimp paste, Đà Nẵng style.
  • 4 Bún Mắm Vân, 23/14 Trần Kế Xương, Hải Châu 2, Hải Châu, 84 236 3818 009. 13:00-20:00. Bún mắm is an extremely pungent noodle dish made with a fermented fish sauce called mắm nêm. Mắm nêm can best be described as "smells like hell, tastes like heaven." Bún Mắm Vân is located in what is called "Bún Mắm Alley" where a few bún mắm shops have congregated. You can smell this alley from a block away. Try the bún mắm thịt quay or bún mắm with roasted pork. If you are put off by the smell of strong fish sauce this is not the place for you. If you like bún mắm this place is heaven. USD1.
  • 5 Mi Quang 1A, 1 Hải Phòng, Hải Châu 1, Q. Hải Châu (take Lê Duẩn heading east, turn left onto Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, first right onto Hải Phòng; it's on the right), 84 236 3827 936. 06:30-21:00. Mi Quang 1A is one of the best known mì quảng restaurants in the area. While still good it has lost a bit of its luster over the years. Prices are higher than most places at 30,000 to 45,000 dong. Make sure you are in Mi Quang 1A as there is a "copycat" place next door. Before going in grab a fresh sugarcane juice from the cart in the front.
  • 6 Kem Ý Sasa Gelano (Coffee SaSa Gelato), Lô 9 A2 Khu Biệt Thự Đảo Xanh, Quận Hải Châu (head east on Cầu Trần Thị Lý towards the "sail bridge", take the first right after the roundabout nearest the bridge and then an immediate left; follow the road for about 350 m turning right at the fork), 84 0946 059 339. 0800-2200. A good place to satisfy your sweet tooth. Each scoop of gelato is about 15,000 dong; choose from many local fruit flavours and the regulars, like chocolate. Sa Sa also serves sundaes and other treats to enjoy. Good for families. Take away available. The staff speak basic English. Very close to the Grand Mercure Hotel.


  • 7 Bao Nam Tran, 27 Nguyen Chi Thanh St (between Nguyen Du and Ly Thuong Kiet). Private, popular place for coffee, business dealings, meals and light Vietnamese pastries, drinks and desserts. The restaurant/coffee house's ancient Vietnamese architecture incorporates heavy, dark, ornate wooden panels and furniture mixed with modern amenities (escalator) and is a must-see. Wireless Internet connection and a selection of reading material is available. The restaurant has a lovely ambience at night.
  • 8 Com Nieu Nha Do, 176 Nguyễn Tri Phương (across from March 29 (29/3) Park), 84 511 3990086. 10:00-22:00. Cơm niêu is a type of rice that's baked in a clay pot and served with any number of sides — beef, chicken, fish, hot pot — but it's the way it's served that catches your attention. Waiters come out of the kitchen bearing hot clay pots straight out of the oven, pull out hammers, smash them at your table, and fling the crusty, baked rice inside back and forth across the room. Otherwise, the food is what you'd get at a normal restaurant, but it's fun to see the show. Located near the airport, just across from March 29 Park. There are many of these restaurants on Nguyen Tri Phuong St, but this one is a favourite. USD5-12.
  • 9 Karma Waters, 113/10 Nguyen Chi Thanh (gind the intersection of Le Duan St and Nguyen Chi Thanh St. Take a right onto Nguyen Chi Thanh (it's one-way); stay on right hand side of the street and you will come to an alley with a hat shop on the corner (#113), turn right into the ally and the restaurant will be on your right), 84 511 3849790. 10:00-21:00. This is the only vegan Western friendly restaurant in Da Nang. It's owned by a Viet/Kiwi couple, and is a family place. If you are looking for a restaurant that avoids white sugar, MSG and gluten this is your best option. The cafe is clean and in the city centre. Menus are in English, and the staff are very friendly and good with English. You don't have to be a vegetarian or vegan to have a good meal here. Has a sister restaurant in Hoi An. USD5-10.
  • Koi Sushi, Bento and Sake Bar, 53 An Thuong 2, 84 090 1991165, . Daily 11:00-14:00 & 17:00-0:00. Japanese sushi bar with big bento boxes and the largest sake list in town. It's one of the few places in town that serves late, 7 days a week. Clean bathrooms and air-con. USD1-15.
  • 10 Red Sky Bar and Restaurant, 248 Tran Phu St, 84 511 3894895, . An expat-run Western restaurant. The food is excellent, always delicious with generous portions. The staff are good and know how to look after customers and make them feel at home. Prices are above average by Vietnamese standards, but not too expensive for the quality of food and service received.
  • 11 Bread of Life Western Bakery and Eatery, 4 Dong Da (located upstairs one level), 84 511 3565185. M-Sa 10:00-22:00. Take out delivery for orders over 100,000 dong. Bread of Life is run by an American couple who use the business as means of providing training for young Vietnamese deaf. All baking, cooking and serving is done by the deaf and profits go into school for teaching deaf Vietnamese the Vietnamese sign language and English. They serve breakfasts, lunch, and dinner from a menu that includes pizza, pasta, hamburgers and other Western dishes. Good coffee and fresh baked pastries and cakes every day. The quality is high and you will enjoy interacting with the staff. Orders are accepted in person or by phone for a variety of breads. Order a day ahead, then pick them up in the restaurant.
  • 12 Merkat, 79 Lê Lợi, Thạch Thang, Q. Hải Châu, 84 236 3646 388. 11:30-22:00. Merkat serves the food of Northern Spain run by a husband and wife from Spain. The paella is outstanding. A great place to go when looking for a Western-style meal. Top notch food, an outstanding chef, good wait staff and very clean. Very easy to find. Dishes start at 100,000 dong. Afterwards travel down the street about 200 m to the iconic Long Coffee. 100,000 dong.


  • 13 Apsara, 222 Tran Phu St, 84 511 3561 409. A reasonably good, somewhat expensive place with a huge, mostly seafood menu and performances of traditional music on some evenings. Food style is Vietnamese with some Chinese influences, and some Western dishes thrown in. Caters to overseas tour groups; tour buses are often seen parked outside. One of their specialties is mantis shrimp, a delicious creature halfway between a shrimp and lobster.
  • 14 Bambino, 122 Quang Trung. Quiet location, good food wine selection. Australian steak grilled to order. International, French and local foods, run by a French couple. A good place for a quiet meal with friends.
  • 15 Blue Whale, Hoang Sa Rd. (Just N of Vo Van Kiet roundabout; next to "4U"), 84 511 3942 777, 84 511 3942 728, . One of a number of seafood restaurants looking out onto My Khe Beach, the Blue Whale is a great place to get acquainted with what the beach really has to offer. Their menu features a wide variety of seafood cooked in many different ways — steamed, grilled or baked or in hot pot or sashimi — along with a number of local specialities. The prices are a little high, but the food and the ambience should more than make up. USD10-25.
  • 16 Limoncello, 187 Tran Phu St, . 12:00-23:00. Great Italian food with homemade limoncello.
  • 17 Memory Lounge, 7 Bach Dang St (On the riverfront, just north of Han River Bridge), 84 8 511 3575899. 07:00-23:30. Quite possibly the most expensive place to go for coffee in Da Nang. Just north of the Han River Bridge, the high-end Memory Lounge overlooks the river — in fact, it was built directly on top, jutting out onto the river and accessible from the promenade. Built by the wife of a former president of South Vietnam, it's quite a fancy affair — with foreign chefs blending Asian and European cuisines and using organic and sustainable ingredients to create an impressive menu. USD8-20 for main dishes.
  • 18 Waterfront, 150 Bach Dang. Open every day. Open to the street and with a view of the Han River, this restaurant has modern international décor. Its layout consists of the bar on the ground floor; the full restaurant, for lunch and dinner, on 2nd level; and balcony seating. This is a gathering place with comfortable seating, a selection of local and imported beer, and a large selection of wines by the glass or bottle. Owned by expatriates.


Bars and discos

  • 1 Bamboo Bar 2 (Corner of Bach Dang and Thai Phien). Popular haunt for expats. Bamboo 2's owner speaks excellent English, there are always foreigners there.
  • 2 Festival Disco (on the second corner going up river from Cau Song Han on Tran Hung Dao). The newest disco and the only one on the My Khe Beach side of the river. It's part of a complex with a restaurant and karaoke rooms. If you buy the staff a drink here (a normal thing to do in this kind of disco-night club) they can be very aggressive about drinking it fast and running up a big bill for you.
  • 3 Golden Pine. This is a popular bar opposite Memory Lounge on the river side. Open till 04:00 or last customer, they play music on request from customers. Lots of regulars here and a casual vibe.
  • 4 Green Town Bar, 50 Bach Dang St. One of relatively few bars open past the witching hour and most expats drop in there for either an early evening or late night drink. The view is excellent with an outdoor terrace and 2 big pool tables inside. The prices are very reasonable. Food is available until 22:00.
  • 5 New Phuong Dong Disco, 20 Dong Da (near the mouth of the Han River). New Phuong Dong has a resident Ghanaian DJ and many visiting singers from Saigon and Hanoi.
  • 6 Red Hot Bar, 179 Nguyen Van Linh (on Nguyen Van Linh St). A real late night place. ("Late night" is more flexible in Da Nang than in Hanoi. Most of the time discos and places like Red Hot, an approximations of a Thai girlie-bar, close at 01:00 or 01:30, but if the police decide to crack down, they may unexpectedly close at midnight or 00:30).


Café Trúc Lâm Viên

Coffee is a large part of the Vietnamese culture and it's enjoyed differently from place to place. Coffee served in Da Nang and throughout Central Vietnam tends to be stronger than coffee served in the south. One of the most popular variations of coffee in the south is "cà phê sữa đá Sài Gòn" which is coffee prepared in a "phin" filter and served with sweetened condensed milk in a tall glass filled with small cubes of ice. When in doubt what type of coffee to get this is the one to order. In Da Nang and throughout central Vietnam they tend to drink a style of coffee called "cà phê phin sữa đá Đà Nẵng" which is similar to "cà phê sữa đá Sài Gòn" but is instead served in a short glass with one large block of ice, which melts as slowly as the coffee drips down from its metal filter—leaving them time to chat with friends, colleagues, or whoever might be sitting nearby. A common variation is "cà phê sữa đá Đà Nẵng" which is similar except the coffee is brewed before serving as some places brew their coffee in batches. Try both the Saigon and Danang versions. On cold days many will drink "cà phê sữa nóng" which is a hot and very strong coffee with sweetened condensed milk served in a 100 ml glass. Expect to pay 15,000 to 30,000 dong.

There are several kinds of coffee shop in Da Nang, from street-side cà phê cóc, through mid-class shops to more luxurious ones. Most offer Wi-Fi nowadays, in case you want a place to relax and get online.

Cà phê cóc (Frog coffee)

Walk down any street in Da Nang and you'll no doubt come across a group of Vietnamese men squatting on tiny plastic chairs, sipping cups of coffee—often sold out of a cooler or a drink cart—as they chat with friends or playing Chinese chess. This is cà phê cóc (literally, "frog coffee", from the way patrons squat to drink), a humble, yet popular way to drink coffee in Da Nang and, in fact, most of Vietnam.

  • 7 Ca Fe 49, 49 Loseby, Phước Mỹ, Sơn Trà (Take Phạm Văn Đồng east until the end, turn left onto Võ Nguyên Giáp, take second left onto Loseby), 84 236 3932 995. 06:00-15:00. Ca Fe 49 is a simple, family-run, outdoor cafe serving excellent coffee at a good price. Enjoy a "cà phê sữa đá Đà Nẵng" while enjoying a quiet view. The husband and wife owners are friendly. Recommend if you're out in Sơn Trà. USD1.
  • 8 Long Coffee, 123 Le Loi (Corner of Le Loi and Quang Trung St). Crazy popular cà phê cóc-style coffee shop in Da Nang that serves and sells its own brand of coffee—not the best, according to some, but very popular with locals. It's always busy, noisy and smoky, but that's part of the atmosphere. Go there with a local friend to shoot the breeze and enjoy a quintessential Vietnamese experience.

Mid-class coffee

Mid-class shops are found everywhere; the drinks are quite cheap and they are a place to relax or meet friends. A step up from cà phê cóc, these shops are usually quite comfortable and serve a variety of non-alcoholic drinks besides coffee, such as tea, smoothies and fruit juices.

  • 9 An's Café, 5 Hoàng Kế Viêm (corner of Le Loi and Quang Trung St).
  • 10 Café Vi Lan, 79 Le Hong Phong St, 84 511 3565 346. Comfortable, typical coffee shop that plays soft music and plays HBO movies on mute. Upper floor is air-conditioned.
  • 11 CheRo, 79 Le Dinh Ly St.
  • 12 Hai Quynh Café, 468 Hoang Dieu St. Known as the "Rock Coffee Shop", where you can enjoy coffee and listen to rock music at the same time. You can request songs. Usually, they play ballads and soft rock in the daytime and hard rock and metal in the evening (very loudly).
  • Scorpions, 140 Yen Bai St.
  • 13 Tuy Anh Chinese Chess Coffee Shop, 79 Le Dinh Ly St (on the corner of Do Quang and Le Dinh Ly). Hangout for coffee-drinking Chinese chess enthusiasts.


Luxurious coffee shops can be found on many streets of the city, they are quite nice and elaborately decorated—with higher prices to match. Many can be found along Phan Chau Trinh St. Some incorporate open-air gardens, with air-conditioned areas indoors, and some even feature live music in the evenings.

  • 14 Trúc Lâm Viên, 8 Trần Quý Cáp (Near Da Nang Port), 84 511 3582 428. 06:30-22:30. Pleasant garden-style café. Food is a little expensive; worth it mainly for the décor. Tends to be busy.



There are many small hotels along the east side of the river (Tran Hung Dao St), which may be as cheap as 90,000 dong for a double room and have Wi-Fi, hot water, air-con, tv and fridge. Pham Phu Thu is a good street with many budget hotels in the center on the west side of the river.

  • 1 Danang Backpackers Hostel, 106 Nguyen Chi Thanh, 84915571505, . チェックイン: 14:00、 チェックアウト: 12:00. Cheap, clean and spacious hostel. Breakfast included, free playing billiards, free beer every night, fast Wi-Fi. Comfy beds, A/C, hot shower. English speaking staff 24/7. USD6.
  • 2 Dang Viet Hotel, 11-12 Ho Nghinh (one minute to the beach), 84 5 1139 41445, . Air-con, comfortable beds, fast Wi-Fi, hot showers, refrigerator and international cable TV. Staff speak English. From 300,000 dong.
  • 3 Funtastic Hostel, 115 Hai Phong (500 m east of train station), . Modern hostel with comfy beds, big lockers, good Wi-Fi and friendly English speaking staff. Breakfast on the rooftop, with some nice views, is included and the hostel offers a free daily shuttle to Hoi An and airport dropoff. Dorm: 150,000-180,000 dong, Double: 430,000 dong.
  • 4 Funtastic Beach Hostel, 5 Hà Bổng, Phước Mỹ, Sơn Trà (East on Phạm Văn Đồng until end, right onto Võ Nguyên Giáp, first right at Đình Nghệ, first left at Hà Bổng and first right into the alley. Funtastic is the yellow building on the left.), 84 02363 928 789. Sister hostel to the Funtastic [City] Hostel on Hai Phong and very similar except it's a three minute walk to the beach. Excellent staff most of which speak English. Ask them about their local restaurant suggestions and their food tour. 160,000 dong.
  • 5 Hải Hòa Guest House (Hoa's Place), Unnamed street, Bãi tắm non nước, Trường Sa, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng (adjacent to the north side of the Meliá Danang Resort, on the right when heading towards the beach), 84 236 3 969 216, . Hoa's Place is a well known and long serving homestay run by Hoa and his wife which has a very friendly atmosphere and has become a local gathering place.. Hoa speaks excellent English and happily greets you with a smile. A few years ago due to expansion from the Meliá Danang Resort Hoa had to rebuild in an adjacent lot. For many years Hoa's Place has been a gathering spot for backpackers in the evenings, as Hoa hosts "family dinners." For about USD1.50 you get treated to an all-you-can-eat buffet, courtesy of Hoa's wife. As a child Hoa worked for the US Marines and his place has also become a respite for some returning war veterans. Picnic tables are full of travellers inside this tiny cafe, starting around 19:00. Closed during Tet. Email for reservations. Hoa can also recommend English speaking motorbike mechanics.
  • 6 Nhà Nghỉ Cát Tường (Nha Nghi 278), 278 Lê Đại Hành, Hòa Thọ Đông, Cẩm Lệ (from the airport head south on Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, turn right onto Lê Đại Hành), 84 5 1138 44877. Cheap, but nice guesthouse with Wi-Fi, hot water, air-con. Possibly closed. Call first. 200,000 dong for a single room.
  • 7 Thien Duc Motel, 187 Dong Da, 84 511 382 5232. An OK option, although services are far from superior. USD8.
  • 8 Danang Carpe Diem Hostel, Dinh Thi Hoa Street, An Hai Bac Ward, Son Tra District, 84969347968, . チェックイン: 正午、 チェックアウト: 正午. Complimentary breakfast consisting of specialities, sausage, bacon, ham, fresh fruits, eggs any style, bread and homemade jam every morning. High security standard of key card access, free wifi in all area, big lockers, free luggage storage on check out day and quick laundry service.Front desk is always available, USD10.
  • 9 Sea Wonder Hotel, 57 Nguyen Cong Sau, Phước Mỹ, Sơn Trà (take Phạm Văn Đồng east, left at Hồ Nghinh and take the fourth left onto Nguyen Cong Sau), 84 5 1135 06143, 84 9 8323 8256. The Sea Wonder is similar to other basic hotels in the area. The great advantage is that it's on a beautiful and quiet street very near the beach, cafes, taxis and street food. The rooms are clean and the staff friendly. A taxi into the city can be found one street over and costs less than USD2. USD10.
  • 10 Conical Hats Homestay, 1, Nguyễn Công Sáu, Phước Mỹ, Sơn Trà, 84 163 714 9914, . Conical Hats Homestay is a family-run, budget, long-term homestay also available for weekly rentals. Located in a new building it's situated in a quiet neighborhood and only a five minute walk to the beach. While lacking some amenities it offers a pleasant change to staying in a hotel or hostel offering a kitchen on the first floor. Lots of great street food and coffee right out the door. The staff is helpful, friendly and speak some English. Email them for details.
  • 11 Rom Casa Da Nang, Lot 26 An Thuong 4, Ngu Hanh Son, Da Nang (300m from My Khe Beach), 84 901969373, . チェックイン: 14:00、 チェックアウト: 12:00. Unique hostel offering private rooms and dorms in... shipping containers! Pool as well is made out of a container. Rooftop terrace. Common room with board games and table football. Library. Free WiFi accessible from the whole property. All rooms feature AC, lockers, reading lamps, power sockets. On site bar. Working space. Very clean, modern & eco-friendly hostel. Very friendly staff members who speak excellent English. USD12 for dorm beds, USD30 for private rooms (double beds).


View of My Khe Beach
  • 12 Daia Hotel, 51, Yen Bai St, Hai Chau District, 84 5 1182 7532. A friendly old hotel. The owner is involved with charity. You can visit "the Northwind Broom Workshop" and "Bo Mung Orphanage". USD17-30.
  • 13 My Khe Beach Hotel 1 and 2, Truong Sa St (Just S of the beach plaza & roundabout at Vo Van Kiet Rd), 84 511 6260 214. These hotels, both under the same management, are comfortable and very reasonably priced especially given that they are just the other side of the beach road from My Khe Beach, but still only a five minute or less moto ride from downtown. My Khe 1 is older, has smaller rooms, but the electricity does not go off in the room when you leave; My Khe 2 has very large rooms, caters more to groups of Saigon tourists (My Khe gets lots of Vietnamese business and government travellers, plus some tourists and some Lao visitors, business or government). Staff at both places are friendly and pleasant, with adequate English. The only downside is no in-room Internet access. From USD18, breakfast included, air-con room with refrigerator and private bath (My Khe 1) or shower (My Khe 2).
  • 14 Night Sky Hotel. Opened early 2015. Large Samsung TV with lots of good reception cable TV channels. Free breakfast included. Nice quiet location but a little out of town. Their free bicycles more than makes up for that. USD18-35.
  • 15 Red Beach Resort and Spa, Nguyen Tat Thanh St, Hoa Hiep Nam Ward, Lien Chieu District, 84 5 1138 42767. All rooms are equipped with LCD TV with cable channels, balcony/lanai/terrace, Air conditioning, complimentary breakfast, private toilet, and bath. Restaurant, spa, swimming pool, Pearl Island tour and water sports facilities. From USD72.
  • 16 Sanouva Danang Hotel, 68 Phan Chau Trinh, 84 511 382 3468, . The Sanouva Danang Hotel is a city hotel at the center of Danang. USD40.
  • 17 Sao Minh Business Hotel, 137 Nguyen Du St, 84 5 1135 30555. Spacious and cosy rooms, all equipped with air conditioning, TV with cable channels, and mini-bar. Facilities include business centre, restaurant, and bar.


  • 18 Furama Resort, Truong Sa St (15 min from Da Nang International Airport), 84 5 1138 47333. One of the first resorts built in Da Nang, and probably still the only one with a five-star rating. 198 rooms and suites. The resort has its own dive centre, spa, and health centre. Club Tourane opens daily from 20:00-02:00 with a Filipino Band. Hai Van Lounge serves cocktails and light snacks. Many restaurants. From USD175.
  • 19 One Opera Da Nang, 01 Nguyen Van Linh St (corner of Nguyen Van Linh & Hoang Dieu), 84 5 1122 23344. 206 air conditioned rooms, all of which have cable TV, Internet, minibar, and shower with bathtub. Has spa and swimming pool, fitness room/gym, and restaurant, bar and café. From USD96.
  • 20 Hyatt Regency Da Nang, Truong Sa St, Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, toll-free: 1 800 233-1234. 200 comfortable rooms and 27 ocean-view villas. From USD200.
  • 21 Pullman Danang Beach Resort (formerly Lifestyle Resort), Truong Sa St, Ngu Hanh Son District (Bac My An Beach), 84 5 1139 58888. From USD400.
  • 22 Grand Tourane Hotel, 252 Vo Nguyen Giap, Son Tra District (My Khe Beach). The hotel includes 189 rooms with 22 floors. It offers 2 conference rooms, restaurant with Asia and Western food. Its facilities include spa and swimming pool, fitness room/gym, bar, and café From USD100.
  • 23 Pulchra, Lo 22, Duong Trung Sa, Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District (Marble Mountain), 84 511 392 0823, . The resort is an all-villa with 31 villas only in a 10-ha beach front property. The first resort in Danang to offer a "Cham" experience in terms of architecture and cuisine. From USD500.
  • 24 InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort, Thọ Quang, Sơn Trà (Take Phạm Văn Đồng east until the end, turn left onto Võ Nguyên Giáp which turns into Hoàng Sa. Follow Hoàng Sa up the mountain. Look for the large sign on the left.), 84 236 3938 888. This might be the finest hotel in the city. It's where US President Trump, Russian President Putin and other world officials stayed during the 2017 APEC conference. Located in a very secluded area and has a private beach. From USD500.



There are plenty of Internet shops scattered around Da Nang that will charge a small fee for an hour's use of web, e-mail, or whatever you like. You'll be able to spot them by their walls lined with computers. Online gaming is huge (and controversial) in Vietnam, and you'll often see these shops packed with teenagers playing online games together, especially after school and into the evening. Some shops will have printers, some not; if you have a thumb drive, you can always load it up with what you need to print, and walk over to a print shop.

If what you want is a quiet place to relax and check your email, you may be better off stopping into a nearby coffee shop; most of these have free Wi-Fi, and outside of peak hours (early mornings and lunch time) they're fairly quiet.


There's a convenient post office branch right on Bach Dang Road, right next to the Han River Bridge. There are also major branches in each of Da Nang's districts, so you can drop off a letter or postcard wherever you might be.


In general, you'll find that Da Nang is a safer and far more laid back city compared to hectic Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. As the number of tourists rises, of course, things begin to change. That doesn't mean you'll have to walk down the street clutching your bag like you would in bigger cities. Still, it pays to observe some rules of thumb to avoid unnecessary hassles:

  • Avoid wearing ostentatious jewellery or clothing that flaunts your (comparatively) rich lifestyle.
  • Carry cash and copies of important papers in a thin wallet rather than in a large purse.
  • It's safe to leave a rented motorbike outside during the day, but be sure to bring it inside during the night.
  • While cannabis is fairly common and sold at some bars it's still illegal and possession carries a stiff penalty.

Taxi scams

One thing to beware of is the standard taxi scam: When going on a long trip to Ba Na Hills, Hue, or elsewhere, an unscrupulous taxi driver may stop and agree to a very low price for a return journey. Once you reach your destination, he triples or quadruples the price, knowing you have no other options. When you do return to your hotel—parking the car slightly away or out of sight of the main entrance—he locks the doors and demands the price first before letting you go. To avoid getting caught in this kind of situation, stick with taxis from reputable companies such as Mai Linh or Vinasun, and agree a price with them. To play it even safer, take your driver to the hotel reception to confirm the price again and leave the taxi details, including the licence plate number, with hotel reception.

Another scam that appears to be reported for transport from Da Nang airport to Hoi An at night, is that even when the driver confirms that he knows where the hostel is located, at some point he says he needs help from a passerby to locate it and, just by chance, this person will speak English fluently. This person then boards the taxi saying he will help the driver giving directions and eventually will start promoting his business to the passenger. To avoid this scenario it is suggested that for late arrivals a private transfer be arranged with a travel agency or with the hostel in advance. The extra cost may well be worth the peace of mind.


Da Nang is less Westernised than Hanoi or HCMC, so it can be more difficult to feel settled here. All the same, the locals are friendly/curious enough to always be willing to help you, even when there is no common language.


  • 1 Da Nang Women's Hospital, 26C Chu Văn An, 84 511 2222 055, ファックス: 84 511 2222 056. The Women's Hospital has a very good reputation in Da Nang for its quality of service, especially for prenatal care.
  • 2 Family Medical Practice, 50-52 Nguyen Van Linh Street, 84 511 3582 699, ファックス: 84 511 3583 049, . Family Medical Practice is a national group with clinics in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. Costs are higher than at regular Vietnamese hospitals, but the care is good, and trusted by expats; the resident doctors are expats themselves. Check up from USD70.
  • 3 Hoan My Hospital, 161 Nguyen Van Linh (corner of Nguyen Van Linh and Phan Thanh), 84 511 3650 676, ファックス: 84 511 3650 272. Mon-Sat. Established around ten years ago, many expats in Da Nang find Hoan My to be a good approximation of a Western hospital, with many doctors and nursing staff having been trained in America, Europe, Australia, and elsewhere. The downside is that costs of care approach those of Western hospitals but much lower than Family Medical. Checkup 300,000-400,000 dong.

Immigration office

  • Immigration department, 7 Tran Quy Cap. For visa extensions.

Legal assistance


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